Gay Porn Star Jordan Fox Publicly ‘Paint-Shames’ Bottom He Had Sex With

Gay Porn Star Jordan Fox Publicly ‘Paint-Shames’ Bottom He Had Sex With

Porn star and all-round lovely person Jordan Fox recently took to his social media to publicly shame someone he had sex with.

“Just fucked a guy and look what happened,” he raged on his Twitter account, posting a picture of a used condom, “can’t you bottoms clean your ass properly before getting fucked?? I’m not into scat! SHAME ON HIM.”

Surely a porn star complaining about shit on a condom is like a doctor complaining about blood on his gloves?

His tweet, which has long since been deleted, was of course met with some responses calling him out on his apparent lack of sensitivity.

When Fox was approached for a statement regarding his tweet, he said that he had “no intention to attack anybody” and that he was caught up “in the moment”.

“I was just upset, because there is a guy that always messes up my bed, because he never douches…” he said. “I was just upset in the moment.”

And we all know that social media is the best place to put your reactive emotions.

He added that he “prefers his partners to douche”.

Next My Yoruba Demon

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  1. Lorde
    February 20, 13:55 Reply

    He didnr even manage to fine small….. olodo

  2. Sleek Creamy
    February 20, 23:31 Reply

    This is really bad for that beast to have shame a bottom like that.
    Come on not everyone knows how to douche and besides there is always a first time.
    I never knew what douche meant not until I met my very first tb mother and first bf that plugged my flower.
    My bf thought me how to douche before we had our first sex ever.
    We didn’t just talked about dicks and all that but instead we talk about how to douche and the importance of douching.
    Thank lawd for Youtube as well,there I learnt different ways of douching.
    How to douches perfectly is a must for all bottoms n verse…

    • J
      February 23, 21:48 Reply

      Douche? From douche bag I suppose ? I have never heard of it until today. Well shame on that miserable of a top. People like him don’t even shave their ass or wash it properly. My heart goes out to all the bottoms holding on to stupid tops like that, honey you deserve better. Shit on that dick, let him wipe your ass like a new born baby. He summoned it, he should clean it.

  3. Delle
    February 21, 12:20 Reply

    I am pretty sure the guy prefers his partners to be hot but look ‘what’ he ended up with.

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