It was really weird.

The moment he started touching me in the darkness of my room, I was confused as hell and scared my heart would jump out of its place in my body.

Was it possible that Ikenna was touching me? Was he high? Oh my God! I couldn’t believe it!


Ikenna was the ‘straightest’ guy I could think of. Rumor had it that anytime the catholic prayers were to be held in the quadrangle of the girls’ hostel, girls spent endless hour trying to look good to get his attention. He didn’t try too hard at all; the girls just fell like leaves in winter. He could literally fuck any girl in the hostel by simply telling her “I want to fuck you”, and she wouldn’t find it any bit offensive. He was that hot.

I remember  how he loved to wear briefs at night with nothing else, sitting by the balcony of the hostel and rubbing himself subconsciously as he did his late night reading. Those nights I looked forward to, wishing I could see beyond the briefs that hugged his fair skin and huge thighs. I would look at him, taking in every part of his body.

But I knew he would never be mine. Or so I thought.

I ruled him out as a possibility. I told myself it would never happen between us, not even after all the girls in the world were dead. Not only was I not his type, seeing as he is straight; I was also not exactly the poster boy for male sex appeal. So with time, I killed or rather suppressed every ounce of emotion and attraction I had for him.

And then, I met and got acquainted with Dubem in the hostel. He was the flamboyant type of guy – hip-swinging, hand-clapping, cat-walking and female-voiced guy. He told me how he was dying for Ikenna.

“The guy is HOOOOTTTT!!!” he would squeal, waving his hands with legs raised on his seat, to embellish how attractive he believed Ikenna to be.

I would laugh, and one time, admitted I’d had a crush on him, but had grown past it with time.

“That one na your own o,” Dubem said then. “I must fuck with that guy before we graduate.”

And true to his words, he tried everything to get Ikenna’s attention. He cooked for him, knowing full well that Ikenna fed mostly on noodles. He prepared mouth-watering meals and made sure Ikenna had the first bite. He engaged Ikenna in conversations, wore tight clothes whenever he went to Ikenna’s room, and went through all the routines a thirsty guy would get on with to get the guy of his dreams.

And more.

He took the thirst trip a step further by waiting to see when Ikenna had his bath, and followed after him so he could catch a sneak peek of Ikenna’s ‘glorious’ body.

“Chai oooo, that boy’s dick is the life!” he told me once after one of his sneak previews. “So big and suckable,” he said lustfully.

I laughed and told him to take his thirst easy. At this time, I was in a budding relationship, and Ikenna was out of the picture.

Then the day came.

It was one of those after-exam nights. I was done with my exams and decided to do justice to the movies on my roommate’s hard disk before he went home. The guy seemed to have all the movies in the world and I was hoping to see at least a good number, and copy the ones of interest for my stay home. The hostel was virtually empty, almost everyone had gone home, save for the late ones as myself who are in no rush to go home, considering that I would return to school a week or two after resumption.

He came into my room. I was shocked to see him as he entered, and it must have shown on my face, because he said with a smile, “Guy you dey fear?”

I laughed and said, “Which kain fear?”

He came to sit beside me on my bed as I returned to my movie. A scene from the movie got violent and he asked, “Omo, which kain bloody film be this?”

“Django,” I said.

To which he enthused, “Confam!”

Seeing that he was interested in seeing the film as well, I pulled out the earphone from the laptop, letting the sound fill the room from the speakers, so he join in. His body brushed gently against mine as he got comfortable beside me, and I could tell he had just finished having his bath. He was wearing his briefs as usual, and I was holding back an erection which sprung up from nowhere.

I thought I was over this guy, I said in my head. He seemed to be loving the movie as he watched, so focused, with furrowed lines on his forehead. I imagined that was the same level of concentration he put in his studies, because it was a known fact that he was a killer in academics.

Now tell me who wouldn’t want to fuck with this guy? His hotness flowed both ways.

I got up to open my wardrobe to prepare myself a plate of cereal and asked if he was interested.

“Eh! Bring am, bring am,” he said, hitting his palm expectantly on the bed to show how excited he was at the offer.

