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Editor's Desk 26 Comments

Random Questions XIII

Especially if your friend’s partner was your friend too…

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Lessons Learned From ‘She Called Me Woman’ (Entry 13)

LESSON 13 From the chapter, ‘When I Die, I Just Want To Be Remembered’, PD has this to say: “I want to tell other queer people to be open to

Editor's Desk 42 Comments


Let me begin by using myself as an example. As a admin new to a forum where the commenters are fierce, opinionated and unapologetic about what they have to say,


  1. Peak
    October 23, 03:19 Reply

    Not sure about fact 1, but fact 2 holds sounds more accurate to me

  2. kylie
    October 23, 04:32 Reply

    fact one is more correct #personalOpinion

  3. gad
    October 23, 04:43 Reply

    I wonder how the facts were arrived it. These are not even logical generalizations however in a world where people wakes up and say anything no matter how unfounded just to suit their purpose and fancy,the above can find a place.

    • Dennis Macauley
      October 23, 06:24 Reply

      There is such a thing as research, which involves data collection by way of questionnaires and then pattern observation and analysis!

      It’s a process carried out before it becomes a fact!

      People don’t just “wake up and promulgate unfounded generalizations”

      • gad
        October 23, 11:43 Reply

        Thanks for the lecture. U forgot to say the source of this research eg: the researcher, year, where it was carried out and the type of respondents interacted with etc. My own observation (not a result of research) is that last bornes are likely gays but I know that anybody can be gay his birth position not withstanding. I have seen a family where all the 3 boys are gay. So for me to consider this uberfact, more light need to be thrown on it

  4. shuga chocolata
    October 23, 05:32 Reply

    I disagree with both. I have been in a LDR, which lasted for about 2years not until he got married.
    How did UF concluded such survey? Did he do heads counts? Or he just assumed??? HBD jboy

    • Absalom
      October 23, 06:32 Reply

      The first study says “33%” (probabiltity) and the second says “average”. So if one’s LDR lasts 50 years or they have 10 older brothers yet they are not gay, it doesn’t negate the facts.

      • chestnut
        October 23, 06:46 Reply

        D “fact” doesn’t mean that a guys with older brothers are 33% likely to be gay; it means that for “EACH” older brother, there’s a 33% chance of being gay…that is to say that a guy with 4 older brothers has 132% chance of being gay…

        • gad
          October 23, 11:52 Reply

          I must confess that the interactions on this blog has a way of lightening my spirit. This response just kept me smilling

      • gad
        October 23, 11:48 Reply

        Thanks for this insight. In all humility, I must admit that the meaning is clearer now.tnks again

      • Absalom
        October 23, 12:03 Reply

        You’re right, Chestnut. I read that fact wrong. That’s a heavy study result if it’s true! Google is my friend.

    • chestnut
      October 23, 06:49 Reply

      Shuga, u relationship may have lasted that long depending on d agreement/arrangement/understanding u guys had. Did u ever sleep with anyone else during the duration of ur relationship? Did he?

    • Max
      October 23, 07:41 Reply

      I think you guys were just fooling yourselves.. You have no idea what he did behind your back… And neither does he know what you did behind his..
      Let’s just say you guys were occasional hook up buddies.. once in a while when you see..

      • Max
        October 23, 07:42 Reply

        Yeah forgot to add- He got married immediately after …which means he was dating her when you guys were in your presumed relationship…

        *hisses loudly and throws away face…

      • daniel
        October 23, 08:04 Reply

        I love this comment Max, they were fooling around, LDRs don’t cut it for me, I can’t understand how people even initiate it, makes me sick.

  5. JustJames
    October 23, 05:59 Reply

    I’ve read in a psychology textbook that for every elder bro you have the more likely it is for you to be gay. I think the text author was John Meyer or so.. I’ll have to confirm though. But I have definitely seen fact 1 somewhere I would call legit in my search for answers as to why I’m gay.

  6. chestnut
    October 23, 06:40 Reply

    @that first “fact”: um…what?so a guy that has 3 older brothers has 99% chance of being gay? I don’t think so.actually,I believe the opposite; u see, I think part of the reasons I was drawn to guys at an early age is d fact that I don’t have a brother. Dad was the only other male figure in d house and I constantly wished I had a brother/brothers…I always craved that brotherly love/bond and some of my earliest fantasies were about having a brother with whom I was really close and affectionate…#OkBye

    • Dennis Macauley
      October 23, 07:00 Reply

      Chestnut has come with “oke oyibo” this morning

      *reaches for glasses and dictionary*

      • chestnut
        October 23, 07:09 Reply

        Lol…Liar! I didn’t even use any big words in my comment jor!

