Husband of 9/11 Hero sends award back because of Caitlyn Jenner
The husband of a policewoman killed on 9/11 returned his wife’s posthumous Woman of the Year award to Glamour after the magazine gave the same honor last week to Caitlyn Jenner.
James Smith told The Post he yanked the award off the shelf in his Long Island home dedicated to his wife, Moira, and FedExed it back to the magazine.
Moira, who died at the age of 38 after rushing into the South Tower, was honored by the magazine a month after her death.
But after Jenner, 66, was anointed last week, Smith told the magazine’s editor, Cindi Leive, to take the award and shove it.
“I was shocked and saddened to learn that Glamour has just named Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year,’” Smith wrote in his scathing missive of the former Olympic track star and Kardashian reality-show patriarch.
“Was there no woman in America, or the rest of the world, more deserving than this man?” he continued. “At a time when we have women in the armed forces fighting and dying for our country, heroic doctors fighting deadly diseases, women police and firefighters putting their lives on the line for total strangers, brave women overcoming life threatening diseases… The list of possibilities goes on. Is this the best you could do?”
Jenner was among several others feted at Carnegie Hall last week, including Oscar-winner Reese Witherspoon, tennis star Billie Jean King and former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham.
A spokesman for the magazine told The Post that it received Smith’s letter and that it stands by its honors.
“We were proud to honor his wife in 2001, and we stand by our decision to honor Caitlyn Jenner,” a Glamour spokeswoman said on Saturday. “Glamour’s Women of the Year Awards recognize women with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.”
November 17, 06:48Very foolish man. Actually, foolish, ignorant and selfish. He’s the opposite of everything the award given to his wife stands for.
Sadly, you will still hear some gays towing his dumb views on trans people. Pretending like they have no clue what the struggle means: to be born one way and then be seen as a completely different individual by society.
Caitlyn Jenner is simply an example of many LGBT that take certain “decisions” to be accepted by society, convince themselves that said decision is for d best, only to realise later in life that they wasted their entire lives for nothing! Cos theres no point in living if u cant feel alive (King, The world is not enough)
November 17, 07:15@Ken, in what way is he foolish? He merely said Caitlyn hasn’t done enough to be among the recipients. And feels it doesn’t equate to his wife’s sacrifice.
“Sadly, you will still hear some gays towing his dumb views on trans people”.
His views weren’t transphobic.
November 17, 07:19And the Glamour spokeswoman said: ‘Glamour’s Women of the Year Awards recognize women with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.’
Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t have to have lived the life of 9/11 hero, or a heroic doctor, or a policewoman, or a firefighter, or any of that. But she simply has to have being a remarkable woman with a life experience that is not usual for every other woman.
And Caitlyn Jenner is. So yea, this man is a little bit too consumed by his prejudice to see the bigger picture. Perhaps he’s not transphobic, but he is very prejudicial against this trans woman.
November 17, 07:32@pete I guess u have been adequately responded to.
Like I said:
Sadly, you will still hear some gays towing his dumb views on trans people. Pretending like they have no clue what the struggle means: to be born one way and then be seen as a completely different individual by society.
Marc Francis of Chelsea
November 17, 14:34Totally his problem. His wife was the hero not him so his opinion does not matter. They gave her the award as the “transgender hero” because of how much her transition has shed light on the trans community. Maybe they should’ve have named his wife the transgender hero. Dumbass.
November 17, 07:21@Pete: his view was transophobic… he referred to her as a man…. plus; he wasn’t the one giving out the awards so he has no authority to decide who gets what.
November 17, 07:43you were “shocked” and “saddened” because of a magazine’s award? lol. bigots and their choice of words… this one needs to go and find something another excuse to spew his hate. it’s glamour magazine’s award not a freaking nobel prize.
i’m not actually sure what exactly jenner is doing for the trans community now but if she’s being an inspiration, role model and activist for them, then kudos to her.
