Carl’s Existentialism: Pilot Entry

Carl’s Existentialism: Pilot Entry

Hi, my name is Carl, and I am most certainly an addict. It has almost been a year since I wanted to contribute something for Kito Diaries, and I am ashamed to say that it was mere laziness and mostly school, and other activities that have prevented me from putting together any meaningful submission.

Before I begin whatever it is I’m going to write, let me just say that I have the most boring life. Lol. It basically consists of waking up, working out, eating, watching TV or reading, playing and fighting with my sister, eating, playing and fighting with my sister some more, then sleeping. And the next day, we repeat it all over again. Pretty boring, right? The only thing that usually saves me is when I’m in school. It is with much confidence that I let it be known that my post will not be a diary, but about my life, what I’m thinking, or an issue I would like to discuss because I feel categorizing will just diminish whatever little creativity I have.

I said I’m an addict, right? Let me briefly enlighten you on what I mean. TV, movies, books, music, boys (I’m a hoe in my head. Lawd!), and sleep are all my guilty pleasures. What do all above have in common? Stories. Yes, stories. TV shows, movies and books tell stories. Music is a story that someone has decided to lyric and add melody to. Boys? Well like I said – Hoe in my head. I see a fine boy, and I’ve already imagined a lifetime with him. God help me. Finally, Sleep? Well, most everyone dreams, and these trips into dreamland involve some tale or the other.

I am addicted to stories. One could say it’s on the same level as oxygen for me. One of the ways you could punish me severely is to deny me access to any of the above. I would start having delusions of grandeur, or maybe I’d start hallucinating. Either way, not good.

I hope you all have an insight into what I may be – I’m far too secretive for my liking – or may not be. This is my first post, and I hope to inspire people, and connect on a different level with readers that could understand me other than my best friends.

Speaking of… Hi, James. Love you, boo.

Ciao y’all. Till next session.

Written by Carl

Next 'There's always been gay people in the black community.' – Queen Latifah

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    • Carl
      April 30, 11:19 Reply

      Most likely not. I only know James here.

  1. Gad
    April 30, 05:57 Reply

    You described your life @ home as boring,could you please tell us the activities that will make your life @ home eventful if added to your routines? I will suggest tendering the flowers and helping out in the kitchen. Yes,kitchen. These are modern times. We look forward to your articles with positive optimism praying that we will learn from the high and low points therein. Thanks in advance.

    • Teflondon
      April 30, 06:38 Reply

      Gad is on some positive vibe today.. I like! I like! I like!!

    • Carl
      April 30, 11:23 Reply

      Why, thank you Gad! I do cook by the way, i also play games, dance(twerk mostly, lol) etc. I just feel like some i don’t hit the mark for eventful activities worth writing about.

  2. Stickysly
    April 30, 06:45 Reply

    I can smell something quite good coming via Carl from a mile away….

    • Carl
      April 30, 11:24 Reply

      Thanks for the optimism. I hope to impress… *smiling sheepishly*

  3. Teflondon
    April 30, 06:45 Reply

    There isn’t much to take from todays entry..
    That’s said.
    The facts that you think yourself boring and you Werent tempted to add little spices to make your entry fabulous and whatnot… So as to please the general KD populace (judging from some comments Im seeing already) Makes me like you already and looking forward to more of your boring but REAL life experiences.

    • Mandy
      April 30, 06:50 Reply

      My dear, when will you get tired of being such a poor excuse for a rebel? Doesn’t it get exhausting coming to KD every day with one mission, to sulk in your lonely corner? We get it, you don’t kiss ass. Isn’t it time you start expressing opinions without making it so painfully obvious you are not following everyone else’s train of thought? Jeez!

      • pinkpanthertb
        April 30, 06:51 Reply

        Lol. Mandy, leave am. Dude is keeping the Chizzie legacy up and flying.

      • Khaleesi
        April 30, 07:01 Reply

        Thanx a lot Mandy!!!
        Btw: #BringBackOurChizzie #PinkyWhatHaveYouDoneWithChizzie #PinkyWeWantOurVitriolBitchBack

      • #TeamKizito
        April 30, 09:40 Reply

        All I have to say is if it’s not Panadol, it can never be like Panadol. Tsk.

      • Teflondon
        April 30, 10:35 Reply

        LOL.. Ladies & Gentlemen.. The lipstick Gang on full throttle today.

      • Ace
        April 30, 10:54 Reply

        Chizzie! Chizzie! Chizzie! *waving plaque cards*

    • Eros
      April 30, 07:01 Reply

      Aunty calm your tits. I am tired of your struggle for relevance on KD. If you do not have anything to say, be like the rest of us silent watchers and keep mute.

