Actress Raven-Symoné criticizes Caitlyn Jenner

Actress Raven-Symoné criticizes Caitlyn Jenner

In a segment on The View recently, talking about the premier of Caitlyn Jenner’s new reality show ‘I Am Cait,’ actress and The View host Raven-Symoné criticized Caitlyn Jenner for moving too fast to be the face of Transgender America.

“I appreciate all she’s going to do for the community. I think it’s wonderful. I’m just surprised at how many girlfriends she has all of a sudden, and how much she’s showing these stories [of transgender youths] all of a sudden. I think it needs a light being shined on it. It’s just a lot for me in one show, and you just came out. I mean, when I came out, I didn’t go and go hardcore and be like, ‘I’m going to save the world for LGBT.’ You got to learn first.”

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  1. Francis
    July 30, 05:50 Reply

    Last I checked, time isn’t on Caitlyn’s side so she needs to çontribute her quota asap.

    • Keredim
      July 30, 09:26 Reply

      She is only 65 not 85. Unless she is going to jail

  2. Max
    July 30, 06:30 Reply

    Raven should shettup. Just because she didn’t do it doesn’t mean another person shouldn’t.

  3. Ruby
    July 30, 06:35 Reply

    To Each Her Own…
    To Each Her Own…

  4. Raj
    July 30, 06:47 Reply

    I don’t know how the trans thing works but I’m pretty sure cailtyn was psychologically ready a long time ago.. Surgical wise,she did everything in bits including her botox injections
    People should understand this concept of “to each his(her) own”

  5. Django
    July 30, 07:06 Reply

    Some people can’t stand seeing their mates succeed or be happy. She should just pack well and allow Cait live her life.

  6. kacee
    July 30, 07:13 Reply

    *Sings in MM’s voice* Go cait, go cait, go cait.

    • Masked Man
      July 30, 07:19 Reply

      Hello!!! Excuse me babe!!!
      From where you take hear my voice?
      Are you sure you don’t live next door?
      Ngwa show yourself.

  7. #Chestnut
    July 30, 07:14 Reply

    Me,I just still can’t get over how gorgeous Caitlyn looks.I see a pix of her and I’m like “Bruce who?”

    • Max
      July 30, 08:23 Reply

      Yeah she has a point, just like you always do, I guess you’re taking cues from her .. Gerrrarahia @Sinn….

  8. Eros
    July 30, 08:33 Reply

    Finally!!! Someone should tell Aunty Brucelina to rest her silicon filled breastses abeg. Warrisit??! It has not been less than six months since she came out and she wants to do the trans version of Keeping Up With The Whoredashians. Well….it is business as usual anyways

    • Masked Man
      July 30, 10:17 Reply

      I thought that was your nickname. Lol

  9. Keredim
    July 30, 08:48 Reply

    I am with Ms Symone in this one. What Ms Cait Jenner is doing is laudable and I am glad she is finding peace. Doing it in front of the camera is necessary for what she wants to achieve, but laughing to the bank while doing it….mbanu!

    • Francis
      July 30, 08:58 Reply

      So because one is doing charity they shouldn’t earn money while at it?!

      I don’t understand this beef with the millions the Kardashians-Jenners are raking in. This is some serious haterade ish. Hian!

        • Francis
          July 30, 10:07 Reply

          @Keredim I don’t see any mention of making money for all the definitions of charity wey I see so its allowed biko. Companies do it all the time. Donate 50% of their sales to charity.

          65 is old already biko. She fit drop anytime soon

          • Keredim
            July 30, 10:26 Reply

            @francis, regarding charity, what are you talking about?

            • Francis
              July 30, 10:59 Reply

              @Keredim I talk say for the definitions wey I read, I no see any place where dem talk say you can’t make money while doing charity work. Companies do it all the time. Making money while being charitable

    • ambivalentone
      July 30, 11:02 Reply

      A show already??? I’m no having doubts about my doubts about the genuinity of this transition. Bruce/Caitlyn may truly be transgender, but what if all these has bin a ‘for the ratings’ stunt? Kryxx, I totally agree with u and frankly, I’m beginning to be repulsed

      • Pink Panther
        July 30, 11:13 Reply

        Bruce/Caitlyn… Are you seriously still crossing her name with the one she discarded? You, a gay man who’s crying to stop being misunderstood. You disappoint me, Trystham.

