“I’m sorry, but…” Bobrisky returns with an ‘apology’ in another interview

“I’m sorry, but…” Bobrisky returns with an ‘apology’ in another interview

This guy still doesn’t get it. It’s like his ignorance is a pestilence that just won’t let go. Bisi Alimi has offered to educate him; he really, really should take some time out of being such a Snapchat sensation and give Bisi a call so he can be educated on crucial LGBT issues.

So anyway, he was interviewed again, this time by Pulse TV, and when the issue of his controversial comments came up, here’s what he said:

“To the people who are so sick about what I said, I am sorry. It wasn’t intentional. That was my first time of coming live on interview. And the way the question was thrown to me, I couldn’t even…I just said what was on my mind. I’m so sorry, for people who found that statement offensive, about me saying I’m in support of the antigay law. I’m sorry.

“But I just feel, it’s not nice to me though, because, your father gave birth to you and your mother gave birth to you. You can have fun from now till whenever you like. But I think it’s very important for you to have your own kids. You can whatever you want, but just make sure you have your own kids that will call you father… Always remember that you want to have kids that will bury you. And don’t let the fun you’re having to overrun you.”

Like I said, this guy desperately needs education. Check on his interview below.


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  1. Francis
    September 28, 07:28 Reply

    Spoken like the average Nigerian gay. LOL.

    • bruno
      September 28, 07:56 Reply

      i was actually gonna say i don’t understand the uproar. i’ve heard this a lot from homosexuals around.

      • Canis VY Majoris
        September 28, 09:32 Reply


        The only thing peculiar about this whole thing is that, it was captured on camera & aired. He said exactly what most Nigerian gay men eventually intends. So why all the fuss?

        Sad as it may be….

        It is the “perceived” truth!

        • Mandy
          September 28, 09:47 Reply

          The fact that it is what a majority of Nigerian homosexuals would say doesn’t make it less appalling. Heck, even here in KD’s comments section, people get riled when commenters make overtly ignorant comments, let alone in front of the camera. The fuss lies in the fact that there are some right thinking individuals who can’t believe that there are people who haven’t got the sense to not be ignorant on issues concerning them.

      • Leo
        September 28, 13:15 Reply

        I think the reason everyone is upset about what he said is the fact that when he first made headlines because of his bleaching and his mysterious “bea” it was the LGBT community that stood up for him. We had his back in every comment on every blog out there when people labeled him as an abomination or a fag. We reiterated that everyone has the right to be who they wanted to be. After all he was hurting anyone, his biggest crime was probably his poor fashion sense.
        The worst part is he ate up all the support!! He used it as fuel to further his (should I even call it a career?). He NEVER said he wasn’t gay, not once during months of his snapchat shenanigans or being featured on every blog in Nigeria. Nobody expected him to admit he was gay (bisi was brave but let’s be honest it’s not like they’d start handing out UK visa to everyone that came out on air in Nigeria). The insulting thing was that everyone expected him to deny it and we were willing to go along with that but he didn’t have to go out of his way to bash every gay person in Nigeria. He spat on our support and condemned everyone that has ever been ridiculed or abused or died just for being themselves in Nigeria. His interview with the weird armpit lady was one of the saddest things I’ve seen. He’s no longer the brave man who wasn’t afraid to be himself, he’s now just a sellout who would give up his pride and integrity for 15 minutes of fame.

    • Justin Case
      September 28, 12:41 Reply

      Not quite, I’d like to think they have more sense in their pinkies than this creature has in his entire body

  2. JIMMY
    September 28, 07:31 Reply

    I am so done with her,so effing done. Still lots of holes in all his statement.

    Like say if them give am toto e go fit fuck.


  3. emperor
    September 28, 07:34 Reply

    Wait oooo, does marriage automatically means giving birth to. Children??? Tiri gbosa for dis guy’s mumuness

  4. Absalom
    September 28, 07:35 Reply

    “World Bobrisky Week: September 26 – October 1, every year.”

    – UN

  5. JIMMY
    September 28, 07:36 Reply

    He said he doesn’t want to say if bae is a he or she but then contradict himself by saying ‘he’ is a wonderful person

    *rolls eyes in slow motion*

    And that ending where he finally laced his kitto when he was asked “when bae is doing you, does it pain you?”

    And he went like “of course….”

    Oh honey, we can relate

    • Francis
      September 28, 07:37 Reply

      Serious?! Make I find extra data download this one too watch.

        • Francis
          September 28, 07:42 Reply

          LOL. Not really. I dey screen tea well well these days sef. Some fit kii person

    • Pink Panther
      September 28, 07:45 Reply

      ????? The question of sex, exposing people since 12 BC.

        • JIMMY
          September 28, 08:26 Reply

          But if true true bobrisky no be gay ehn. Omo I no do again, I no gay again. Ill give up on gaydom. ?????

