Cameron Diaz Is Not Looking For A Husband, Marriage Or Children
The 42 year-old actress isn’t going to let society influence what she should do in her personal life.
In the past, Cameron Diaz has clearly stated why she doesn’t want to settle down with a husband and child, but as recent rumours claim that she is engaged to Good Charlotte‘s Benji Madden, the Hollywood actress, who covers Marie Claire‘s November 2014 issue, has asserted that tying the knot isn’t an absolute necessity. “I’m not looking for a husband or marriage, not looking for that stuff,” she told the mag. “I’m living, not thinking what I should or shouldn’t be doing with my life.”
And as for motherhood, Diaz will not let the public’s perception dictate when she should have a child. “We live in a society where everyone has kids, so they want other people to have kids. There is this culture that says celebrities are supposed to be just like us, so people think, ‘I have children, why doesn’t she?’ But I’m not going to do something because it’s expected,” she said.
“If a family happens, then it happens,” the 42 year-old blonde beauty continued. “If children come to me, then I would do that, but I’m not someone who feels like she has to do something because it’s expected.”
We live in a society where everyone has kids, so they want other people to have kids…
… I’m not someone who feels like she has to do something because it’s expected.
These points are what this post is about. First, that the fact that society thinks something is the status quo doesn’t mean you are a freak for wanting to do it differently. And secondly, the word is your life. Yours. Why then would you let it be scripted by the expectations of others when they are not the ones living it for you?
October 14, 06:39I just L♥√ع dis Bae… She looks flawless and even her butt looks flawless *i think it has its own make up artist*
I just hope we can take a cue from her and learn to live our lives at our own pace and not the pace the society dictates for us.
October 14, 06:42Okay.
Dennis Macauley
October 14, 07:33My sentiments exactly!
Society often stigmatizes those who don’t want kids. Some people are not twisted or damaged, they just don’t want kids. Its not their journey or path in life.
October 14, 07:52True dat! If you don’t want kids great and if you do great also but one has to live for SOMETHING or SOMEONE other than yourself…. or else there really is no purpose in living is there????
October 14, 08:01Marriage. Children. Those are not the only things one can live for.
Your point here would be great if you weren’t trying to sell those two factors are what life should be about.
October 14, 12:01King, I know say ur children still they “shack” u (as they should; children are a beautiful gift to those who have and deserve them), but not everybody wants marriage or children o! Like pinky said, it isn’t only a spouse or an offspring that can make u happy in life; people are different and have different things that they want out of life.
For instance, some women want nothing more than to be d best wife and mother in d world; other women, want to be d most successful tycoon in d world.just try to force the tycoon into d role of housewife/mother, and watch her wither away like a dead plant in front of that husband and those children.
October 14, 07:50Hmmmm yours!!!! Is it really ours???? I would beg to differ here and let me state why….We live in an age where self is taken to be the new god or idol and I know from the Scriptures (the OPIUM pipe source!) that man cannot truly live for himself but for his God…..whoever he says he or it is! And all of us who are inhaling the stuff and drawing our fumes from this pipe source know that man does not represent himself in his doings but the God he is worshipping! Just saying ooo. So really one has to truly identify who he is living for. Now that someone like one other kitodiarian said could be buddha so man truly lives for something or someone he calls GOD! So let’s examine ourselves and see who we are living for and who our God truly is…..#myonecent.
October 14, 08:00king, abeg, you are so totally off the point of this post I don’t even know how to bring you back. This isn’t about one’s relationship with God. (Perhaps, its time you open up a church, seeing as you see religion in everything said here about life)
This is about living. Existing. Having a life based on your own terms, with respect to SOCIETY. Not GOD. Get the distinction please.
And I’m not saying that in living your life, you should go about hating people or disrespecting family. That isn’t the point. the point is, do not let the dictates of other people determine what you do with your life. Because at the end of the day, it is yours. When you become miserable from listening to other people, it your heart that is heavy, not theirs. It is you suffering depression, not them.
Really, how hard can it be to get this?
Dennis Macauley
October 14, 08:51You have strength o! King and his religiosity! I don’t have time to argue what the bible says or does not say with him.
Dennis Macauley
October 14, 11:18King will be “Daddy G.O” and Gad will be head of the international ministry!
