Together we sat

Under a leaking roof

Misery, I and a broken heart


Two moons and a quarter

Through the clanging of bells

And the period of the sleigh

We sat


And the world watched

While it raged outside, within

And my heart bled out



Then Misery got cold

And the heart mended slowly

Hardened and became rusty

The naivety gone

Replaced by a wariness

That distrusted trust

And yielded nothing



We are fine


Still broken


In no search for another


We are home.

Written by Jo

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  1. Mandy
    March 09, 08:15 Reply

    Together we sat
    Under a leaking roof
    Misery, I and a broken heart.

    That gave me some really powerful imagery about heartbreak. Well written, Joe. First comes the storm, then comes healing. Then you’re home.

  2. Z
    March 09, 11:15 Reply

    This is good

  3. UC TheMisfit
    March 09, 11:24 Reply

    Really, really vivid poetry, Joe. Nice.

    First paragraph… ?✔

  4. OJ
    March 09, 11:36 Reply

    Beautifully Constructed. Thanks Joe.

  5. Jo
    March 09, 21:58 Reply

    Thanks everyone. Break up takes you to a very sad place, it also opens you up to beautiful poetry.

    And PP, it is Jo, inugo? Just J.O. Tenkiu.

  6. Danger
    March 11, 02:33 Reply

    I had similar experience too. Or actually, i did similar thing you did. But the cute dude wouldnt wake, so i carries out all my fantasies on him while he was asleep.
    Guess he would be surprised at the of cum in his briefs each morning.. Lol. I’m spoilt.

  7. Stardmich
    September 08, 22:04 Reply

    Sounds like what my Jo would write.. Awwspired.

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