  6. Viera
    September 28, 07:42 Reply

    I’m wondering why bobrisky is a celebrity, Nigerians are very suprising o I mean why.do.we let things that have happened before still give.us chills y’all have seen.pela , lordtriggs and the.rest.and.you.still aww and ahhh.over.a.guy.who.bleaches and paints himself
    Why is he being interviewed?….
    To give advice?
    To give bleaching secrets?
    Or perhaps to help us unravel how best to combat this ongoing recession
    it’s only in Nigeria people see a guy with woven hair and still stop and stare and I ask myself Kanu has been weaving his hair since when again?
    I’ll just leave bobrisky out of this my rant and face the people giving him attention the interviewers know we would love to watch because it’s bobrisky as comic relief that he has put himself up as but why don’t we channel our energy on better things, there are young guys willing to have this spotlight just to change the world but Nigerian media won’t allow all because of views and reviews…..
    And as for bobrisky keep bleaching hopefully pulse tv and Adesuwa will bring thier team to your sick bed when skin cancer comes knocking

  7. beejay
    September 28, 08:01 Reply

    So being gay is a thing, a phase. You’re gay just so you can have FUN? Hah! Who knew?
    This ‘thing’ (what ever species it is) has gotten way too much attention and it’s just starting to dawn on me that ‘it’ is fast becoming the image of the average gay Nigerian, from social media comments and reactions. Way to go guys, we just lost a gazillion years.

    • ambivalentone
      September 28, 09:03 Reply

      Thinking about joining our anti-MGM club? Max heads the IH-watch department??

      • beejay
        September 28, 10:29 Reply

        You know… Doesn’t sound like such a bad idea… Thanks for the heads ?

      • Delle
        September 28, 10:35 Reply


  8. swanky
    September 28, 08:04 Reply

    Come to think of it,
    Having a washed up n decorated bobrisky as Dad. Wonders of the century

  9. Kerr
    September 28, 08:10 Reply

    It’s a good thing that the apology was in quote ….. Cz this is one million yards away from an apology.

    I blame the people making money from the attention being given to him, because in actual sense, he has nothing measurable to say.

    Before we know what’s going on , he’d be made a brand ambassador of something.

    • Peak
      September 28, 08:42 Reply

      Brand ambassador?! You are kidding right?

      He is just for gags abeg. A circus animal for the media to poke fun at for their immediate pleasure. Humans are always looking for something or someone to tear down for no particular reason, so they can feel good about themselves. That is why a lot of us are fixiated on tabloids. This dude seems happy and fulfilled filling that role for whatever preconceived gains he is banking on.

      • Dennis Macaulay
        September 28, 09:02 Reply

        You captured my mind about this. My colleagues don’t hate him, they don’t even take him seriously enough to him. To them he is just a circus clown, a caricature of a human being.

        Many of them follow him to keep up with his antics and amuse themselves and he doesn’t even get it. See the way Adesuwa treated him like a joke

  10. Wiffey
    September 28, 09:07 Reply

    He sounds like an uneducated fool. bitch can’t put together a simple and correct sentence. It’s obvious his a thout who go lucky without seeing the four wall of an actual university… I’m done

    • esv.jay
      September 28, 11:41 Reply

      with this sentence you just constructed, in your opinion, do you think you are better than him?

      • Keredim
        September 28, 12:02 Reply

        Please forgive him.

        It was written in anger and there is a comment submission deadline.?

        No vex..

        • beejay
          September 28, 12:40 Reply

          Only passing through … ‘dint see nuffin. Oh hi!

  11. Tony Odekunle-Brown
    September 28, 09:26 Reply


    He needs an education. He needs exposure. Too bad he is only concerned about kids who will bury him and fake eyelashes.

    On to the next.

  12. ambivalentone
    September 28, 09:30 Reply

    I wonder if y’all now see what ayam saying or still need crazies to point out that unless some things stop, being gay will only be a phase. I imagine homophobes (when they are not laughing at this pustule’s antics) will nod in happiness they were proved right.??

  13. Mandy
    September 28, 09:45 Reply

    The bewildering this about his ignorance is that he believes all the reason for one not to be gay is because it makes you incapable of bearing children. Dear God! how can someone be in 2016 and have this kind of limited mentality!?!

    • JIMMY
      September 28, 09:53 Reply

      God: his dad refused to use a condom in the early 90s.
      That is why you suffer the consequences in 2016.

  14. Delle
    September 28, 10:20 Reply

    ““But I just feel, it’s not nice to me though, because, your
    father gave birth to you and your mother gave birth to you. You can have fun from now till whenever you like. But I think it’s very important for you to have your own kids. You can whatever you want, but just make sure you have your own kids that will call you father… Always remember that you want to have kids that will bury you. And don’t let the fun you’re having to overrun you.”

