Get Your Atomic Blonde Profile Picture While Charlize Theron expresses ‘frustration’ at lack of bisexual representation

Get Your Atomic Blonde Profile Picture While Charlize Theron expresses ‘frustration’ at lack of bisexual representation

Hollywood actress Charlize Theron has spoken about bisexual representation in cinema.

In Atomic Blonde, Theron plays Lorraine Broughton who is a bisexual MI6 spy.

Instead of following the Hollywood cliché of the female lead falling in love with the male lead, Broughton has sex with a fellow female spy (played by Sofia Boutella).

‘I just loved it,’ Theron says on Broughton’s sexuality. ‘For so many reasons: My frustration of how that community is represented in cinema, or lack thereof.’

GLAAD’s 2017 Studio Responsibility Index discovered only 23 (18.4%) of the 125 films they reviewed contained LGBTI characters. Of those 23 movies, only 13% featured a bisexual character.

Theron added: ‘It made perfect sense. It just suited her. It just felt there was a way through that relationship and the fact that it was a same-sex relationship to show a woman not having to fall in love, which is one of those female tropes. “It’s a woman; she better fall in love — otherwise, she’s a whore!”’

She spoke about how important the all-female love scene is: ‘It’s not something we see enough of in cinema, these kinds of relationships or exploration. It’s very real. And we’re so scared of it. And it’s beautiful in the film. It’s very sexy. The two of us talked a lot about how it’s about time that women can own their sexuality the same way males get to in movies.’

Also, apparently, the It Gets Better Project has partnered with Atomic Blonde to create a meme generator to show off your own badass self and demonstrate that you can be soft and strong all at once.

The kicker? Universal Studios will donate $1 to It Gets Better each time someone uses the generator.

So the only question now is: What sort of Atomic are you?

Head on over to access the meme generator and get that money flowing towards The It Gets Better Project!

We’ve taken the liberty of creating a few for our favorite KD crushes to get the creative juices flowing:

Head here to upload a picture of yourself and make your own Atomic GIF!

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  1. quinn
    July 30, 23:04 Reply

    idris elba just had to be there

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