Donald Trump unhappy with ‘unflattering’ portrait by gender-fluid artist

Donald Trump unhappy with ‘unflattering’ portrait by gender-fluid artist

Trump’s legal team has reportedly threatened to sue an artist for painting a nude portrait of the Republican candidate.

We’ve seen him seek world domination in the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, wage war in the Seven Kingdoms in Game of Thrones and do battle with The Plastics. However, prepare to see Donald Trump in a way that you’ve never seen him before – completely naked.56bcb8491a00002d00ab2770

Artist Illma Gore says that Trump’s legal team has contacted her over the ‘unflattering’ portrayal of the politician and business tycoon in a recent portrait. And it seems the egotistical presidential wannabe is particularly offended by Gore’s representation of his manhood.

“I thought it would be interesting to paint a micro-penis onto this prolific figure,” Gore said.

The piece, titled ‘Make America Great Again’, was originally unveiled by the artist in February.

“Because no matter what is in your pants, you can still be a big prick,” she said upon its release.

The piece quickly went viral, attracting bids of over $141,770 (£100,000) after it went on display in London earlier this month.

However, Gore says Trump’s legal team has contacted her twice threatening lawsuits. In addition, Facebook warned the gender fluid artist of legal action under ‘copyright violation’. Gore has accused the social media giant – along with eBay and Twitter – of attempting to censor her work.

Gore says she has also faced violent faced death threats from some Trump supporters.

“I don’t believe I did anything wrong,” Gore told the Daily News. “It’s my work and I’ll stand by it no matter what.”trump2

And she doesn’t intend to stop with Trump.

“Donald was the first of a couple of leaders I plan on painting to highlight that genitals don’t mean much,” she said. “It’s what’s inside that counts, it’s not the peel, its the ‘nana.”

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  1. Mandy
    April 20, 07:59 Reply

    ????????? I can’t with this picture. I just can’t. Chai! Donald Trump, ndo.

  2. Mandy
    April 20, 08:00 Reply

    And look at Obama, tsk tsk, how mean of you, Mr. President. ????

    • Donald Trump
      December 09, 07:27 Reply

      Yeah but the joke was on him in the end after all.

  3. Colossus
    April 20, 11:08 Reply

    Wait, how is it copyright infringement?

  4. A-non
    April 20, 11:38 Reply

    Illma Gore has my deepest respect for this.

  5. A-non
    April 20, 11:40 Reply

    But wait o! Is she related to Al Gore? Are the Democrats up to something through her work?

  6. Eddie
    April 20, 12:54 Reply

    Maybe his dick is really minute lol…. but na wa for Obama o lmao!!!

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