November 17, 07:46Sending his wife’s postmortem award was a step too far. I understand the way he feels, many people here in the US feel that way. I don’t see any outstanding thing Caitlyn has done except for attending award shows and parties. She is even still learning what it is to be trans according to what we see on her show. I personally feel many companies are just using her to score points on what they consider a good image for their brand, if a new person comes out with more prospects, they will dump Cait and move on to the next new thing.
November 17, 08:19Well apparently you dont get it either.
Apart for being the posterboy (girl) for freedom to be who you truly are (btw isnt that what America is all about, at least in theory?) caitlyn has also displayed courage, strength and has given a voice to a minority group that many people dont even believe exist or view as “abnormal”.
She is showing the world that being trans is not a choice or a mental problem. These people exists. And just like gays, many live “normal” heterosexual lives pretending to be who society wants them to be.
You cannot begin to imagine what she has been through since coming out -especially after being an olympian with 8 kids. That simply says to that old grandpa who is really a woman inside or that little teenager struggling to find peace, that its never too late to be who you are.
Sometimes the greatest battle is not in iraq or afghanistan, but within our innermost selves
Pink Panther
November 17, 08:51‘Sometimes the greatest battle is not in Iraq or Afghanistan but within our innermost selves”.
You’re being so on point today, Ken.
November 17, 08:17This Caitlyn’s issue will always be mired in controversy. I understand that the man has his own prejudices against the concept of being trans (note his use of the name “Bruce” and male pronouns), but I also keep wondering about this award; has Caitlyn shone a more positive light on trans issues than someone like,say,Lavern Cox? Why is one Trans-celebrity more deserving of the award, than another? Honestly curious,anyone who understands better should please enlighten me.
Pink Panther
November 17, 08:49Chestnut, Caitlyn didn’t trump anyone else to get the award. There were other honorees.
November 17, 09:41I know PP, but what I’m asking is, why wasn’t Lavern (for instance) nominated or honored? I’m not being judgemental here; I honestly want to understand the “it” factor that makes Caitlyn different.
November 17, 09:57Laverne was one of the Glamour Women of the Year about two years ago, there’s no outshining going on here.
November 17, 08:33You can’t blame him actually. It is all confusing. He just can’t see the correlation between what his wife did which led to her death and being awarded to what Caitlyn is which is not really a big deal because there are a lot of Trans the world over. I even know one where I live. So what’s special about Caitlyn?
Why don’t you educate him that insult him. Everyone cannot be like you. If you weren’t gay I am sure you would also be confused.
November 17, 08:49Well, the human race is heaving itself forward. Retarded people will get crushed or left behind. His complaint is a faint cry in an avalanche of applause for caitlyn.
November 17, 08:57I personally feel Caitlyn is being overrated by being awarded these awards. I won’t let my ideology cloud my views on this and I’m ready to be tagged transphobic. This is an athlete who has lived almost all his life as a celebrity. This is someone who belongs to the elitist class of society in a relatively tolerant part of the country and has always had the resources to to get everything he wants including security. Apart from the role of an inspiration for other less fortunate trans people around the world, what exactly can be dubbed COURAGEOUS about caitlyn’s coming out?
November 17, 09:16Really?? Have u been living under a rock?
Did u not hear of the death threats? Petition to have the olympic medals revoked?? Initial lack of acceptance by family??
Dont be a hater
Pink Panther
November 17, 09:26And the constant ridicule from the general public.
Tiercel de Claron.
November 17, 10:39The public ridicule is not so much about her being trans,he’s always been on btw,but the media circus she’s turned the whole thing to.
And yes,this man may be transphobic,but I believe he’s also venting at the whole show of a thing.
Tiercel de Claron.
November 17, 10:40*She’s always been.
Ere I get crucified
Marc Francis of Chelsea
November 17, 14:44Actually the scrutiny has been about her being trans. Would you rather she crawled into a shell for the rest of her life? She’s come out publicly and is not hiding who she is and that is a big deal. To be able to show people that an all-American athletic champion can also be a trans person is a huge deal. All this talk about her elitism is irrelevant because she has used her show on the biggest entertainment channel to highlight trans issues. Rather than moan about why Caitlyn deserves the award, why not celebrate a mainstream magazine celebrating a trans person?