        • ambivalentone
          July 30, 12:06 Reply

          Don’t be. As I’ve already told u, my history with transgenders didn’t just start with the Jenners. So that actually wasn’t a slip

          • Pink Panther
            July 30, 13:02 Reply

            Your history with Transgenders? Are you listening to yourself? Tell me, how do you feel when people taunt you as boy-girl (if that ever happened to you). Make no mistake about it. We are all on the same track, gay people and transgenders alike. This superiority gay men tend to feel because they think themselves more ‘normal’ than transgenders is just distasteful.
            Her name is Caitlyn. Call her that. It’s the respect her identity as a woman deserves. Anything else and it’s just shame on you.

            • ambivalentone
              July 30, 17:28 Reply

              I do not feel distaste for transgender. In fact, I’m in awe. But this Jenner…I dunno. It feels cosmetic *shrugs* So don’t get me wrong.

              • Pink Panther
                July 30, 19:47 Reply

                It feels cosmetic… I don’t even think you know what your point is. First you cross her name with the old one, then you have history with Transgenders, then Jenner feels cosmetic.
                At least call your sentiments what it is – that you’re prejudiced and stop tap-dancing around. It’s not an attractive look on a homophobic heterosexual. Neither is it on you.

  10. PEREZ
    July 30, 10:22 Reply

    Raven’s statement is one of those that is followed by a 2-minute silence, because its at that borderline between crap and sense… But then if she’s making so much fuss about it.. Its not a vain cause, is it.?
    Everyone has his or her own MO in the pursuit of their cause. Just because Cait made hers publicly doesn’t make hers any different from that of Raven’s.

    Everyone to her own

  11. KryxxX
    July 30, 10:27 Reply

    But seriously, with the way mummy Cait has been going on about this her transition eh, it gives cause to wonder oh. Its like she is playing out a script that was penned down and kept waiting for d appropriate time. The interview, reality tv show, awards and all. She is in everybody’s face. Am not saying it’s not for a good cause but d publicity nd over hype makes it sound like it’s not really all her who is behind it. Change is not an easy something. The emotions involved self can make one a monk for months! But she is handling hers so flawlessly it comes out as unreal, faked or false. I just hope we don’t get to hear another family leaked secret later about it all.

    • Francis
      July 30, 10:50 Reply

      @Kyrxxx She has gone through the process tey tey so no time to waste

  12. rev; Hot
    July 30, 11:00 Reply

    Ravens statement is oozing ‘sense’….. but she’s prolly gonna get ridiculed for saying this… either way….

  13. Peak
    July 30, 11:54 Reply

    **sigh** where do I begin with all this mess?

    A few months ago, when all the brouhaha about cait was all over the place, a friend hit me up on BBM and asked if I would be catching the TV special on E! (Her documentary). I told him NO! And my reason was because the documentary was just to test the water and see if there is enough interest to milk out a reality show. A few weeks later, word on the street was that mama cait wss about to begin production on her own show (another kardashian spin off. Kris jenner, girl I see

    If u have followed the Kardashians long enough, u would know that they don’t play with their headlines. Every headline or news domination mean chin-ching to them. Its no secret that caitlyn has always wanted the spotlight like kim and kris. The reports about his demands and throwing fits during the filming of the show so far is crazy, lets not even talk about her demands to show up for the ESPY award. She has always wanted to be a star and when the opportunity presents itself she is grabbing it with all she’s got.

    In Hollywood, u strike when u are hot and have the fleeting attention of the world. And thats what caitlyn is doing. Its arguable to say that some of her fame whoring is giving trans men and women a voice and a face the world over, but lets not pretend like the kadarshians are about charity. Money and fames comes 1st to those ppl. And death am me seeing someone saying Raven is jealous. Lol. Honey, Raven is a Hollywood icon. A living legend, depending on who u ask, she has the stats and credentials to back it up. If anything at all, she is being very polite with her statement, cos she could have called Caitlyn out 4 the money and fame hungry whore that she is. I know Wendy or Rosie O’donnal would have.

