Jay-Z says his mom didn’t want to come out

Jay-Z says his mom didn’t want to come out

Jay-Z’s mother, Gloria Carter, earned her fair share of attention after her appearance on her son’s album, 4:44.

In the track, ‘Smile’, Jay-Z raps about his mother being a lesbian.

‘‘Momma had 4 kids but she’s a lesbian/had to pretend so long that she’s a thesbian/Had to hide in the closet, so she medicate.

‘Society shame and the pain was too much to take/Cried tears of joy when you fell in love/Don’t matter to me if it’s a him or her.’

Jay-Z spoke about his mother’s reaction to the song on the Rap Radar podcast.

She originally did not know he was making the song.

‘We just had a beautiful conversation and it led to me making the song, and I didn’t have permission to make the song,’ he started.

‘When she first heard the song, she was like, “Absolutely not,” and I was like, “Man, this is so important.”

‘So many people in the world hiding and things like this and this will help you … That’s how we spoke about that song. I was just so happy at the person she became … It’s one of my proudest songs.’

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  1. Mandy
    September 05, 05:13 Reply

    It’s true sef. I’ve not heard of how Nigerians reacted to this news, that a rap icon is beloved to a gay family member.

  2. ZeeKy
    September 05, 09:10 Reply

    I respect this woman. To have sacrificed her life like that to fit into the black society’s definition of normalcy, for her kids is really laudable.

  3. trystham
    September 05, 09:33 Reply

    And so u outted her urself to make money? Way to go, bruv. Way to go.

    • Delle
      September 05, 09:56 Reply

      I was going to say this. If she didn’t grant him permission, he shouldn’t have. He has no fucking right!

    • Leo
      September 05, 13:01 Reply

      He didn’t out her ?. You obviously haven’t listened to the song. All he did was make her struggle public, she was already out to her family and people in her community

  4. ogb
    September 05, 20:36 Reply

    Nigerians will conveniently not know about this…

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