I watch my boss as he walks up to me.

His name is Henry, a thick chocolate candy of a man. Henry is about twice my age but clearly takes good care of his body. He has well-defined arms and a broad chest that shows off his fitness and possibly sexual agility. I’ve had a crush on him ever since I walked into the office building for an interview and saw him standing with one of the newest interns. She had her blouse buttoned low enough to reveal her very voluptuous bosom, but he turned and stared at me as I walked by. I barely remembered how to walk correctly that day. Shortly after that, I heard he was happily married and still had a bit of a reputation. Rumor had it that he’d slept with more than half of his female staff, which I figured made him rather very heterosexual.

But that didn’t dissuade me. No, I had very big plans. All that yummy would soon be mine, I told myself. I haven’t failed at the art of seduction, not yet. So I flirted, wore the tightest jeans, bit my lips every chance I got and went through all of the seduction motions (cautiously of course). But Henry did not seem to notice. This slashed my ego down a notch. And then, I had to give up my quest to have Henry push me against a wall and in perfect words whisper, “I want you… All of you!”


Anyway, we have been working without any more of my schemes for a couple of months since then.

Henry places a file in front of me and I inwardly groan. It is 6:54pm and there is hardly anybody left at the office. But Henry chooses tonight to look over some documents with me before I head out for the week. He glances at me, those sexy eyes peering at me through his glasses which make him even sexier.

“Excited for the weekend?” he asks.

“Not really. I’m planning to relax and maybe do something fun on Sunday,” I reply.

“Something fun…” He seems to chew the words in his mouth like he’s trying to taste it. “Like what?” he inquires again.

I stop working to answer, puzzled about the sudden interest in my personal life. Not that he’s a bad kind of CEO. But he always acts like he can’t be bothered either. He’s always been stern, so I am genuinely surprised.

“I don’t know, maybe dinner somewhere nice,” I say.

“Cool. Alon –”

He gets cut off from what he is about to say by someone walking into the office and saying her goodbye. From the silence that stretches around us in the wake of the departure, it means Henry and I are completely alone. I think about this for a moment and then dismiss it, and turn my head back to the final pages.

I can feel Henry’s eyes on me as he says, “I’ll be right back.”

I pay him no attention as I try to finish up so I can get going on home. It has been a stressful week and I sigh with faint exhaustion. I hear a lock click somewhere and I look up to see Henry walking back in.

I hear another lock – mine. Henry faces the door, pauses for a second before turning back to look at me. By this time, many scenarios have flashed through my head, chief among them being sudden fright that he might be a psychopath looking to murder me – right here!

But Henry moves swiftly to me and pulls me off my chair and covers my lips with his.

I find myself whimpering softly with startled delight as his lips mesh with mine. Henry’s lips are soft and tasty and absolutely chocolaty. I melt into his grasp, only my tongue and lips seem to be working.

With my eyes still closed, I eventually move my lips from his and I feel a shiver run through me.

“What’s happening?” I say as I stare questioningly at him.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the very first day I saw you,” he husks with a small laugh. “You’ve been torturing me, Dayo.” He puts his hand beneath my chin and inches my face further upward.

 My brain switches back on and I move my hips towards his. My erection bumps against his.

“Oh. God…” he groans and he grinds back against me, claiming my lips again.

Our tongues dance against each other and we’re gasping in quick breaths. He pushes me against the nearest wall, leaves fiery kisses on my neck and licks my skin. Henry trails his tongue all over me until he reaches my ear, pauses and whispers ever so softly, “I want every inch of you.”

I take off his shirt, and he fumbles helpfully to take of every piece of clothing left on him. I take mine off slowly, watching him shake with desire. I stop thinking about going home. I stop thinking about where we are. I stop thinking about the fact that he’s married. I banish the thought that he is my boss. I stop thinking about everything.

All I want at this moment is to give him every single inch of me.

Written by Abrams

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  1. Jo
    June 08, 06:59 Reply

    Erm…..okay?? Is there a point to this story?

    • Mandy
      June 08, 07:13 Reply

      For you to be entertained. That’s usually the point of most stories. To give entertainment. Not every story has to give you food for thought.

