Wife Discovers Husband’s Bisexuality And Reacts In Way That May Surprise You

Wife Discovers Husband’s Bisexuality And Reacts In Way That May Surprise You

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And that couldn’t be truer for Lianna Walden, a mother of two who has been married to her husband, Mark, for over 20 years.

Eight years ago, Marked dropped a truth bomb on Lianna that rocked her to her very core.

“We were on holiday hiking on a mountain when Mark said were needed to talk,” she recalls. “Mark told me he had been sleeping with other blokes and was bisexual.”

Despite being a professional sex and relationship coach, Lianna says she was absolutely “devastated” by the news, unsure what to make of it or what it meant for the future of her marriage.

“I did go into shock,” she says. “It was devastating at first. I wasn’t as upset about him fooling around as I was about him lying to me. … I kicked myself for not realizing he’d been seeing men for two years.”

But after the shock wore off, a new feeling crept in.

“I was feeling jealous that he had started experimenting,” Lianna says.

To be clear: She wasn’t jealous of the other people Mark had been banging. She was jealous of Mark banging other people while she was confined to the tedium of monogamy.

“I didn’t want to be like my sister or friends and get a divorce,” she explains, but “I didn’t want the same relationship any more. I said, if you’re going to do that then I would like to experiment, too. … I wasn’t prepared to give up and destroy a marriage, our lives and everything. So I thought outside the box.”

Her solution? Open their marriage.

“I decided we’d try and make an open or non-monogamous marriage work,” she explains. “Mark could see his male friends and I could have flings with other people as well. We’d also indulge in threesomes as part of a shared experience. … The first time it was me, Mark, and another guy. It was terrifying. We went through it and I was like, ‘Oh my god, why didn’t we do this before?’”

Lianna and Mark quickly saw their relationship improve after the new arrangement.

“It was like we wanted each other more than ever because we’d reached an open and honest agreement,” she says.

Of course, there are still challenges from time to time.

“I have a lot of jealousy but I’ve been working on letting it go,” she says. “Mark has sex with other men and has chased other women although he never ended up sleeping with them. I think I would be jealous of another woman while men I can accept more easily.

As for the future of their marriage, things are looking good.

“I want to keep moving forward,” Lianna says, “and I’m enjoying this kind of experimentation. People have said I have been too permissive with Mark just to stay married. That’s rubbish. His actions brought both of us to a place where we acknowledged that the relationship was not working. So we made changes.”

She continues, “People need to understand that sexuality is fluid and there is no right or wrong. Our relationship is always changing and [will] never stop changing. Remember what you consider normal today may change tomorrow and Mark and I have learnt that and always will respect each other’s needs.”

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  1. pete
    October 12, 07:10 Reply

    I’ve always opined that there are no formulae for a happy relationship. Communication is key and the world becomes your oyster.

    October 12, 07:19 Reply

    Keyword from this

    ‘People need to understand that sexuality is fluid’

    And people still think it’s impossible to convert. I think every guy/man has the potential to be bisexual. Every one has a price, be it monetary or some other stuffs.

    That said
    I pray my Bae is this understanding, women like this make the world a better place.

    • Pink Panther
      October 12, 07:21 Reply

      But how come this argument of the fluidity of sexuality is only valid when we are talking about straight men going gay, and yet we believe once you’re gay, you can’t go back?

      • YOU-KNOW-WHO
        October 12, 11:17 Reply

        But yet we have seen several gay people go str8 and we say it’s false or they are faking

          • Drone
            October 12, 19:27 Reply

            There’s a number of them. Even you can’t deny it.

      • Delle
        October 12, 12:53 Reply

        What’s Tef saying? What several gay guys? My friend talk with facts biko

        • ambivalentone
          October 12, 13:16 Reply

          Apparently he means the “I ain’t gay no more” dude

          • Pink Panther
            October 12, 15:52 Reply

            Uh, I believe he has returned to admit that he’s still attracted to men.

    • Mandy
      October 12, 07:30 Reply

      I’m sorry but how is ‘sexuality is fluid’ the keyword to understand from this post? This is about bisexuality and cheating and open relationships. I’m struggling to get how this post is about how you can be straight and then be gay or be gay and then be straight?
      Or were you so focused on justifying conversion, you’ll snatch at anything to prove a point?

  3. Kennedy
    October 12, 08:28 Reply

    …. Sexuality is fluid…. Period!!
    I dont see any argument there…

    • bruno
      October 12, 10:30 Reply

      sexuality isn’t fluid… self awareness is… and i don’t think that is the point of the article anyway

  4. Delle
    October 12, 09:13 Reply

    This guy is lucky. A broken scalp, dented teeth and lesions on his white skin is more like it. Waiting for 12 years? Sigh.
    That this woman handled the revelation of his deceit beautifully is baffling.

      • Delle
        October 12, 12:54 Reply

        The ratio of women that would react this way is 1:20. She’s a gem.

        • Keredim
          October 12, 14:10 Reply

          Chi-chi delle-cious, based on which studies, biko??

          • Delle
            October 12, 15:06 Reply

            Delle’s Research Institute of Formidable Studies.

            • Keredim
              October 12, 15:15 Reply

              Ah yes. DRIFS I know it.
              World renowned!

              Accreditations from Harvard and Oxford.


  5. Whitney
    October 14, 22:22 Reply

    Fluid or no fluid, the crux of the matter is that the man did a great thing to open up to his wise and the woman accepted him. She profered solution to keep the wobbling marriage going. That is just remarkable and uncommon.

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