      The world does not revolve around you.

      There can be only one Chizzie.

      • trystham
        April 30, 07:19 Reply

        I swear, if this is a ploy to make us realise we should NEVER settle for less, it working BIG TIME. I’ll take a REAL Chizzie to a BLONDE counterfeit anytime. At least I had a good study of the human psyche with that one.

      • trystham
        April 30, 07:24 Reply

        I swear, if this is a ploy to make us realise we should NEVER settle for less, it’s working BIG TIME. I’ll take a REAL Chizzie to a BLONDE counterfeit anytime. At least I had a good study of the human psyche with that one.

    • zinnat
      April 30, 07:40 Reply

      Not every one will fake a write up like u did Ma. Some people like it real and simple (not fake and fabulous).

      • Teflondon
        April 30, 10:54 Reply

        Max get over yourself already. Hain!
        Since you released some detials abt me KD the other time.. I’ve bein having a lot of frnd request frm diff strangers on all my social media platform. (Request I clearly ignored) And strangers chatting me up on watsapp.. Albiet cute strangers none the less I’m not interested. You wouldn’t happen to be among this stalkers. Would you?

      • Deola
        April 30, 12:35 Reply

        Lol. I cant even. ***sips green tea***

      • Max
        April 30, 16:37 Reply

        Friend request? Sorry I don’t send friend requests.

    • Carl
      April 30, 11:27 Reply

      It’s a horrible trait of mine boo, @Tef. trying to please everybody, I mean(i really detest conflict)- but it definitely wasn’t my intention today. I will take your words under advisement. 🙂

  4. Sinnex
    April 30, 06:58 Reply

    Hmmmm…I hope I’d be able to keep up with the sheer number of stories and diaries on this blog.

    • JArch
      April 30, 07:08 Reply

      Sinnex darling, you read some and you miss some.

  5. trystham
    April 30, 07:27 Reply

    Pinky, the way u think up titles is just SUPER. I nearly had me googling if there was another Carl besides Karl Marx

    • Carl
      April 30, 11:31 Reply

      The title was actually thought up by me, though by Pinky’s encouragement, I stuck to my guns and didn’t change it. Appreciate the good sentiment

      • trystham
        April 30, 15:21 Reply

        the levels of ur ‘rep’ went up several notches with me. Thinking that up AND sticking to ur guns…*side eye at Pinky* Kudos

  6. Masked Man
    April 30, 07:33 Reply

    Trystham….funny you.

    ‘calm your tits’….. sucker punch.

      • Teflondon
        April 30, 10:56 Reply

        Listening to Kelis song…
        **My milkshake bring all the boys to the yard.. Delm right! They better yours**

    • trystham
      April 30, 08:31 Reply

      Nwam, I’d love to take the credit, but that was Eros.

  7. FlyOnTheWall
    April 30, 07:52 Reply

    Hey guys I have a riddle and the first current answer wins a data subscription:

    I am something, I yell out loud here that people should not kiss ass, i praise those who i deem to be not ass kissers, yet I go ahead to kiss ass everyday!

    What am i?

    • zinnat
      April 30, 08:04 Reply

      The answer is TEFinitely simple.

    • Max
      April 30, 10:35 Reply

      I’m Teffeney ikensi 1 of obodo iberibe.
      Now where’s my card @FlyOnTheWall?

      • Khaleesi
        April 30, 16:18 Reply

        Lmao Max, i dont know where you drag up all this meanness from… Chi m ooo!!

  8. Masked Man
    April 30, 08:35 Reply

    Cut him some slack oh.
    Too much scourge already.

  9. Peak
    April 30, 08:53 Reply

    Do you by any chance like green tea? Cos u sound like somborry I know.

    • Carl
      April 30, 11:32 Reply

      I only drink it when i feel like i ate a lot that day. Lol.

  10. Anonymous.
    April 30, 10:49 Reply

    First comment ever, and that’s cause of the riddle, that was funny and the answers “LOL”. I think Carl’s post gives a little air of anticipation which is good.

  11. Oluwadamilare Okoro
    April 30, 14:33 Reply

    Hmmm stories. I will call that aproko.

    Also. See dem all turning in write-ups just to whore a Lil and hail their crush. shiooorrrr

    Hey Deola boo *holds laff*

    • Carl
      April 30, 15:46 Reply

      Wow. What colorful words. If you are referring to me hailing James, then you should know that he is my bestfriend, going on 5 almost 6 years. But thanks boo. *flips 25″ weave, and walks sexily away in my Versace angel dress* #SpreadLove 🙂

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