Facebook Post Of The Day: About Prince

Facebook Post Of The Day: About Prince

Here’s what Kenny Brandmuse has to say on the issue of Prince, the stigmatization of HIV positive people and the departed icon’s sexuality.


Well, I’m not a Prince fan. No, he did nothing wrong. Just not my type of music. But, I puke at the ongoing conversation that’s already brewing in the Black communities:

How people make a quick connection to HIV once they learn someone they suspect is gay dies. Talk about HIV stigma or serophobia. Talk about homophobia. It’s still a significant burden for a person of color to live openly positive in our communities. Listen, Becky. When we continue to make HIV such a big deal, more infected people will keep quiet about it, and may not get treatment. Once they refuse to get treated, they will infect your sorry ass. Then, you’ll know it’s not a glass of lemonade.

The best remedy for HIV is still ‘treatment as prevention.’ It means if people who are HIV positive (like me) are treated, it’s almost impossible for them to infect anyone even if they sleep with you unprotected. It’s a FACT.

So, when you stigmatize people living with HIV, you actually undo yourself. Because stigma is a boomerang.

WHAT TO DO: Create an enabling environment for people living with HIV so they can seek medical care like anyone dealing with asthma or diabetes.

And lastly, not all gay people are HIV positive. Sadly, we are mostly at risk because the society had repressed gay population through the years. When people go underground, they do anything to survive, and sex is one of such survival tools known to humankind. Again, see what stigma, this time, homophobia can do. Allow your gay son to bring his boyfriend home like your other son brings his girlfriend home, and see if he will go just for anything.

And one more ‘lastly’ – for real, for real – Why would you think Prince was gay? If he didn’t say so, then let him. Go face your own business, or sing Purple Rain or something. And if you don’t know how to sing, go shove a large fist – preferably a Donald Trump’s fist, if it’s not too small – down your homophobic throat and let Prince purple cum fill your pathetic soul.

Next TIERs Is Hiring

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  1. •*•sugarrrr*•*
    May 05, 07:13 Reply

    This is super cooooool.

    Allow your gay son to bring his boyfriend home like your other son brings his girlfriend home, and see if he will go just for anything…

  2. Mandy
    May 05, 07:24 Reply

    But that question about Prince’s sexuality, I ponder too o. Dude was just very colourful. Makes you wonder.

    PS: Kenny be speaking truth again, as usual.

    • Keredim
      May 05, 08:21 Reply

      @Mandy how would that add or subtract a day from your life, if he was??

  3. Peak
    May 05, 08:31 Reply

    “It means if people who are HIV positive (like me) are treated, it’s almost impossible for them to infect anyone even if they sleep with you unprotected. It’s a FACT.”
    Please can someone wheel in all the medical doctors, I need someone to break down the part where a positive person, getting proper treatment, can have unprotected sex without infecting the other person. Is this really a “FACT” or is kenny just reaching cos he is royally pissed with the distortion of the news? Abeg make una help. I need answers for the state of my paranoia.

    Secondly the news about Prnce committing suicide cos he had full blown AIDS, left a bitter taste in my mouth. He should be allowed to rest in peace. He treasured his privacy and all of a sudden, the vultures are out to tear apart everything about him. AIDS or not, drug abuser or not, his selflessness and impeccable legacy is all that matters to me.

    • Francis
      May 05, 18:46 Reply

      Almost impossible

      Take home tip: wear your condom well or go on PREP

    • Peak
      May 05, 19:00 Reply

      Condoms sounds just fine, you can keep the PrEP

  4. Keredim
    May 05, 08:42 Reply

    @Peak your question about infection… I have wondered about the same too. There is a belief that, if the HIV positive person’s viral load is “undetectable” he is not infectious. There is a category for this status on gay hook up apps.

    Based on this, guys go around having bareback sex with people with such status.

    I have challenged this before and I have been royally slammed as being uneducated and backward.

    At the end of the day, its your body use a condom if you wish.

    I am not stigmatising anyone one with HIV, but i just do not believe the hype.????

  5. Mitch
    May 05, 08:49 Reply

    Kenny’s words would fill even the worst of homophobes with shame, if only they’d take out time to read something meaningful for once

  6. Delle
    May 05, 09:49 Reply

    “Listen, Becky. When we continue to make HIV such a big deal, more infected people will keep quiet about it, and may not get treatment. Once they refuse to get treated, they will infect your sorry ass. Then, you’ll know it’s not a glass of lemonade.”
    Best Line!

    Really Kenny, tell them.
    OAN, from good sources, Prince wasn’t gay. And so what if he was?

  7. Simba
    May 05, 12:36 Reply

    Peak and keredim.. Yes it’s a fact. When people with undetectable viral load has unprotected sex, it’s virtually impossible to transmit the virus. But bear in mind, an undetectable person can be highly infectious in few days as the virus replicates in millions, therefore if ur partner is undetectable, u must make sure he takes his drugs regularly and does viral load testing every 6 months.

  8. Francis
    May 05, 18:47 Reply

    Bia PP, where’s the subscribe to comments box? Stop rough play abeg. Person can’t be refreshing comments all day oh.

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