I nominate Khaleesi to man the music ministry of this “great” church
October 14, 12:06@dennis: khaleesi,bawo? In church? LWKM…can u set fire to the rain? U know u’re just reaching for a smacked bottom with that suggestion…lol
October 14, 12:15Hahahahaa. I saw that his comment and I was like, is Dennis high? Or did he mean to type Kryss instead of Khaleesi?
Dennis Macauley
October 14, 13:07Imagine Khaleesi leading the choir and conducting them in a very short gown and high heels + a very impressive hat shaking bum bum to the music!
Who can do this better?
October 14, 14:19What a wonderful “church” that will be.where our prayer point will ever be that God heals Max and his cohorts of their blind unbelief.One thing however will be sure,infact it will be the condition for me to accept the assistant pastorship,a good massage during and after service.
October 14, 18:57A gay pastor condemning gays…now thats a ministry I’d like to see @Gad..
If you don’t like yourself, why do u still visit here everyday to read posts??
October 14, 22:03I have never condemned gays in my thoughts and actions.Pls Max try and be reading the comments yourself and not through a proxy.Reported speaches can be distorted or misquoted
October 14, 09:32It cute and applaudable to see the cute comments that cameron gave, but let’s face it at some point in life these celebrities have changed their minds and settled down or just gne on to ve kids, jolie, kelly rowland, charlise theron, beyonce, lil kim all these girls at some point in their career bragged about nott needing marriage or children to make them feel complete and just when we were all noding our heads in agreement, they are popping out babies or getting. A short lived marriage. At the end of the day we would all fall in line and do as society dictates (maybe not completely, but we will make some adjustments). The point am trying to. Make is that we don’t exist in isolation, it our lives but living it involves taking into consideration of the network of peoplle connected to you.
October 14, 11:52She’s not saying that marriage or children are absolutely NOT in d cards for her; I think she’s saying she’ll do it when she really wants to, not cos society says it’s d right time. So if u see her getting married and pregnant next year, don’t take it that she has “betrayed” her principles; it just means that that’s when she felt ready to do it for herself,not for society.
October 14, 12:00You absolutely hijacked what was in my mind to say, chestnut.
October 14, 13:06Cameron and all these career girls ve been saying this for the longest. I got the impression (like you did) that she is waiting for the right time, but the babe egg go don dry if not almost. My comment is just tailored in line to the above comments, as much as we the new breeds are trying not to let the society define who we are and how we ought to live out lives, we can’t live our lives in isolation of the society.#my2cents. @pinky am new here, been catching up on the previous post! Great job. And if you don’t mind me asking, are most of the guys on here buttoms?#nooffensejustasking
October 14, 15:24Lol. Well the floor is open. You can ask them.
*looking around* Guys, a new kitodiariesian, Peak, has a question for y’all.
October 14, 14:26I’m sure some lazy and opportunistic relations of Cameron are earnestly waiting for her demise so that their fortunes will swell.Life is actually not all about here.Seeing all you have labored for being inherited by undeserving idiots will certainly dawn on one that he/she was a failure.God forbid!!!
October 14, 09:40This is just me…I hate status quo…
Hate doing things cos I’m expected to…
Love this..
October 14, 13:07what can I say? You’re lucky you live in a tolerant society where diversity is encouraged. for us here, its either you conform to the norm as defined by the majority whether you like it or YES!! (those are the only 2 options), this narrowminded bigoted society we find ourselves in tolerates no diversity or departure from the norm.
my opinion, if marriage and kids make you happy; then by all means strive for it with all your might. but I strongly believe that not everyone is cut out for marriage & yoy can still live a fulfilled life without necessarily toeing the marriage path. but we all know that in this narrowminded society, our opinions dont always amount to a lot, in the end, as Kendigin once said, theres a wet, warm pussy **shudders and pukes violently*** waiting for every gay Naija man – whether you like it or not. Which brings me back to my repeated warnings – pack your heels,wigs,weavons and dresses … hop on a plane (dont forget you have to figure out a way to get a visa first), and LEAVE! ! Nigeria is simply a spot on the large wide map of the world! ….
