Jason Momoa Unveiled As Aquaman

Jason Momoa Unveiled As Aquaman

b-rawtjccaaf81bThe first look at the new Aquaman has finally surfaced.

Zack Snyder, the filmmaker in charge of the latest effort to put DC Comics characters on the big screen, tweeted on Thursday night a photo of Jason Momoa as the King of Atlantis and co-founder of the Justice League. “There is only one true King. #unitetheseven,” Snyder’s tweet reads. Momoa’s superhero will appear alongside Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Snyder’s upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice as well as a future Aquaman movie.

Following in the tradition of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy and Snyder’s 2013 Superman reboot Man of Steel, the character’s big screen iteration is much darker than the Aquaman found in the comics since his debut in 1941. As you can see in the photo below, Aquaman has traditionally sported a green and gold bodysuit, while Momoa’s dreadlocked version of the hero seems to be closer in spirit to his character Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones and his gritty Conan the Barbarian. At least he still has Aquaman’s familiar five-pointed spear.ec1d660f214525c1f7d9b699e911c487e3af6a06

In the comics, Aquaman was a founding member of the Justice League. Arthur, King of Atlantis, rules Earth’s oceans and has superstrength and can talk with sea life.

After debuting in Batman v. Superman, Aquaman is expected to in Justice League Part One (Nov. 17, 2017) before starring in his own solo adventure Aquaman (July 27, 2018) and regrouping with his superhero pals in Justice League Part Two (June 14th, 2019).

Dude is smoking, seriously!

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  1. obatala
    February 22, 05:23 Reply

    pinky, I’m sure u don’t want idris seeing u ogling the dude in body armor. hehehehee

  2. Lothario
    February 22, 07:59 Reply

    Oh well! At least we’re sure he’ll have work till 2018 abi 2019 sef

    • pinkpanthertb
      February 22, 08:05 Reply

      As in eh. You get into a superhero film contract and that’s enough chiddahs to keep you going.

  3. Max
    February 22, 08:17 Reply

    Yeah, he’ll be a really “busy man”. Pinky take note.. He’s not gonna have time for hoes

  4. JustJames
    February 22, 08:18 Reply

    I want the aqua man on the right side of the bottom picture.. This drogo character is just not doing it for me at all. Maybe if he was playing poseidon it’d be better.. Just not aquaman

  5. Deola
    February 22, 08:43 Reply

    I wouldn’t trust Zach Snyder with my guguru Not to talk of an entire shared universe!
    Man of steel was barely there, barely and they are letting him continue with the sequel. This is the same guy that wrote, produced and directed the mess that was Sucker Punch. Enough said.

    If Superman V Batman flops, I fear for fate of the other planned movies.

    I get that Zach Snyder wants a darker theme for his shared universe, but this guy just looks like a more modern Khal Drogo with more ink. Hopefully it’ll look different in trailers and stuff because this image looks like the colors were compressed.

    I think they’ll exclude That shtick of him being able to talk to fish, it seems too cartoony and would not translate well on the big screen.

    Hopefully these movies do well, I’m not holding my breath tho.

    Colossus its to you…

    • Colossus
      February 22, 09:55 Reply

      Deola, you are looking for trouble oooo. Sucker punch was terrible, slightly fun though but still terrible. Does that mean Batman V Superman would flop? Hell no! That movie would do well, you mark my words. I rather fear for Wonder woman in the hands of Zack than Batman V Superman but if she and aquaman are properly introduced in that movie then I believe the audience can warm up to them in their own solo project.
      I’m one of the few that loved Man of steel, I felt it was different and that’s when I started putting a little faith in Zack.

      • Deola
        February 22, 10:54 Reply

        Sucker Punch was useless and worthless! I don’t just blame Zack, I mean he did his job, he wrote a script, I also blame the Studio who saw fit to develop and bankroll that mess and the actors who read that horrendous script and decided Yay! I wanna be a part of this movie!

        Anytime I think of Zack I just think of the time I wasted sitting through that movie!
        Man of Steel wasn’t great, it just looks good when compared to that Bryan Singer mess that was Superman Returns.

        I am rooting for this movie to be good, I am just getting ready to be disappointed by Zack, again!

