Hollywood actor Neil Patrick Harris weds his boyfriend

Hollywood actor Neil Patrick Harris weds his boyfriend

Hollywood actor, Neil Patrick Harris and his longtime partner David Burtka got married on Saturday September 6th at a very private wedding in Italy (Pic from their wedding left). The ‘How I Met Your Mother’ star took to twitter to make the announcement.tweeThe couple have been together for ten years and have a set of fraternal twins together.

Boy! Ten years! That sure defies the Hollywood norm of hooking up and breaking up in the blink of an eye. Congrats to them.

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  1. Ace
    September 09, 04:34 Reply

    Nice. Good for them.

  2. Dennis Macauley
    September 09, 05:52 Reply

    David Burka is devilishly cute! I watch “A List listings” just to look at him more than the homes themselves.

    A lot of these celebrity gay couples have long standing relationships because they are trying to challenge the stereotype that “Gays are all about f**king”. So from Elton and David, Ellen and portia, Jesse Tyler ferguson etc most of them have been together for years and it’s a good sign.

  3. Obatala
    September 09, 06:09 Reply

    Reminds me of an episode on Noah’s arc

  4. Remy Dubois
    September 09, 07:13 Reply

    This would be me …someday!..somewhere not in Nigeria.

    • pinkpanthertb
      September 09, 07:15 Reply

      Somewhere not in Nigeria. Lmao. You just had to clarify

  5. king
    September 09, 07:15 Reply

    Nice and good for them but….eh..i say no more!

  6. Remy Dubois
    September 09, 07:24 Reply

    @pinky…I had to o, ..so I don’t scare suitors away. **yawns**

  7. kendigin
    September 09, 07:25 Reply

    Thats me in a few years……..oh wait…am dreaming again! #sigh#

  8. Fabb
    September 09, 07:36 Reply

    Yeah, it’s H o l l y w o o d . *exhales* I’m in Nigeria.

  9. Mr Bassey
    September 09, 07:38 Reply

    I’m so routing for these couple, I soooo love love love both men and don’t get me started on those gorgeous twins…..they make me wanna increase my efforts at staying in love……at the moment, I’m on some self imposed bachelorhood, which I pretend to like and uphold….but honestly it gets very lonely almost all the time. And (I can’t believe I’m saying this, and my friends would scoff in disbelief) sex doesn’t trip me anymore, but what d heck I’ll wait for the heart palpitations, stomach butterflies, subtle dizziness, fireworks and the whole enchilada that accompany true love at first sight. Mbok I want d fairytale as much as anyone else, but I’d never admit it to anyone in person and I’ll deny it if y’all (my friends, who r part of this family) tell anyone.

    • pinkpanthertb
      September 09, 07:46 Reply

      James! Where you at? Mr. Bassey is another #SingleTo2015 contender. 🙂

      • Mr Bassey
        September 09, 22:37 Reply

        I hope not…..what if He comes arnd before Christmas.

  10. Mr Bassey
    September 09, 07:40 Reply

    Whoa that was a lot!!!, can’t believe I finally made a personal comment.

  11. Dennis Macauley
    September 09, 07:58 Reply

    I think most people get to that point where they do a 180 and decide to do the love, relationship and whole nine yards bit.

    Then the change starts and you begin to wonder;

    Your bathroom becomes full of every cosmetic product imaginable

    Your toilet seat now begins to wear clothes (or what are those things they put on toilte seats called)

    Your wardrobe becomes tampered with, so you look more “urbane” (le sigh)

    Before long you are eating Hors d’ouvres, croissants and other things that you can barely pronounce and not exactly sure if they taste good.

    At the end of the day it’s great to have someone to fight with, argue with and watch silly weekend movies with.


    • pinkpanthertb
      September 09, 08:23 Reply

      Mscheeewwww! Spoken like a man halfway to being married to his partner. Nonsense and spices!

    • Legalkoboko
      September 11, 05:29 Reply

      Now my curiosity is on the toilet seat. Dennis what exactly does your missus do to ya toilet seat? oh dear lord!
      Lol again.

  12. Fabb
    September 09, 08:23 Reply

    And they’re always hard to come by.

  13. Remy Dubois
    September 09, 09:01 Reply

    @Mr Bassey… I fink u read my mind…u a telepath or sumfin?

    • Mr Bassey
      September 09, 22:15 Reply

      There’s a huge possibility of my being one.

  14. Khaleesi
    September 09, 09:14 Reply

    good looking couple! dont you just marvel at a society where you can just walk into the registry and marry the man or woman you love and go home together deeply in love without fearing that a bible/quran clutching hate-filled mob might show up in the dead of the night to murder you in your beds. but I honestly dont ever think I could marry a man assuming I were free to do that. As a friend (an atheist) once put it ‘why do I feel I need a hetero-defined/heavily religious institution to define my relationahip with the person I choose to spend my life with’, I dont quite agree with him, but … it is what it is I guess …

    • Dennis Macauley
      September 09, 09:23 Reply

      Khaleesi it’s just like voting. Not everybody votes, most people stay home on election day and prolly have sex! (lol). However to be denied the right to vote is a grave injustice even to the one who doesn’t even vote.

      Even if Nigeria miraculously approves of gay marriage tomorrow, many people will not still marry, but to be denied that simple basic right that others enjoy is the injustice.

      So Khaleesi you won’t marry me? *heartbroken sobs*

      • Khaleesi
        September 09, 12:42 Reply

        ahh Dennis, ***giggles shyly looks around for Mrs Macaulay (make dem no pour me hot oil)*** hehehehe, i might make an exception for you … but we can start the looooong courtship pricess first … lol

      • Khaleesi
        September 09, 12:45 Reply

        @Dennis, i totally get your point about the right to vote compared to the right to marry, you’re right! That i dont go out to vote doesnt give you the right to take away my right to vote. Totally correct!

  15. lluvmua
    September 09, 10:22 Reply

    *cat walks past dennis and khaleesi* *gives dennis a side eye* *brings out short gun* ……………to be continued next week. #okbye

  16. maxonex
    September 09, 11:07 Reply

    I absolutely adore this couple…they inspire me just as much as Matt Bomer and Simon Halls does..

  17. Mr Reece
    September 09, 12:40 Reply

    Which of em couples Maxonex? Is it Dennis and Khaleesi? Or Neil and his David? If it were the former,Biko,I no adore o….see person don carry shot gun reach dia

    • maxonex
      September 09, 13:13 Reply

      Talking abt Neil &David…Khaleesi &Dennis are just doing some atrocious flirting which is soon gonna get them in trouble.

  18. Andrevn
    September 10, 19:11 Reply

    Adorable………….i would love to have my own man……buh i am so fed up with all the bruhaha that accompanys relationships……when i become as old as mr Dennis me will aydopt for my self a nice bundle of joy……#theideajustcamenow……n i love it… @mrs Dennis…i still have some leftover cartridges from my fight with ma ex…you ar so welcome to come borrow them anytime you run low…..

  19. Legalkoboko
    September 11, 05:38 Reply

    Mrs. Macaulay ,I’d suggest poison. Very effective. The suspicion will naturally fall on his enemies outside.

    Two little drops inside his cup of Lipton tea…… and he is on his way to the devil.

  20. Lothario
    September 12, 07:41 Reply

    I love them so much….the photoshoot for Out magazine all those years ago really got me ontheir team……Congrats to them!

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