    • Johannes
      June 09, 14:27 Reply

      LMAO. I almost asked the same. Although i wasn’t entertained, my poron was. lol. I am trying to hide my loin’s bulg from other workers.

    • Lorde
      June 10, 18:04 Reply

      Yes…… that wishes do come true….

  2. OMG!!! It's HYPO
    June 08, 07:16 Reply

    Wow…..You eventually had your way #Congrats! But erm, it’s not like we are amebo here oh, we’d appreciate if U can give subsequent episode sha..

  3. Mandy
    June 08, 07:17 Reply

    Having an affair with a hot boss… That’s totally on my wish list. I have a supervisor or two I’d like to work late into the night with ??

  4. himbo
    June 08, 08:17 Reply

    Foxydevil’s coming for you

  5. Eli
    June 08, 08:59 Reply

    No wonder ppl think we are sex crazed predators…. You knew the man was married and and had a reputable but still wanted to seduce him!? KITO, pls use this platform to do better oo, some of these stories erhh, what about self love, and integrity, and respect for oneself? Ohhhh we can have entertainment without becoming rabid sexual being…With no moral compass!!!

    • Johnny
      June 08, 09:21 Reply

      Shuuu. As if you’ve never whined your ass to that crush living next door. ???

    • Jeova Sanctus Unus
      June 08, 09:48 Reply

      I bet that’s why 90% of Nigerian marriages fail. Homosexual Seduction: The Fall of Mankind.

      • Pink Panther
        June 08, 09:52 Reply

        ????? JSU, it’s such a catastrophic epidemic, this homosexual seduction.

        • Jo
          June 08, 10:10 Reply

          lol…you guys sha got his point nah. I do not think that morality is a universal indices here. You may not approve of someone shagging a married man, just don’t judge

      • himbo
        June 08, 10:09 Reply

        I bet that’s why 90% of
        Nigerian marriages fail.
        Homosexual Seduction: The
        Fall of Mankind.
        Meanwhile a lot of nigerian marriages are about to be wrecked by 3 letters. DNA.
        I loved your meme pinky.

    • ambivalentone
      June 08, 11:36 Reply

      You have spoken well. I wanted to waste saliva like this until I realised it fell under fiction. I only hope our impressionable youth with daddy issues take note.

      • IBK
        June 08, 12:14 Reply

        Yassssssssssssss! Take note of the seduction moves.



  6. Delle
    June 08, 10:45 Reply

    Why does this always happen? You’d be trying so hard to get someone’s attention and he acts like you don’t exist meanwhile, he has his eyes on you all the while.

    Wearing tight jeans and biting lips. Seduction moves? ??
    Oh well…

    • Pink Panther
      June 08, 10:51 Reply

      Are you taking note and including those into your arsenal? ?

      • Delle
        June 08, 17:22 Reply

        Actually I just removed them from my arsenal. Seems rampant?

    • ambivalentone
      June 08, 11:38 Reply

      Omalicha, any more tightening to ur jeans might leave ur cripple ke

  7. Quinn
    June 08, 11:28 Reply

    Every inch! I repeat every inch! haha. well done. I wouldn’t with a married man. I just can’t.

  8. Ivanko
    June 08, 15:49 Reply

    me trying to hide my hard dick from my supervisor….

  9. dickson clement
    June 09, 03:24 Reply

    This moral compass ish! Anyway! Bikonu how does a CEO come after you just like that? Eekwa? No prior conversation, no 3,4,5th party recommendations, no meeting at the pillars,just comes on to you? This story is less believable than beauty and the beast

    • Pink Panther
      June 09, 07:43 Reply

      Fiction, dickson clement. The story is fiction. Have you checked up on the full definition of fiction lately? 🙂

  10. Johannes
    June 09, 14:31 Reply

    Nice story… Strong descriptive power… Poignant narration.
    Eskuss me, I want to post my fiction pieces too, who do i submit to?

  11. Dextrous
    June 09, 18:17 Reply

    And when my young man was going hard, I realized it was fiction. 🙂

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