I obliged and brought out every provision I had on the table beside him. His eyes widened and he chortled, “See enjoyment o! Jesus, thank you for bringing me to this room!”

I laughed at that. He started helping himself with the cornflakes, and was being modest while serving himself. I told him to take freely as I would be leaving school soon and my roommates were gone for the holidays, save for the one whose hard disk I was with and who was currently at his girlfriend’s place to return in two days. He didn’t hesitate after this new offer, and proceeded to heap his plate with the milk and milo, spreading it abundantly in his plate of cereal. We continued with the movie, eating and laughing and analyzing scenes of interest.

Then, the power went off. We continued to watch till my laptop displayed the low battery warning. We both cursed and feigned suicide because the movie had been getting intense. He lay down on my bed and pulled out his phone while we talked about random things, waiting for the power to come back on. I lay beside him, pulling out my phone too and doing nothing in particular as we talked. I noticed his display light fade and the room became silent. I continued on my phone still.

Then, I felt something hit gently against my behind. I let my phone light die off too, and lay still, my heart suddenly thumping fast. Ikenna continued pushing his crotch against my behind, and that was when I died.

He put his legs across my body, kissing the back of my neck and pressing me back against his body. Then, he whispered, “Check your door.”

Still dazed, I stood up, feeling like I was dreaming and went to bolt to door. Could this really be happening? I asked myself. I went back to the bed in total disbelief.

He went full force, kissing me and pulling me close to him while squeezing my ass and wrapping his legs around me. I imagined he had had this thought in mind for a while, because the way he touched me was like he knew me. He took off his briefs, and I felt an emotional high when his erection jabbed against my body. His dick was everything I’d imagined. Big and suckable, Dubem had said. Yes indeed, his dick was the life. His skin was soft and warm, and his kisses were passionate and deep as ever. He pulled my hand to his dick and when I stroked it, he groaned and kissed me deeper.

He mumbled, “Keep stroking it like that.”

And when I did, he would let out a swearword and pull me closer. I could feel his heartbeat. The room became hot and the bed seemed to be spinning. I couldn’t still believe it. I thought it was part of those my dreams that felt so real. I pulled away from his lips and sucked on his nipples. He went hysterical at that.

“Yeeessss!” he groaned. “Yeeeesss – just like that. Fuck!”

The way he reacted to my touch turned me on more. I couldn’t believe I was pleasing the hottest guy in school. I moved to his dick and gave him a deep throat. If this was going to be my one and only chance with him, it had better be very good. I sucked him harder than I ever imagined I could, and he showed he was loving it by the way he held my head and ground against my face, while muttering, “Fuck! Oh yes, Fuck!” We were drenched in sweat and our bodies began to stick and make slap-slap noises as we played. He finally filled my mouth with the creamiest cum I’d ever had. Maybe it wasn’t that creamy, but since I was still enraptured by all that had just happened, it might as well have been ice cream that he ejaculated in my mouth.

We let out our sighs of satiation, with mine mostly that of disbelief, and lay there on the bed, still, until the power came back on. We awkwardly returned to watching the movie with the subconscious knowledge that this was meant to be a secret. While his crush – my friend – was still trying to find ways to get him, I knew I’d always say this in my mind: “I hit it first.”

Written by Ace

Previous TV Preacher Pat Robertson Is At It Again
Next Photo: My Valentine Man

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  1. kendigin
    February 13, 05:08 Reply

    Hot! #fans self#

    i had similar experience in secondary school. Fooled around with the hotest straightest guy for months till we graduated. we are still friends on fb till today, tho we rarely chat

  2. Max
    February 13, 05:48 Reply

    Omg.. Just got a hard on @work reading this. Thank God no one is here yet. This has happened to me before. That’s why I can totally relate. Skl days too. Pinky, expect a piece on it soon.
    Oh and btw, Milo with corn flakes??,**pukes

    • chestnut
      February 13, 06:56 Reply

      Lol. Milo with cornflakes aint so bad nah(not my preference though). Nestle actually has “milo cornflakes” now; the flakes are already milo-coated,no need to add more milo…my lil nephews can’t get enuff of that shit!

