Halle Berry shuts down bigots who criticized her over her six-year-old son wearing her heels

Halle Berry shuts down bigots who criticized her over her six-year-old son wearing her heels

The world is going through a health crisis, and yet, some people think it’s a good time to have a problem with how and why celebrities are raising their kids “wrong.”

Well, Halle Berry is not here for it.

The actress recently hit back at critics of her son after she posted a video of six-year-old Maceo wearing heels on Instagram.

The video, uploaded at the end of March with the caption “#Quarantine Day 12”, showed him sporting a pair of cream stiletto boots – presumably owned by the Catwoman star – and trying to negotiate his way up a set of stairs in them.

Just a bit of harmless fun for a kid in isolation, right?

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#Quarantine Day 12 ?

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Well, not everyone thought it was appropriate behaviour for a six-year-old boy.

In response, Berry got a ton of comments about how she’s “emasculating” her son, “making him gay,” and should “buy him a Playstation” instead. There were other comments like “I hope that’s the daughter” (Berry has a 12-year-old girl as well), “nothing fun about this” and “my son never played in heels”. One commenter suggested that Berry being biracial is the reason she’s okay with her son wearing heels. (Um, what?) Another asked if she’s been “talking to Dwyane Wade?” referring to the former NBA player who has a transgender daughter.

While Berry didn’t respond directly to her haters, she did respond to a number of comments in which fans defended her. “Harmless fun. It’s tight on these kids right now. Let’s have a laugh and some compassion yawl!” she wrote.

Berry also responded to a commenter who wrote, “she’s having the time of her life lol,” saying, “well it’s a he (?) and he is having a ball. Tryna cope the best he can. Laughter helps a lot right now!”

She’s right. It doesn’t matter at all that Maceo is playing with his mom’s shoes. But it does matter that some people turn to hatred very quickly when they see something that makes them uncomfortable. That’s what’s harmful. Not this.

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  1. Mandy
    April 12, 08:54 Reply

    The six year old may simply be playing around and having fun with his mother’s shoes.

    Or the six year old may be discovering a part of him that will eventually grow to show him how different he is.

    Whatever is the case, I’m just glad he has a mother like Halle Berry whose actions are already showing him that it is okay for him to be whoever he wants to be.

    Fuck the haters!!!

  2. Brown
    April 12, 09:01 Reply

    People should really know how to mind their business. Is that really an issue? So what if he wears heels.

  3. Ken
    April 12, 11:11 Reply

    And this is America where the haters can’t legally do anything other that scoff and hate

    In Nigeria, na ur mama go first kill u. But let’s even say u have open minded parents, how will they cope with a trans/gay son in a deeply homophobic society. It’s a double whammy for d gay child just discovering hinself

  4. Leon
    April 19, 03:33 Reply

    Halle is not only a sweetheart and a loving dotting mother, she’s also a strong Ally and supporter of the LGBTQ community worldwide,she honors every invitation to LGBTQ events,and encourages and supports queer folks in the states,she also appreciates and promotes any pride celebration or glaad event, honoring it with a creative pics and so…
    Much love for Halle Berry

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