“I Am A Girl.” Bobrisky answers the question about Her Gender Identity

“I Am A Girl.” Bobrisky answers the question about Her Gender Identity

For a long time, Nigerians have had one collective question on their minds: is Bobrisky female or simply a male who loves to cross-dress? In fact, when writer Elnathan John took to twitter to profess his admiration for the socialite over her courage in daring to live her truth in the face of Nigeria’s homophobia, there were those who came to his comments to query him over his use of the feminine pronoun to qualify Bobrisky.

The question was: Has Bobrisky identified as a woman?

Well now she has.

“A lot of you have been asking me, ‘Bobrisky, are you a girl or a guy… Do you use the female toilet or you use the male toilet?’ Of course I use the female toilet because I am a girl,” she declares in a video posted on instagram. “Some others ask me, ‘Bobrisky, when you fill forms, do you fill the female or male?’ Of course I fill female. Even at the airport, a guy cannot search me. It has to be a girl.”

Well, that’s that. So can we please drop our transphobia and address Bobrisky according to her preferred gender identity.

Check the video out below.

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  1. Delle
    July 29, 10:44 Reply

    Finally! Even I was confused

  2. Charlie
    July 30, 00:22 Reply

    I had been using gender neutral pronouns for the longest time, now I can call her a her

  3. Gabbie
    August 19, 18:53 Reply

    Yeah yeah… I see that coming I’m not supposed, after running we count miles

  4. James
    September 15, 04:22 Reply

    Why are you confused,He she is a girl now,I wish him good luck to her newly born agenda.shes ok though. ..

    • Anibaby
      September 22, 22:47 Reply

      Am also comfused,but it is her live

  5. Gemma
    September 19, 22:33 Reply

    she dey also follow us dey menstruate ni cause me no even under her she him.

  6. Rayson
    September 21, 05:05 Reply

    Bob is living her life the way she wants don’t judge her

  7. Ryno Ellsworth
    July 28, 13:37 Reply

    He owns is his life, eithere he or she, that’s was his/her problem
    Who cares

  8. kindergarten
    April 27, 01:52 Reply

    Your comment..bobrisky is stupid is the,most stupid man in,africa

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