  3. Alex
    February 13, 05:49 Reply

    His dick was life? #hoesinecstasy

    • Mercury
      February 13, 08:42 Reply

      My dear, na so I see am oooo…..hian!!

  4. R.A
    February 13, 06:07 Reply

    Extra cream for my coffee pls!

  5. Tony Odekunle-Brown
    February 13, 06:37 Reply


    This post got me feeling a certain kinda way.

    I love it!

    And yes dear, you hit it first.

  6. Handsomely Inclined
    February 13, 07:12 Reply

    Hahaha hahaha hahaha,I didn’t have to read this for more than a paragraph before knowing its you,@ace,and I don’t know why its always like that….maybe because I am in the know of your everyday affairs in the hostel before I graduated and left you or because we are very good friends that I helped you see the light of being *queer* in the hostel and the university as a whole or because I know the two parties in the story!

    I never knew your room mate went as far as cooking for Mr tummy tummy.
    There are things you didn’t tell me that I am seeing here oooo

    So your roommate had to go this far because of prick,yet he keeps saying he is born again but not born again to *snatch* my friend back then!

    Well,like I have always told you about that Mr handsome in the hostel back then,he didn’t just clicked for me with him,I have always known he is like that,despite the girls flocking around him ,like he said,he knew I knew about him but felt I wasn’t given him because of my obim then.

    He also pretends,do you know after sending me his nude picture,he was asking that we should see in Ibadan because e don dey hungry am!

    I was in school some time ago,he saw me,was very happy,said we should split hotel bills into two so that we can dig it…..

    Na so I laugh,tell am say I go think about it….

    He is extremely handsome but I am scared,just like you,when giving him blow job,that his generation madness go come start as he always behaves……..
    Its good sha,good one,my very good friend,Ace!

    Maybe I will write my own story with Brian,you know as e dey be na,lol

    • Ace
      February 13, 07:47 Reply

      Ehen! Abeg Handsome Inclined! This information you are sharing! Please you are on your own oh! This one nah your own interpretation oh. This is my disclaimer, I have no idea what Handsome inclined is talking about o. Na only me my mama born, I don’t want enemies for myself.

    • chestnut
      February 13, 09:23 Reply

      I understand famzing, but Handsomely,this is TMI nah! U could kobalise some ppl like this. Anonymity is precious.

    • iamcoy
      February 13, 19:50 Reply

      U couldnt ping ace all this info?

  7. Blaq
    February 13, 07:21 Reply

    *sigh* some of you had the best times in Secondary School and University, some of us na express we go look for school!

  8. Ace
    February 13, 07:22 Reply

    I come to KD to tell Deola that I have just started seeing that Empire episode that is currently killing me and I see this? Hahahahahahaha. I can’t even start reading Handsomely Inclined comment now, it is so long. Lemme me finish watching Empire. ” Anika this is what an ass looks like”. I died!

    • Mercury
      February 13, 08:46 Reply

      Ohh Cookie Lyon,*sigh* gotta love her. And wassup with that ending almost choked on my carrot.

      • Max
        February 13, 09:19 Reply

        Me too.. The thrill.

      • Deola
        February 13, 09:25 Reply

        Dude i almost fell off my couch with that ending…like wtf did that come from.
        Cookie was giving me LIFE yesterday! Boo boo kitty will always be 2nd choice…she should get used to that position and stop trying to stir up trouble with Porsha.

        • pinkpanthertb
          February 13, 09:53 Reply

          Can you Empire State builders shut it already!!! *fuming*

    • chestnut
      February 13, 09:44 Reply

      Deola,here’s a list:

      Hunger Games (Any installement)
      Fast and Furious (any installement)
      Transformers(Any installement)

      I haven’t seen any of these shows/movies. What is wrong with me?

      • pinkpanthertb
        February 13, 09:55 Reply

        The Lastma syndrome. You apparently weren’t immunized against it as a kid.

      • Absalom
        February 13, 10:39 Reply

        Chestnut, I’ll say it again: I’m better than you (lmao). I have 3 episodes of Empire on my PC but can’t press Play yet because none of them is the pilot episode. #EmpireHunt. 😛

      • Colossus
        February 13, 11:18 Reply

        Oh Absalom, you don’t want to share?