October 14, 15:13Khaleesi, what happens to the average gay naija guy who can’t afford to travel out due to financial constrains, or those who can not do so dude to their over bearing sense of duty their family? Not all of us can afford the luxury of jetting away to a far distant land just to breathe and live our live. Some of us are just destined to live as slaves to the our “society’s normal” cameron and people from advanced coundries can afford to creat their own normal, we can all live in our head and wish a lot of things away, but the sad reality is that not all of us can afford to go against the grain cos we will be fighting a battle that is already lost even before the idea was concieved
October 14, 14:10Weather someone wants kids or not is his kettle of fish not mine but I know the joy I derives from d smile of my kids.wait till they use u as their live toy and oh the laughter,the glory,the sense of fulfillment! . One thing I’m able to deduce from this lady and her likes who has been shouting about not doing what society wants is the eagerness to rebel against institutions and could be an off-shoot of a disappointment or hurt in the past or the larger than life feeling where man feels like god or almost god.Its dangerous but a redeemable situation.The solution is to forsake d past and strive to be happy.interestingly,happiness comes from service to humanity and telling ourselves the truth.I have seen childless people in their old age(the barren and those who chose not to have kids).I have spoken with them intimately.I knw how they feel.I have attended their funerals too.I know what the atmosphere was like
October 14, 15:26Next to Jennifer Aniston, this woman comes second. Its not about religion but about what makes you happy. Something i keep saying. She has found what makes her happy, why can’t people accept that and move on? We try so much to live other people’s lives that we forget to live ours.
King, if you love having a family but still enjoy screwing man pussy then go ahead, its your life, the man pussy agreed to get screwed but please don’t try to dictate how another live his or hers.
Serve your creator, don’t serve. Love money, don’t love. Have kids or just hate the notion of marriage. Does it really matter? Live your life and let the other live his or hers.
Miss Diaz is living hers. If God believes she did not live it well then let him do the punishing and if there is no God, at the end no one loses.
At the end, Miss Diaz is talking about your individuality and the ability to find happiness dictated by you and not society.
October 14, 15:34Period!
October 14, 19:09You’re in your period?
October 14, 19:35Ahhahaahahhahaa@absalom”s comment…..anyway yup I feel you Collosus and I guess everyone’s right…so there’s peace abi…but I guess I was misunderstood when i said what I said upstairs..of course you have every right not to marry and also to marry but pls in either state LIVE FOR SOMEONE bigger than YOURSELF biko!!!
October 15, 05:42‘LIVE FOR SOMEONE bigger than YOURSELF’… Hmmm. Oh, God.
October 15, 09:44And what if I don’t want to live for anyone whatsoever? What section of any law says I must do so? Mr King, your preachy attitude here boarders on condescension, and I find it a bit distasteful.
October 14, 22:59I’ve said it before. The only difference between some of us here and the ignorant Nigerian masses at large is that we are gay and forced to take a different perspective. I find King’s opinions ignorant at best .Check his ebola comments for an example.
October 15, 01:02Ignorants and people who feel they have acquired all the knowledge available are usually quick to dismiss others ideas as ignorant.what an irony
October 15, 17:20Such as yourself, gad? Point to evidence of my ignorant comments, if you have any. You and King have littered this blog with demonstrably ignorant /uninformed/blatantly untrue assertions.
October 15, 05:05The whole cliché of living for something above you is so fucking overrated abeg! I live for myself and what gives me joy and happiness. You can another Jesus Christ and save the world again that’s ur own wahala. Just let others be. Yes @King
October 15, 09:49WORD!
I adopt Cameron’s views in it’s totality as mine.
Nuf said.
October 15, 11:36Living for someone other than yourself is a nice I idea. If I am living for my gay lover, that should be enough isn’t it?
October 15, 11:39Lol. Nice.
October 15, 14:13Sure that will be enough as far as your gay lover don’t wear you kito when the going goes sour and you don’t have regrets at your old age
October 15, 16:17That was sarcasm, gad. He was being sarcastic.
October 15, 17:15Ok. I don’t knw what I will do to myself. I’m too serious.make una no vex.whenever Iam mistake pls umunnem biko repair me
October 15, 19:13Can you be more explicit?site instances of display of ignorance or false assumptions. We are always criticizing straight guys for not understanding our difference.Are we any better when we can’t tolerate the opinion of others?we are so pitiably miserable