Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner wants Sansa to end up with a woman

Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner wants Sansa to end up with a woman

It’s safe to say Sansa Stark hasn’t had a huge amount of luck with men.

From King Joffrey to Ramsay Bolton, it’s pretty clear that she could do without being forcibly married to a psychopathic, power-hungry man.

Sophie Turner, the actress who plays Sansa, also wants a happy ending for her character and she believes there’s only one way to do that: for her to end up with a woman.

“In the Game of Thrones universe, I think she’s going to have to swing the other way – because the men thing isn’t working for her,” Turner told EW.

But who? “Judging by Sansa’s relationship with Margaery…probably Margaery,” she said.sansa-1

This would definitely work.

But in a slightly more disgusting idea…

“Or [Sansa could hook up with her kid sister] Arya – because I’d like to see that happen,” Turner said, laughing. “I’d love a love scene between Arya and Sansa.”

Fingers crossed?

Next Photo: To Be Gay Or Happy

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  1. Mandy
    May 25, 05:09 Reply

    Uh Sophie, aside from the blood ties, I don’t think Sansa is Arya’s type. 🙂

  2. Kenny
    May 25, 06:15 Reply

    Arya doesn’t even seem like a girl interested in any form of romance so that won’t be happening. I’ll prefer they introduce a new character if Sansa is going to be with a woman.

    • ambivalentone
      May 25, 09:18 Reply

      Arya is in love with a bitch, and her name is REVENGE.
      BTW, eskiss ma, stick to the script Martin and your producer gives u. Oniranu. Ma ba iwe je fun mi. That’s how I was looking for d boy Jon hung in d book until I googled and realised he is just a waka-pass cooked up by the producer. Eish

  3. JustJames
    May 25, 09:08 Reply

    This sounds like “all these niggas are fuck boys so I’m gon try girls” meanwhile you be craving dick on the dl. Unless she’s actually bi or somfin.. And they’ve alluded to the fact that she is/could be. I don’t keep up with the series so I don’t know.

    Something about switching orientations just cause your luck with a particular sex is bad doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe it’s some subconscious prejudice.

    • Colossus
      May 25, 14:15 Reply

      *gasp* You don’t keep up with the series? That’s impossible, game of thrones is the actual air we breathe, if you don’t keep up with it then how are you alive?

      • Pink Panther
        May 25, 16:43 Reply

        Hahahahahahahahahaa!!!! I swear. That question is valid.

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