      • chestnut
        February 13, 12:21 Reply

        @Absalom: what shall it profit a man if he has 3 episodes of “Empire”, but none of them is d pilot? Nna leave that tin; u’re not better tha me…and I know what happened in d last episode of “empire”,even though I didn’t watch it! *tongue out*

      • Ace
        February 13, 12:26 Reply

        Deola wait for it… Wait for it…. I HAVE NEVER SEEN GAME OF THRONES. NOT EVEN A SINGLE EPISODE! Now pass me my Lastma Jacket.

      • DeadlyDarius
        February 13, 14:41 Reply

        Haven’t watched Breaking Bad or Suits. Not a fan of the Transformers or Fast and Furious franchises. I’ve seen all the other apart from Empire which I just downloaded today… it better be as good as HTGAWM or else!

      • Max
        February 13, 21:06 Reply

        Breaking bad is the best…
        Game of Thrones, oh my GOT.. The show is so good they have to make us wait a year to see a new season.
        As suits, I had ecstasy while watching the latest episode yesterday. That sh*t is just brilliant.

  9. Handsomely Inclined
    February 13, 07:58 Reply

    @Ace,you know well oooo,lol…,I write person name?

    So I should not comment again?

  10. Jaja
    February 13, 08:38 Reply

    Hehehehehehe. Funny. Good one, Ace.

  11. Gad
    February 13, 08:44 Reply

    Ace,if this is an attempt at proving bisexuality you did a good job at it no doubt.congrats

    • chestnut
      February 13, 09:30 Reply

      How? How is dis an attempt to “prove bisexuality”? Unless I read wrong, I don’t remember any part of the story that says Ikenna fucked girls,or was even attracted to girls. The story says girls were attracted to HIM.

    • Ace
      February 13, 12:30 Reply

      Errm sorry Gad , this your comment had me re-reading this article. “An attempt at proving my bisexuality”? Are we reading the same article? Or do you just comment out of context to make go mad?

    • Gad
      February 13, 13:01 Reply

      Ace ,read my comments and re-visit the second paragraph of your article. Note that I never used the word “your bisexuality” in my comment. What I said inter alia was” if this is an attempt at proving bisexuality…”. Rather than try to ridicule me you would have checked the “nonsense” I wrote properly so you don’t ridicule yourself in the process.

      • Ace
        February 13, 13:11 Reply

        Oh… Your comment was so ambiguous. I understand now. I am sorry. I really don’t know if this proves bisexuality. Nice take by the way.

        • Gad
          February 13, 14:04 Reply

          It’s ok. Now to the issue.Maybe, I over-assumed but the picture I had of Ikenna from what you put down on the second paragraph was that of a guy that lays girls at will. His encounter with you was unambiguous. A school of thought here holds that bisexuality is a farce. Its on this premise that I made my earlier submission. I hope we are clear now?

  12. Handsomely Inclined
    February 13, 08:52 Reply

    But @ace,what are going to do with that your weapon of mass destruction called ass?

    That behind,really made alot of guys unease each time you pass my room to yours after taking your bath…

    You sure knew what you were doing making me have the consolation that you won’t make heaven!lol

  13. chestnut
    February 13, 09:35 Reply

    But Ace, did u swallow? Or did u pull a “MikeTyson” and spit it out?

    • Ace
      February 13, 12:36 Reply

      Oh… You have to be more than a shag to get the luxury of swallowing.

  14. chudiebere
    February 13, 10:00 Reply

    And this quadrangle, am I guessing its in same Unizik my almamater? U really did hit it first Ace, Congratulobia…

    • Ace
      February 13, 12:34 Reply

      Handsome Inclined… The devil is using you.

  15. Chizzie
    February 13, 10:03 Reply

    this had me all flustered and erect and wishing I had a dildo near by.

    I feel bad for the Dubem’s of society tho.

    • chudiebere
      February 13, 12:24 Reply

      @ Handsomely Inclined, I meant Unizik in d ugwu Hausa in that same Yobe state University, Damaturu.

