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Editor's Desk 39 Comments

Random Questions III

Hehee. Do you have exes who’d wish they can get back together with you? Or those who’d agree that they dodged a bullet? šŸ˜€

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Lessons Learned From ā€˜She Called Me Womanā€™ (Entry 13)

LESSON 13 From the chapter, ā€˜When I Die, I Just Want To Be Rememberedā€™, PD has this to say: ā€œI want to tell other queer people to be open to

Editor's Desk 53 Comments

Underrated Cuties: Famous Fine Men You May Not Have Noticed

Many of us have had our long-term crushes for ages such as Denzel Washington and Blair Underwood, but we are here to tell you that there are plenty of good


  1. Tony Odekunle-Brown
    March 02, 07:02 Reply

    Good advice. Don’t think I will ever come out though. I am gonna die in this closet

  2. Gad
    March 02, 08:48 Reply

    This is the balance we ought to strike whenever we eulogise “coming out” .People should be sensitised to know that attainment of voting age is never a criteria for coming out.The anticipated objectives,its worthiness,the prize to be paid etc has to be considered objectively.Bisi,by these wise and responsible words,you have earned a lot of respect from me

    • trystham
      March 02, 10:32 Reply

      This ‘people should be sensitised to know that attainment of voting age is never a criteria for coming out’ part makes LOTTA sense. I should add independence to it too…it speeds things up when u have both tho

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