    All she was trying to say is LGBTIQ is a very sensitive subject, give ppl time to process things instead of hitting them at every turn. She is not old by the way. Joan Rivers became a pop culture phenomenon at what age? Just because she is on our side of the fence doesn’t mean we should turn a blind eye to her gimmick. Raven is a member of the community too and has been in the game long enough to know what she is talking about. U dont tell ur family u are gay and bring a boy home and be humping each other in your room the following week. Ppl need thime to absorb and process things. Youu want to give the community a voice? Yes but there are better ways to go about it without looking lile a big corporation out to make profit.

    For those who think its not about money, Bruse use to command 25-30 for appearance fee, cait commands 50-80k now and would likely climb if his show is a success. Money making diva if u ask me.

    By the way, she would be lucky if the show sees pass season 2.

    • Keredim
      July 30, 12:12 Reply

      @Francis, everything Peak has said plus Tax. (Except for the 2 season thing. People are gullible enough to ask for more)

      What I have been trying to say, Dr Francis, is if Cait was as selfless as she makes out, she shouldn’t be getting paid for the show.

    • Max
      July 30, 14:12 Reply

      @Peak, she wants fame, really? Former Olympic gold medalist wants another fame?
      I know you’ll never subscribe to putting on a weave or wearing make-up, but doing all that doesn’t mean you wanna be famous or make more money.
      You guys are just being biased because of the Kardashians.

      • Keredim69
        July 30, 16:27 Reply

        @Max, remember she was all but forgotten before the Kardashians. Fame came again when he started featuring on TV with them….

        • Peak
          July 30, 16:43 Reply

          @Keredim I think a Hasbeen, best describes who she use to be.

          @Max, she has spent years being overshadowed by all the Kardashian girls and play number 2 to his wife kris. So yeah! She wants the fame! Is it me or is it odd that you have nothing to say about her being money hungry?? Incase u don’t know, the bigger her fame, the fatter her pay cheque.

          • Max
            July 30, 20:10 Reply

            I think it’s just wrong reasoning on your part. I don’t know if you followed the kardashians when they first started, But she never liked being in front of the camera.

  14. Teflondon
    July 30, 12:06 Reply

    I think i said this here along time ago.. the whole Cait issh is all about the money, Pub stunts etc. very soon the real story will come out. the length this Jenner/Kardashians will go to, to remain relevant knows no bounds!

  15. Heiress
    July 30, 15:57 Reply

    Both of them are trying to stay relevant! Ain’t no harm in that

  16. Django
    July 30, 19:04 Reply

    Mehn, I’m so surprised and disappointed reading all these comments.

    I’m not trans, but I feel betrayed. Whatever her motive is, how can we say these things about her? I guess, the cycle just continues, skepticism and speculations abound in every aspect of life. Love and let love. Live and let live.

    • Pink Panther
      July 30, 19:44 Reply

      I taya o. She becomes trans and a celebrity out of it, and suddenly everyone’s questioning her intentions. Mscheewww

      • keredim
        July 30, 21:38 Reply

        no worry, e go show after 9 months….

  17. Francis
    July 30, 19:07 Reply

    All this long story sha, make una just open mouth admit say una no like the Kardashians and everything they stand for simple.

    Bruce has always been in the background drawing less attention to himself and if some of us look deep within they would relate with that. Remember when you were in the closet watching your every step, trying not to draw too much scrutiny from the public. All of a sudden you find yourself in a welcoming / comfortable environment and all you wanna do is make up for lost time and live it up eg Kenny Brandmuse. Well that’s what I think is happening with Bruce. He finally unleashed Caitlyn and is having the time of her life. The cameras have always been there but she’s no longer afraid of them.

    Most folks are just bitter that they make so much money off being “talentless” because in their head, talent is mostly about book smart and physical abilities. Well sorry to break it to you, being beautiful and knowing how to use it to earn a living is a talent (one i wish i had. Lol) and they are cashing in on it big time. And before you call them hoes, please check yourself in the mirror thrice.

    Make una allow Caitlyn live biko. I watched the premiere and im still on the fence. I’m looking forward to this Sunday’s episode as the drama don start from wetin I see for the preview :D.

    • Max
      July 30, 20:12 Reply

      Thanks Francis. What she does with her new found fame is nobody’s bidniss..

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