A Moment Of Silence

A Moment Of Silence

Nigeria is failing us as a nation. There have been prayers for this nation, but that is not the answer. God is not the answer. This is on us, on us as a government, on us as a people, on us as a society.

And we have failed us.

It is high time we stand and face the truth that we have failed, and that this is on us.

May the departed souls of all the Nigerians persecuted unjustly to their deaths in this country rest in peace.

May the departed souls of the Nigerians killed in Benue State rest in peace.

May the departed souls of the Nigerians massacred in Plateau State rest in peace.

May the departed souls of the Nigerians who lost their lives in the fire outbreak in Lagos rest in peace.

And may we start becoming responsible for the quality of living in this country so we don’t have to lose any more lives.

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1 Comment

  1. Malik
    June 30, 07:44 Reply

    “God is not the answer.”

    I feel like in the wake of recent happenings, atheists and agnostics have had an upper hand of sorts in social media discourses about the issue and it is definitely good and necessary. We have a culture of never questioning cultural beliefs, traditional norms or religious biases and so we need tragedies like this to trigger the logical parts of our brains.

    We have to stop all these #prayfor hashtags and start asking questions. Haven’t we #prayedfor Jos before? Did the prayer cover period elapse? Or was it because we prayed for only Jos and not the entire Plateau? What are God’s parameters for answering prayers? Should we dedicate some much energy to such unpredictability?

    I know we don’t know what works yet and social media/online banters like this can’t change much; but we know some things that don’t work, and so by elimination method, we can chart a progressive course towards the change we want.

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