  16. Handsomely Inclined
    February 13, 10:25 Reply

    @chiduebere,please I insist,its not Unizik ooo…maka ndi asili……

    Its one university in ugwu Hausa…..Yobe state University…..Damaturu

  17. jesuisnigeria
    February 13, 16:15 Reply

    So I’m the new kid on the block. New guy here. Discovered this blog yesterday and haven’t stopped reading. I got the link through Bisi Alimi’s story posted on Facebook through Washington post. So please welcome me everyone and make me feel at home. I feel so at home here. I never knew this kind of blog existed. Well done to whoever is behind this blog. So pinkpanthertb…Max…Love your comments!!! This is the first time I ever comment on a blog and I couldn’t wait to get home to do this and go through the blog properly. Couldn’t really do that t the office as you know…people like to look…lol

    • pinkpanthertb
      February 13, 16:19 Reply

      Welcome jesuis
      Quite the scary avatar you got there.
      Make yourself right at home and comment as often as your data and network can let you. 🙂
      Bewarned though, we’re not a merry little family here o. But the fun and laughs by far surpasses the ugly 🙂

      • jesuisnigeria
        February 13, 16:30 Reply

        Thank you very much for welcoming me in here…Having gone through the comments, I understand what you mean. But for those ugly ducklings…lol, I say, bring it on!!!! Ah ah. On a more serious note, I’m just happy to have stumbled on this. 🙂

    • Gad
      February 13, 17:57 Reply

      We welcome you. We welcome you

    • Lord II
      February 13, 19:42 Reply

      Sorry Jesuis you said you got the link thru Bisi Alimi’s post???? Wait was it only me that saw that?

      And we were hifiving ourselves for anonymity and in he comes thru THAT DOOR! Hmmm so who r we kidding..ha!

      Er..welcome boo before I forget the good manners me mama taught me!

      • jesuisnigeria
        February 14, 12:00 Reply

        Ah ah…thanks o. Well at the end of the day, you can close this community to family members like us… 🙂

    • Chizzie
      February 13, 20:30 Reply

      Got the link through Bisi’s post…hang on. isn’t that cause for alarm?

      • Lord II
        February 13, 20:45 Reply

        Like I said who r we kidding….er hi guys…welcome all of UNA for the WHOLE WIDE WEB!! Yeah we are here and queer….hehehehhehehehehhhhehehehe!

    • Max
      February 13, 21:10 Reply

      Welcome Jesuis..

      • jesuisnigeria
        February 14, 12:01 Reply

        Thanks Max, why do I have the impression that you’re a cute guy…runs away…not flirting o…:)

    • Brian Collins
      February 13, 22:27 Reply

      So he had to ask to be welcomed and made to feel at home? Where is Chizzie when u need him?

  18. chudiebere
    February 13, 17:10 Reply

    And there the she goes, snapping her fingers in her pink painted colours…

  19. Verified
    February 13, 17:28 Reply

    Welcome Jesuis. Come have ur welcome kiss…

      • Verified
        February 14, 06:38 Reply

        C’mon Brian, I have been welcomed before now with display name chudiebere. Jst felt I needed to change that. Verified is the new me. Thank u very much…

  20. Lord II
    February 13, 19:29 Reply

    Wow Ace this was a blockbuster…thanx for springing up sweet memories of past exploits…wow!!

  21. michael
    February 13, 21:44 Reply

    You might want to charge your phone first before you start reading and try not to touch your dick while you read some of the post cos you will just cum right away…. @Jesuits. welcome shaa

    • jesuisnigeria
      February 14, 12:03 Reply

      Ah well too late o. I had to touch my dick while reading o…too sweet. 🙂

    • Verified
      February 14, 11:54 Reply

      Cure like its an ailment or something self. I don tire for this kin people.

  22. Dashawn
    February 14, 10:58 Reply

    I know I’m going to hell for this but, HALLELUJAH!!!!!! YES!!!!! OH GRACIOUS! I love stories like this! *claps like a black sister in church* ride on bruh!

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