November 17, 17:09Me still thinks Caitlyn is having life way better than many Trans people out there. So if Kim decides to switch genders tomorrow we’ll around her with awards too? If these awards were posthumously being given to that frightened hopeless boy who committed suicide earlier this year after leaving us a note saying his death should mean something, I’ll push for even more recognition. Who did caitlyn have to fear before coming out? Is it Kim or Kylie or Kris?
November 17, 09:29@henrie you think famous people are not normal people because they have money, hunnie its not even like that, you don’t really know what it feels like not fitting in your body…. cait is being true to herself . its her freedom she’s after and she got it and I know it wasn’t easy for her to do it because of who she was and what she had achieved as a man …. pls she deserve that award and lavern cox story and cait story are totally different let’s forget race here
November 17, 09:50Errrr, hello? Is this posh666????????????
November 17, 11:14My thoughts exactly
November 17, 11:14Like i said concerning this issue earlier, this is about someone trying to stay in the public eye; Jenner. An Award Organizer trying to resurrect its dying name or improve its customer ratings; Glamour.
i see no reason why Jenner was given this award. I’m totally with the man (9/11 hero husband) and i empathize with him.
November 17, 11:16Empathizing, sympathizing, while being transphobic???????
Marc Francis of Chelsea
November 17, 14:51Glamour magazine does not need attention. They are not irrelevant. Caitlyn did not use spiritual powers to make them give her the award. The difference between Laverne and Caitlyn is that Laverne did not transition in the public eye. We didn’t know her before she became Laverne as a celebrity. Caitlyn has been a star since the 70s. I just don’t understand why Caitlyn is not supposed to enjoy the attention. Transitioning at 65, why wouldn’t she want to enjoy red carpets and being papped? There is nothing wrong with enjoying the trappings of stardom especially with the attention it brings to the trans community.
November 17, 11:17O, the prejudice in the world
When shall you cease.
November 17, 13:02Why won’t people just let Caitlyn be? In as much as I kinda dislike her now (I think she dissed gays), I would just encourage people not to be dying ontop her matter o.
She aff carry the award, if you like throw your own away (actually your wife’s, who send you message?), I don’t think it would cease her breathing. People can hate shaa
November 17, 13:54I think the man is clearly transphobic but if he were, why didn’t he return the same award when Laverne Cox was awarded has? Or was his late wife given a posthumous award after Laverne was?
Clearly people tend to be more fond of Laverne and see her more as a woman than they do of Cait.
Probably cause the former seems more accomplished than the latter and has an actual job. What is it that Caitlyn does exactly? Plus Cait seems to be enjoying all the attention, and the spotlight regardless of whether she deserves it or not.
Caitlyn is a disaster waiting to happen, much like that Michael Sam guy. Isn’t he in rehab or something? He admitted he was struggling with depression and has since fallen off the radar.
November 17, 14:19Dude, it’s the whole Kardashian media freakshow that makes Cait look superficial. Whatever “good” he is doing, just doesn’t sit well with me.
Check out Kellie Maloney, used to be a boxing promoter, named Frank. She is more believable than Cait, even though she was a self confessed homophobe in the past.
I ain’t no trans-phobe, just a Kardashian-phobe?
Tiercel de Claron.
November 17, 19:18And she’s milking the freak-show all she can get out of it too.
November 17, 14:23I think the hostility towards Caitlyn being high when compared to Laverne is becos Jenner has been known for so long as Bruce Jenner. People had gotten comfortable with her being Bruce. Plus it doesn’t help that she’s yoked to the most disliked celebrity family, the Kardashians. Her baggage upon her crossover into transgender is just too much.
November 17, 15:16I feel you guys just love to swim in the pool of Chizzie’s comments. Oh well…
November 17, 15:23…and your point exactly is?
November 17, 15:55Lol biko Keredim, go for this young man before someone pours acid on me. Hai
November 17, 16:04You pipu should leave delle alone, go look for someone else to bully.
Why do people hate the kardashians so much, I love them, very much if I might add.
November 17, 16:49The dude is transphobic. But there’s a point in there. Somewhere.