Kelly Rowland Joins Season 2 of ‘Empire’

Kelly Rowland Joins Season 2 of ‘Empire’

The break-out show, Empire, has expanded its roster to include former Destiny’s Child star, Kelly Rowland. The singer will appear in the forthcoming season of the Fox show, Entertainment Weekly has confirmed.

In the series, Rowland will be Lucious Lyons’s mother, a role which will be played in a flashback.

Rowland, however, won’t be the only big name gracing the series’ highly-anticipated return. According to E!Online, Rowland will be joining Marisa Tomei, Alicia Keys, and Chris Rock for the second season, which is set to premiere September 23.

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  1. trystham
    July 09, 06:03 Reply

    Chai!!! Beyonce just do these her girls strong thing sha

      • trystham
        July 09, 06:49 Reply

        The girl took the stardom for 3. Took all 3 and releases tantalizing bits of the third for Michelle and Kelly to share in unequal proportions

  2. Khaleesi
    July 09, 06:09 Reply

    Kai, in my typical LASTMA ways, I won’t go and watch empire, its when everyone else has finished with it and moved on that I’ll suddenly decide frantically that I have to watch it ….

      • Ace
        July 09, 11:08 Reply

        Game of thrones for me. I haven’t seen a single episode even with all the hyoe on American media. God help me

  3. Masked Man
    July 09, 06:30 Reply

    PP, I just can’t stand the whole media buzz.

  4. Sinnex
    July 09, 06:32 Reply

    Na wa ooo….when I never even see Season One…

    • pinkpanthertb
      July 09, 06:33 Reply

      LOL. Sinnex dear, what do you watch on TV biko? And NTA and AIT don’t count. 🙂

      • Sinnex
        July 09, 07:19 Reply


        Does BBC and Aljazeera count?

        Anyway, I actually have it but it is not complete. I watched a scene and it looked like a typical black American movie, I just could not continue. Besides, I prefer to watch a complete season at once and not follow it on TV.

      • posh6666
        July 09, 08:45 Reply

        Lmaooo aswer how boring sinnex must be.Abeg am no longer interested jare.

      • Sinnex
        July 09, 09:57 Reply

        @Posh666 are you sure you are not mistaking me for someone else


  5. kacee
    July 09, 07:12 Reply

    Emmanuel tv, Lmao u guys are so funny. Back to ma EMPIRE, Jamal /Hakeem Lyon two guys who have my little heart, i can’t wait to see chicken(
    AzMarie Livingston) damn she’s cute

  6. Deola
    July 09, 07:27 Reply

    ***Sigh*** Na so glee start oh, casting big name celebrities in guest starring and reccuring roles when it does nothing to move the story forward.
    Adding Alicia Keys and Kelly Rowland when the mess that was Jennifer Hudson’s character is still traumatizing me…dem say she was a musical therapist. Warrisdat biko?
    As if that one never do, we are hearing about Brandy joining too. The whole thing will just become bloated and take away from the main characters.

    Let me just siddon here and be watching. I hope i am wrong.

    • Peak
      July 09, 08:17 Reply

      You do have a point, the music therapist thing sounds like the substitute teacher thing they did on glee. I think Brandy would be awesome for the show. Still not sure how I feel about kelly playing lucious’s mother.

      • chestnut
        July 09, 08:23 Reply

        Brandy? Awesome? In acting? But d girl can’t act to save her life nau. She always tries to be too animated…always overdoes things.

      • Deola
        July 09, 08:41 Reply

        Glee did it with Matt Bomer, Gweneth Palthrow, Ricky Martin and others.
        And then came the song choices, picking popular radio hot songs and then force building a storyline around said song choices. The whole thing just started to stink of desperation.

        At least theirs i get, ratings were plummeting, they needed to stunt cast to get more eyeballs to watch the show, with Empire it makes no sense,the show is one of the highest rated shows on tv, they should spend time developing their underdeveloped characters. Gabourey Sidibey’s character was promoted to regular status for season 2, she had all of 200 lines last season, and na Oscar nominee she be. They should give her something to do biko.

        The there is Tasha Smith who plays cookie’s sister who is a hilarious actress and yet we have here doing barely there appearances. And Malik Yoba was grossly underused last season too.

        Then Gladys Knight and Mary J Blige were all there for blink and miss it appearances.

        Next thing we wee here na is that they have cast Tyler Perry, JLo or Janet Jackson. **RME**

        It’s already getting messy. Its a hot show, so oga Danny Strong and Lee Daniels,tis not every one of ur friends that calls you up to be a part of ur show that you say yes to. Do what works best for the story, that should always be priority.


        • pinkpanthertb
          July 09, 08:43 Reply

          I don’t think Lee Daniels is seeing this. I do think he’s making his casting choices based on sentiments.

    • Diablo
      July 09, 08:35 Reply

      My thoughts exactly. I know its a hit show but Lee Daniel’s needs to chill abit before it becomes a public toilet

    • Peak
      July 09, 10:23 Reply

      @ Chestnut, Brandy has an “OK” acting chops compare to a lot of music artist who crossed over to movies/Tv. Empire and its acting can best be described as mediocre. The show is a hit cos of its amazing story line and music. Every other thing is just bleh. Cookie’s character seems to be the only character doing all they heavy lifting. Brandy’s joining the show would be awesome because of her vocal abilities. She may not be a vocal powerhouse like JHud, but her techniques and “OK” acting abilities would be a much welcome addition. Brandy had her own tv sitcom that ran 4 almost a decade, currently on broadway, had a couple of starring and feature roles on the big screen, on the Game, currently working on a tv show with BET. She might not be an oscar worthy actress, but saying she can’t act to save her life sounds like u are over exaggerating.

      I equally agree with. Deola. The show has had more guest star in one season alone than 3 seasons of glee. The one major thing that Empire has going for it, is its original catalogue of music and not covers like glee had.

      To be honest the show is just Ok and over hyped. The ratings will plummet eventually unless lee daniels has a couple of tricky hands he plans on playing in the future

    • Ace
      July 09, 11:15 Reply

      I really wish Oga Daniel could see this!!!! This has been my sentiment when I hear they are adding such and such a person to the show. Daniel no use your hand kill this your show oh! No be everybody you go give role nah.

  7. Lothario
    July 09, 10:11 Reply

    Lord have mercy! Empire needs to chill biko….. But I liked Kelly’s character in Single Ladies, she didn’t do so badly, I won’t mind seeing her offering.

    • pinkpanthertb
      July 09, 10:49 Reply

      Kelly was in Single Ladies? Ah. I haven’t even finished that series.

      • posh6666
        July 09, 10:57 Reply

        Havent seen her too.Must be the recent season i guess am still in s3.

    • Peak
      July 09, 11:47 Reply

      She was in season 2. A cameo appearance as a sassy DJ. They were trying to get her to listen and play the record of a guy that charity signed on to manage.

  8. KingBey
    July 09, 20:30 Reply

    September should do and come……… anticipation for the season 2 has gotten out of hand already.

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