    • Max
      October 23, 07:46 Reply

      @Chestie, I don’t think so.. I use to think the same too.. Infact I blamed having sis’ as the source of my gayness.. Bcos thats what we were meant to believe..
      I can tell you for a fact that 99% of all the gay people I’ve ever met have brothers… Either younger or older.. And only about 1% have only sisters..

      • chestnut
        October 23, 09:10 Reply

        No,max,I’m not saying having no brother makes one gay; we are born with our sexualities already. I’m just saying that for me, d lack of male companionship while growing up made me long for male-company even more.

  7. king
    October 23, 07:22 Reply

    I am sooooo ooo agreeable to fact 1. Wow so true. I knew a family that had three brothers however theirs was better coz all of them had caught the gay bug and of course yours truly was a partner to their thrysts!!! Hehehehe

    • Lothario
      October 23, 08:25 Reply

      King….. Lol! Tell me something, where do you draw the line?

  8. Max
    October 23, 07:37 Reply

    I’ve read a reseaech made which proved fact 1 to be true…
    The research also showed that every gay person has a high percentage of having a gay uncle from the maternal side.
    Can’t remember where I saw it. Will try and find it and post the link here…
    I always always open several tabs at once, sometimes up to 50…

    • king
      October 23, 08:28 Reply

      Agree with u on the gay uncle bit coz I had a cousin who has a gay uncle…hmm makes me wonder tho should I go cross-check ing on all my maternal uncles to see the gay one!

      • lluvmua
        October 23, 10:54 Reply

        King , king, king !!! How many times did I call u ? When will u repent and stick 2 1 boi? Smh!!! Lol #okbye #still waiting 4 ur twitter handle / contacts !! *winks*

    • Khaleesi
      October 23, 11:04 Reply

      ****rips off gossaner satin shawl to reveal goosebumps*** did you say ‘maternal uncle’?? I have a maternal uncle, he’s much older – in his early 50s, he’s never been married despite endless persuasion & coercion from his family … I have often wondered if he’s gay,but since we arent close and he lives abroad, I’ve never been able to find out … I have also heard that growing up he was very bookish and cburchish and never had a girlfriend like all ‘the others’ …. I just wonder ***looks around and shudders tremulously***

  9. Lothario
    October 23, 08:23 Reply

    Neither is true….for us firstborns, what then?

  10. Mr Bassey
    October 23, 09:43 Reply

    The first one I disagree with, the second one is true….

  11. Ruby
    October 23, 09:52 Reply

    First of all… I aint got an older Brotha buh I’m GAY as Blazes… *Wrong Fact Uber Facts*
    Secondly… I was away on NYSC and my relationship Didn’t Crumble… *Wrong Again Uber Facts*

  12. lluvmua
    October 23, 10:47 Reply

    Hell no !!!! *hits table* I don’t agree with fact 2! ! My last relationship which was a LDR lasted for 4 good years be4 I finally called it off! *flips virgin hair and walks out*

  13. Khaleesi
    October 23, 11:08 Reply

    I think I agree with fact1, most of the gay guys I kmow have elder brothers … although I know quite a few who are only sons or first sons … No hard and fast rule …
    Fact 2: I’ve never rlly been in a LDR so cant comment on that ….

  14. Neon
    October 23, 17:55 Reply

    Fact 1 is damn correct in most cases… Speaking out of experience. Fact 2… Uhmmm! Quite true, as the vigor in any DR dwindles at such a stage.

  15. RUDE
    October 23, 18:20 Reply

    Max you just have to find that link cos I do have a gay uncle from the maternal side. What then happens to we the first borns?? I have 5 younger ones and they don’t show any gay tendencies. Wouldn’t mind a gay brother though.

    • s_sensei
      October 24, 00:08 Reply

      look at them closely……………………………

  16. gad
    January 06, 03:36 Reply

    Pinky, we had a cyber war and cyber bullying (according to one coward) over this post. I hereby adopt my earlier comments but I leave my mind open for opposing views. Learning goes on

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