    One word – Foolish Fool (okay, that’s two words).
    I don’t get it. I just don’t. Apparently, he’s on a quest to render our brains useless with such difficult-to-comprehend bullshits he keeps spewing. Doesn’t he know there’s a word like ‘surrogacy’ existing? Or a simpler and more popular one called ‘adoption’?! Why does he keep up with the child-bearing baseless premise?
    His apology is just as quarter-baked as his brains. It’s happened people, excess bleaching cream can actually damage one’s intellect.

    And the bulk of the blame goes to those calling him for interviews? I mean, why?! We get it with wanting publicity but we have enough on our hands as Nigerians already, stop displaying this poster boy for daftness. Just stop!

    September 28, 10:22 Reply

    Bobrisky is Cool! Very cool! He just have few problems that can be fixed anyway! He is dumb! Not intelligent but his very free! Very!

    I took my time in streaming that his PulseTv live on Facebook from the beginning to the end! He just lack good advisers and he needs to learn that whatever is live should be taken seriously. He just need to learn a lot.
    Been honest don’t help sometimes
    That video was my first time of knowing about him, He said he won’t say if Bae is Boy or girl and later he said “He has been. …” you know,how implicating !
    And he apologised to Us; To those who his speech has wronged, he said he said that because that’s his first time of facing such question on a tele, so he was lost and said why his mind thinks is right.
    Anyways he said Wizkid is his best Artist and his celebrity Crush! Ayam so waiting for attack from WizKid and his fanz…
    And again before I forget; He need attend an English class if he wants to be showing on TV .

    September 28, 11:24 Reply

    Y’all should check this out….Bobrisky don kill me with laughter ooo

  17. lolosmallZ
    September 28, 11:25 Reply

    Please guys stop giving this fool unnecessary attention. His so not worth it.

  18. Francis
    September 28, 11:28 Reply

    Abeg who get him Snapchat handle?

    • Keredim
      September 28, 12:03 Reply

      You can’t get enough of him, can you??

      • Francis
        September 28, 16:15 Reply

        My dear I just want to see what the fuss is all about. People dey hate, yet some dey follow, why? What’s he doing on his Snapchat to keep them hooked? Never hurts to learn new strategies. ???

  19. Chuck
    September 28, 12:32 Reply

    This idea that you must have kids and continue your lineage is pretty common in Obodo Nigeria, no?

    I don’t think he’s far from the mainstream in his opinions on homosexuality. He thinks homosexuality is not permanent, he wants kids, etc

  20. Lopez
    September 28, 12:42 Reply

    Am I missing something or I just don’t belong to this decade. Who is Bobrisky and how does his opinion matters? Make I hear word pls

  21. BlurryFace
    September 28, 13:45 Reply

    ya’ll know what’s next? A reality show guys. Lmao.

  22. Theo
    September 28, 14:44 Reply

    Hunty Risky, biko so you’re telling me if I buy your cream for 100k my knuckles wee still black like yours? ???? EFCC must hear this.

    I love that part where he said “Before you judge me, ask yourself if you’re going to heaven “???

  23. Gaya
    September 28, 17:44 Reply

    Obviously… the guy is ignorant about LGBT issues and has indirectly admitted he is queer by Saying BAE is a guy. I think anybody who has is contact should please try and get to him and tell him not to accept any interview for now before things get out of hand. He’s one of us who seriously needs help. Let’s not despise him and continue to see stuffs like this. PINKY please set up a committee and look into this.

    • Keredim
      September 28, 17:48 Reply

      “PINKY please set up a committee and look into this.”


  24. Randy Moore
    September 28, 22:44 Reply

    Bobrisky is just the LGBT caricatured version of Vic-O

    Tell me I’m wrong

  25. Chizzie
    September 28, 23:25 Reply

    Well first off, it was really tactless and unprofessional for the sweaty armpits lady to have asked him that question. Many LGBT ppl put in the same spot under the same circumstances wouldve answered same eg Ricky Martins told Barbara Walters he wasn’t gay,and Denrele continues to deny that he is.

    Not everyone is ready to come out of the closet on national TV like Uncle Bisi did.

    Believe it or not, not all gay guys are in support of gay marriage, and Bobrisky seems to be one of them, solely for procreation purposes, which is completely legit as we can’t all agree on LGBT issues. However he needs to understand that the anti gay law encompasses more than gay marriage. Many Nigerians and even many gay ppl do not know this.

    He seems like a genuinely nice person and if anything he’s been shedding some much needed visibility on gay folks here, which to an extent is a good thing especially seeing as he’s becoming a likeable character.

    Needless to say I am such a fan of him. And I feel he’s indirectly done more for gay ppl than Bisi and Kenneth(or is that his name?) , that have since fled from the country.

  26. doe eyed monster
    September 29, 07:38 Reply

    Pinky… Please we really should set up a committee …lol.. Let’s help this young man. Since he is the one who gets to represent us, we can’t undo all the work that has been done.

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