Bloopers for ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 6 to ease your post-show blues
To celebrate this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, HBO released some bloopers for this past season of Game of Thrones.
There’s Kit Harington near naked as a corpse but still manages to cover up his private area with his hands when Carice van Houten pulls off the loincloth.
We see Emilia Clarke struggling to speak Dothraki while mounted on a fake dragon.
And there’s also a lot of Peter Dinklage failing to pronounce the word ‘benevolent’ accurately, while his co-stars, Jacob Anderson and Nathalie Emmanuel try their best not to laugh out loud.
Watch this newly released reel of bloopers to cure some of your post-show blues:
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July 25, 06:11?????
Simply to sa ‘benevolent’ eh Tyrion Lannister? That is what’s twisting your tongue as if you’re speaking Dothraki.
Dennis Macaulay
July 25, 06:18I don’t watch GOT
July 25, 06:42Are you kidding! Funny enof I just started a few days ago to see what the fuss Is all abt and I loved itttt. Danearys Targaryen is officially bae. I’m making good time, 3 seasons in less than 72 hours yayyy! *slumps from lack of sleep*
July 25, 07:15Your eye sacks must be carrying a lot of weight….lol
July 25, 14:33I swearrrrrrrr I look ghastlyyyy
Shuga chocolata
July 25, 08:20@kainene well yours is good,
What I do is binge watch and trust me I finished season 1-4 in less than 24 hours.
July 25, 14:36Lord have mercy24 hours! I courtesy for you your grace Cersei Lannister. Loool. I can imagine your swollen eyes at the end of your binge watching.
Pink Panther
July 25, 06:44Oya clap for yasef, Dennis.
Dennis Macaulay
July 25, 07:37?????
July 25, 08:37Beht Uncle, is it not you that said as a baby boy one should be grounded in a variety of trending ‘trends’? Should we start looking for another chairman? ?
Dennis Macaulay
July 25, 09:23Hay god!
I am sorry! I will try and watch! I don’t want to loose my chairmanship
July 25, 11:01See as Nigerians will do anything to cling to a post ???
Shuga chocolata
July 25, 08:18Hahahahh, I wanted to say same thing for kit, when he sat up after resurrecting from the dead, one of his kneel was lifted up a bit to cover his penis while the other was flat on the table, and then I remembered what “star of how I met your mother Harrison” said that male don’t show nudity in films only women. They also changed Emilie Clarke hair from pure white to pale white and also blonde white when they caught her last season .
Even some places the continuity manger failed too, my sisters hates seeing movies with me because I always see a fault with continuity and editing.
Shuga chocolata
July 25, 08:23Pinky where is LASITC?????
July 25, 08:43You better don’t disturb yourself. His Royal pinkness will release a new episode when he wants to. *side eyeing Pinky*
Pink Panther
July 25, 16:31LMAO!!! Kenny, kilode?
Pink Panther
July 25, 16:30Soon. Very soon, Shuga. 🙂
July 25, 11:07Never seen GOT before
Pink Panther
July 25, 16:34Shame on you, Delle. Just shame.
July 25, 20:23Hian. Biko kwa, PP
July 25, 18:16My Problem with This Whites Series, If it’s A Woman, We see Everything buh Men Only we see only sagged Butt cheeks,
Abeg Keep Both To Yourself, Director…..
If We Cannot Get it 50-50
outta here
July 25, 20:24…except Spartacus