      • Max
        February 22, 11:36 Reply

        The same Zach Snyder that directed 300 & its sequel.I’m a movie critic, I just dont do it here often. Maybe we should start that here on KD. I’m also one of the few that enjoyed watching his own version of superman(Man of steel).
        Lets talk about Empire a little bit, since you(Deola) and your minions(Colossus et al) made me thirst for it before I first started seeing it. Lemme just say that I’m quite disappointed. It doesnt quite live up to its hype. Its just like the game ‘Watch Dogs” that got millions of pre-order before it was released all because of hype, but failed to impress. I just downloaded episode 7, lemme see if it’ll manage to keep me interested. Cookie is the beacon carrying the show. Any scene that doesnt involve her is almost always mostly boring. From Jussie Smollett’s bad acting to the general
        “cheap” vibe I get from the series, I give it a 5/10 for their effort. The music is ok though.

      • Colossus
        February 22, 11:50 Reply

        Hold up one second, his minions? I am one of deola’s minions? In KD context, does that make Deola “Lord” and I one of the extra in the sea of bodies?
        That aside, I never spoke about empire, not here, not anywhere. I’ve seen some episodes and I’m in the same bewildered boat as you, without Taraja the show crumbles, I do fear it might be cancelled after the second season, tops.
        I’m glad you liked man of steel too, clearly I’m not alone.

        Deola’s minion? Oh I died.

      • Deola
        February 22, 12:17 Reply

        Me and Pinky recently had an argument over Empire Vs How to get away with murder, and I’ll tell you what I told him…
        HTGAWM is a Serious drama, it’s thrilling, juicy, edge of your seat drama with brilliant acting from most of the cast.

        I remember when I was talking about a Empire to Chuck here i told him that it was a musical soap Opera, not to be taken too seriously. Even Lee Daniels has said it is a soap opera, so if you are expecting to see grade A acting performances like you see on shows like the Good Wife or Game of thrones, then you’ll be waiting a long time.

        And yes Taraji’s Cookie is brilliant…and Is the main draw of the show, but I happen to find other characters interesting too.

        I called it ridiculous one time for a scene where Andre was whispering his evil plans into a recorder, but I realize that’s what makes the show entertaining to me, It’s ridiculous to the point where it’s fun! It’s ratchet fun, not to be taken too Seriously. That’s why I enjoy it. Right now a Empire is on its honeymoon period, it’s cute and fun, I hope the writers can mange to retain this charm and not jump the ship the way Glee did and the way Scandal is going.

        That being said its not a show for everyone, just like Breaking Bad wasn’t for me…all I can say is 13.2million people watched the last episode so they must be doing something right. At least for now.

      • Max
        February 22, 12:33 Reply

        @Colossus, my bad.
        @Deola, ok.
        Breaking bad is one of, if not the greatest tv show ever. Emmy worthy acting, great script, superb character development. But like you said, not every tv show is for everyone.
        OAN: HBO need to be sued for making us wait a year for every new season of GOT. The show is so good and they know. They don’t even mind the huge piracy the show incurs. The director once said it helps create buzz for it. In the last season, one of the episodes(I think episode 2) got downloaded 250,000 times via torrent in 24 hours.. The highest ever for any TV show in history.

      • Deola
        February 22, 12:36 Reply

        I liked the first 300 movie, I think it was cool. Gerard Butler and Lena Headey were great. It’s the One Zack Snyder movie that I found to be good and then in true hollywood fashion the went and made a sequel, Zack Produced and wrote and the only saving grace of that movie was the goddess that is Eva Green, forced to act amongst mere mortals. Other than her performances the sequel was a shadow of the first movie, but the movie was still tolerable.

        Apart from the 300 franchises, every other Zack Snyder film i have seen have been meh…
        Man of Steel was supposed to be DCs version of Iron Man, the movie that launches a new shared universe, the first iron man was delightful and left me hopeful and excited for more entries into that universe, Man of Steel just left this bland taste on my palette.

        I am honestly hoping this new movie is great, because I actually prefer DCs superheroes to Marvels, which is why I am genuinely concerned for their fate under an inconsistent director like Zack.

        • pinkpanthertb
          February 22, 14:09 Reply

          If this upcoming one is a flop, guess whose career will take a beating… #MySympathiesForBenAffleck

      • Deola
        February 22, 12:49 Reply

        @Max I could never get into breaking bad, although the few episodes I did see, had wonderful performances in them.

        As for Game of thrones you gotta realize, it’s not just because HBO wants to make us wait a year, it’s just the way it has to be for that show to get made properly.

        I recently saw this documentary it’s called ‘Game of thrones : a day in the life’. I saw it and I was blown away, the effort from the cast and crew that went into shooting had me shocked, and it was just one day of shooting! There was this scene that, the producer said took them 12days to shoot! Just one scene!
        And another scene took them 3 weeks to shoot!

