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Photo Of The Day XVII

Awww, the blushing grooms. #OkBye Happy Gubernatorial Election Voting, guys. Stay Safe. Vote Wisely. And always bear in mind that it’s One Nigeria.

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Photo: A KDian Eye Candy

Remember Chuks Bass? Those of you familiar with the KD archives will remember him from such written pieces like That Weird Moment. When a friend of mine read his Just

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Man Crush Monday: Morris Chestnut

Brian Collins has revealed his ultimate man crush. And he chose well. I never really knew much about Morris’s sexiness, nor did I care much for him, until Brian sent


  1. Doe eyed monster
    June 20, 06:41 Reply

    Lol, sometimes it’s better to have an idea of where the person stays before anything starts na. I don’t want to be your good friend and then find out you are in another state or Country sef, who long distance epp?

    • dabo
      June 20, 07:12 Reply

      you will find out,but not at the first chat or when you’ve not Even asked the “basic questions” …its just really least he said “location, the ” wia are u at/@” makes me really mad!!!!!

  2. Kasper
    June 20, 07:22 Reply

    There is nothing rude in asking where someone is chatting from except you are just a petty person jare.

  3. ambivalentone
    June 20, 07:24 Reply

    Everytime I see these pictures, I realise I have been uncharacteristically nice to ppl who ask stupid qxns. I dunno if u can guage where relationships are headed from these qxns, but I can. Read profile before u type rubbish, mba. They will asking qxns dt show a stark lack of common sense

  4. Mandy
    June 20, 07:51 Reply

    The questioner did nothing wrong joor. So he led with the location question. It’s perfectly reasonable. The other guy’s just being unnecessarily rude abeg

  5. Delle
    June 20, 08:49 Reply

    Lmao! Firstly, the recipient is being unnecessarily brash. It’s a hook-up not an interview. *rme*
    Oh and the sweet innocence of the sender. He went ahead to define what ‘location’ means. I can’t stop laughing!

  6. geeluv
    June 20, 09:53 Reply

    what of he had said…. I’m Joshua and I’m chatting from zamfara… don’t you think the other guy would have responded with his name and location too….. ???

  7. Colossus
    June 20, 14:02 Reply

    Absalom, get in here. Why does this sound like you?

  8. Chizzie
    June 20, 19:27 Reply

    So what exactly qualifies a feature on this new blog “segment”? Being rude? Or failing to realize that beginning a sentence with ‘Am’ is not only wrong but a testament on the need to overhaul our education system?.

    If someone asks you for your location, you reply them. It’s that simple.

    This is why I do not engage “Am” users. .

    The moment you reply with ‘Am fine’… I just know you are going to be razz as fuck and local. And all this “segment” has done is prove me right

    • R.A
      June 22, 17:55 Reply

      Blessed shall thou be for this.

      How hard is it to type ‘lagos’ or ‘abuja’ or better yet don’t answer. At least it hides your stupidity. Then using “Am” in place of “I’m” disgusting!

  9. bain
    June 20, 21:06 Reply

    Simple,d sender wants sex,d reciever wants a relationship

  10. Mr. Fingers
    June 21, 15:32 Reply

    Lol. At least he didn’t start with “What’s ur role?”, or “how big are u?”, or even worse, “are u alone, can I come over?”.

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