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From The Net 1Comments

Tweet of the Day: To LGBT Nigerians

Whether it is a tweet or a Facebook post, whether it’s a visit to a blog post or skimming through Instagram, whether online or offline, whether it’s during TV time

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Photo: Eggplant Wednesday

It seems the search for a new Mr Ideal Nigeria is on, because I’ve been getting lots of mentions on Instagram to like the pictures of hopeful (and might I

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LOL! Has the hookup ever been so good that you had to ditch your friends to meet the appointment? 😀


  1. The Reverend
    June 11, 07:19 Reply

    KD is too funny today.

    I am your brain!!!

    Like, wtf!!!????

  2. Timi Leo
    June 11, 07:48 Reply

    WTF that the brain talking. hehehehehe

  3. Mandy
    June 11, 08:24 Reply

    Hahahahaa. It’s annoying na. How will u buzz sombori and be asking him ‘who is this?’ omo, receive brain.

    • Mr. Fingers
      June 11, 08:42 Reply

      That is the same question u get when some nigerians call u on phone.

      “who am i speaking with?.” “hello,who is this?” Lmao.

  4. Chizzie
    June 11, 10:36 Reply

    Lost me @ “Am” fine.

    Using Am instead of I’m, is such a buzz kill.

  5. Eddie
    June 11, 11:23 Reply

    *rolls eyes*…. really,bitch?
    Mr. Na-me-speak-english-pass!!! How predictable!

  6. Delle
    June 11, 11:32 Reply

    It’s obvious the person is an illiterate. Simple.

  7. Evil Empress
    June 18, 16:24 Reply

    Hahaha…i’m loving this site sooooo far… * jus de observe*

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