        Season 5 of game of thrones shoots in 5 countries, is shot on 151 sets, and is currently shooting for up to 250days, it has 166 cast members, over a 1000 crew members, and over 5000 extras!

        I see stuff like that, and it only reinforces my huge love and admiration for the show because of the effort it takes to create what we watch for just 10episodes a season.

        So they can take as long as they want, I’ll be on the sidelines patiently waiting, cause I know the wait would be worth it.

        PS…they shouldn’t take more than a year tho, I’ll just die from withdrawals!

        • pinkpanthertb
          February 22, 14:10 Reply

          Such meticulousness… Must be pretty expensive, the show

      • Max
        February 22, 14:09 Reply

        Wow @Game of thrones

      • Deola
        February 22, 14:52 Reply

        Yeah it’s pretty expensive, I don’t know about now, but during the first season I read somewhere that it costs over a million dollars to produce an episode.

        That’s just production, who knows what the portrayers of major characters like Khalessi, Tyrion, Jon Snow, Cersei and the rest earn per episode.

        And the acting is always on point…abeg Game of thrones is the best ever!

      • kamorudeen
        February 22, 18:26 Reply

        Please, do you people study the credits like you gotta pass exams on them? Mentioning all these names is freaking me out. I can barely remember the movie plot talk less actors, now I have to remember directors and sript writers??? ;(

  6. Chizzie
    February 22, 09:07 Reply

    I’m bored. *plays with hair*

  7. Colossus
    February 22, 15:32 Reply

    That’s the mistake people make, trying to compare one character to another. Jared is a great character actor, we all know that so I’m confident he’ll pull it off. I’m confident because he’ll be playing his own version, not the version portrayed by heath. I always have faith in comic book casting and so far I’ve not been proven wrong.
    Affleck is playing a much older batman, one who is almost retired and quite seasoned, totally different from Bale’s batman and the campy ones of the 90’s. DC is taking a serious tone with their characters and I like that, different from the fun comedic tone of Marvel.
    Affleck is going to pull this off, just you wait and see. If he does not, lunch is on me.

    • Deola
      February 22, 16:08 Reply

      People will always compare, I don’t intend to. I like Jared as an actor and honestly he’s only one that I can think off that can pull the Joker off.

      But something about DCs universe seems off.
      After Batman v superman we get a Justice league movie. Isn’t that weird. We don’t know these characters( forget the comics) and yet instead of first giving us individual movies, they lump all of them into a Justice League movie and then do the individual ‘origin’ movies after. That makes zero sense.

      Apart from Superman and to an extent Batman( who we know from the Nolan trilogy), the audience hasn’t been introduced to Wonderwoman, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg or Green Lantern. They need individual movies before you team them up.

      DC is just a mess, serious tone or not, this shared universe feels forced, like it wasn’t well thought out.

    • Colossus
      February 22, 17:39 Reply

      They are not trying to use the marvel model and that’s why they are introducing wonder woman and aquaman in superman V batman. It is forced alright just like all superhero movies are right now, everybody wants the success of the Avengers but there is no time for that, no time to be patient and introduce characters one after the other before you pair them all into a billion dollar making movie. This is why Warner bros is trying to reverse engineer the model, use already established characters like batman and superman, then introduce the relatively unknown ones into that movie, hence batman V Superman which in my opinion is already a mini justice league.
      When iron man was made, people did not think it was a good idea, it could not be pulled off, the casting was wrong, why a former addict as iron man. Now we all can’t see anybody else playing that role. I’m optimistic, I always am with superhero casting and I’m yet to be disappointed.

  8. Brian Collins
    February 23, 17:32 Reply

    Deola, you know so much but say that we haven’t been introduced to Green Lantern? What would you call the one starring Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively?(though i think they might want to do another) and Flash? I think i know Barry Allen well enough by now. I think DC is trying expose Flash to people through the series and will probably link it with one of the movies, just like marvel is doing with Agents of Shield and Agent Carter.
    I do agree though, that it doesn’t make much sense to do the JL movie before the individual movies but like Collosus said the world has waited too long for then to start making the individual movies before JL. Marvel was just wise to have started introducing the characters early enough.
    BTW, rumour has it that Viola Davis (Miss Keating) and Oprah are being considered for a somewhat evil role in an upcoming DC Supervillians movie, Suicide Squad and Will Smith gets to be a bad guy too.

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