Facebook Post Of The Day XV

Facebook Post Of The Day XV

“People want to control you. How you walk. How you sleep. Who you sleep with. Where you go. What you wear. How you live as a woman. How you live as a man. What you say. What you believe. And when you snap out of this control. When you say ‘I am what I am.’ When you begin to love and accept who you are. When you begin to give out of the abundance of love you have for yourself and refuse to stick to the rules of these control freaks, they bawl. Because the first slave trade was about owning physical human commodities. Modern day slavery is about owning human mental capacities. Slaves are no more in the plantations, they toil in the synagogues of today’s demagogues. Find your voice.”

Kenny Brandmuse speaks out, in a Facebook post, against giving your environment too much power over you.

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  1. ambivalentone
    September 25, 07:24 Reply

    Ambivalentone, shey u r seeing this again??? Shut your mouth. I am gay and I WILL marry a woman. Ain’t nuffin u gonna do about it.

      • ambivalentone
        September 25, 07:44 Reply

        OK, seriously, I am now thinking I need HELP. Desperately sef.

        • Mandy
          September 25, 08:21 Reply

          Hallelujah! It’s Sunday and ambivalentone knows he needs help! 😀

    • Keredim
      September 25, 07:56 Reply

      You never talk wetin Kenny Brandmuse do you..????

      • ambivalentone
        September 25, 08:10 Reply

        Ugh!!! And I already told u – I MENTION HIM SO PPL DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES HE DID!!! Wo keredim, I am trying to find balance this soon-to-rain morning. O n to mi. Ma je ki n kan’ra mo e o.

  2. beejay
    September 25, 08:01 Reply

    Indeed modern slavery is about owning human mental capacities… it’s just as illustrated in George Orwell’s 1984, absolute power rests with those who possess and control the human mind. Don’t give them that power.

  3. Mandy
    September 25, 08:24 Reply

    His words are true. A commandment especially for LGBT people should be: when you can get away with it, absolutely do not give anyone the power to run your life for you. Even when you can’t get away with it, gradually stake some control over your life and your decisions.

  4. Peak
    September 25, 09:37 Reply

    Well dear Kenny, mordern day slavers dictate to you like they own you. Wanting to force feed you with their self constructed moral codes. I mean they never pass up an opportunity to point out to you how they are Moralists and not Christians because fornication is a religious word. So how do you hope to be right when they have you blocked on all sides with their incoherent and illogical interpretation of human behaviour and interaction?

    At times like these, all I just try to do is reach for our customised Nigerian mantra, #ItIsWell.

    • ambivalentone
      September 25, 10:03 Reply

      ?Pinky, I forgot to add this one too. Be a dear and add it to my earlier self-depreciating rant.?

  5. Delle
    September 25, 12:02 Reply

    “Kenny Brandmuse speaks out, in a Facebook post, against giving your environment too much power over you.”

    Oh dear MGMs, deep within me I pray, earnestly so, that you all understand and assimilate the semantics of those words articulately joined together up there.

  6. chuck
    September 25, 12:04 Reply

    Always good to think for yourself, and evaluate the opinions of the crowd before you adopt or discard them.

  7. IBK
    September 25, 12:23 Reply

    Interesting how Some of us are taking this message and making it about the other person instead of making it about bettering themselves.

    Makes me think about logs of wood and specks of dust.

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