American Gods will feature the most explicit gay sex scene in a TV show ever

American Gods will feature the most explicit gay sex scene in a TV show ever

New TV show, American Gods, will reportedly feature TV’s most explicit gay sex ever.

The Starz fantasy series, which aired its first episode on 1 May, will feature two Muslim men making love in what promises to be one of the most ‘memorable, touching romantic’ scenes in the entire first season.

The scene will take place in the third episode.

Starring Ricky Whittle and Ian McShane, the first season sees the gods of old – like Odin – facing off with the gods of new – like Media and Technology. Each episode is said to show how humans interact with these ‘gods’ that walk among them.

The show, run by gay writer and director Bryan Fuller and his producing partner Michael Green, will include a gay scene adapted from the source material by Neil Gaiman.

In the book, Salim, a young Muslim from Oman, travels to New York City. Hating his life and selling trinkets to tourists, he meets a taxi driver whose eyes burn with fire. He is a Jinn, and the two return to a hotel room to have sex.

From Gaiman’s American Gods:

The taxi driver comes out of the shower, wet, with a towel wrapped about his midsection. He is not wearing his sunglasses, and in the dim room, his eyes burn with scarlet flames.

Salim blinks back tears. “I wish you could see what I see,” he says.

“I do not grant wishes,” whispers the ifrit, dropping his towel and pushing Salim gently, but irresistibly, down onto the bed.

It is an hour or more before the ifrit comes, thrusting and grinding into Salim’s mouth. Salim has already come twice in this time. The jinn’s semen tastes strange, fiery, and it burns Salim’s throat.

Actor Omid Abtahi will play Salim in 'American Gods'

Actor Omid Abtahi will play Salim in ‘American Gods’

“We both cited Salim and the jinn as one of the most memorable, touching romantic chapters of the novel,” Fuller said in a recent interview.

“And so, we took great care and were very deliberate in how we brought that to life so it reflected the romance of the novel. We also added a few notions about a particular gay experience, coming from a man who originates from a country where you can be thrown off a rooftop for being gay.”

He added at a press event: “[It] was not a small feat for two gay Muslim characters to have a beautiful, sophistical, sexual experience and what it was like for us to visually give you an idea of what it’s like to take a god inside you. I felt like it was a wonderful metaphor for a religious experience.”

American Gods continues on 7 May on Starz.

Previous Reactions to Donald Trump’s plans for anti-LGBT ‘religious freedom’ order

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  1. posh666
    May 04, 07:42 Reply search under TV series under letter A.

  2. Mandy
    May 04, 07:54 Reply

    Episode 3, here we come.

    In other news, I miss Deola. ??

  3. Francis
    May 04, 07:59 Reply

    Sex scene aside, the series make sense?

    • Pink Panther
      May 04, 08:05 Reply

      Well, its just one episode. I’ve seen it and its just there. Not yet sure what to make of it.

    • posh666
      May 04, 08:06 Reply

      Honestly the moment I saw the first episode uploaded I went online to read about it and wasn’t so sure if I will enjoy watching the show cos of the supernatural elements involved..

      Those kind of movies don’t look real to me.Though one thing is sure the movie seems to be highly sexual,based on what I read about the awesome sex BTW a man and a woman named Bilqis in the 1st episode.

      • Francis
        May 04, 08:54 Reply

        You dey fear say evil spirit go leave TV enter you?

        • posh666
          May 04, 09:01 Reply

          Lool Jeez! dear Francis only you has attained such level of paranoia Biko….

  4. Colossus
    May 04, 08:14 Reply

    The reviews have been lukewarm, nothing spectacular

  5. IBK
    May 04, 08:48 Reply

    Small spoiler..

    I’ve started reading the book. Somebody got swallowed by a vagina. As if I needed more reasons to not like them.

    Now a Jinn is Cumming in someone’s mouth.. Maybe miss me with this.

  6. Dickson' clement
    May 04, 11:17 Reply

    Please now that HTGAWM is on a hiatus and GOT is yet to come, which other show can I watch? Something that is interesting oo

    • posh666
      May 04, 12:14 Reply

      Check out Secrets and lies S1&2,The Catch S1&2,24 legacy S1,Feud S1 and then you know Prison break is back with S5 right? Then I also heard 13reasons why is also nice.

      • Gag
        May 04, 19:22 Reply

        Watch blindspot, Designated Survivor, Narcos, About Him, Legion

  7. ambivalentone
    May 04, 13:49 Reply

    Wait!!! Isn’t Gain the dude who wrote that Stardust fantasy? I didn’t realise he wrote erotica

  8. Tangie Bloom
    May 06, 06:26 Reply

    Okay I went and watched. That scene with the goddess consuming the man! Like, WTaF!

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