There was this guy that had been bugging me for sex for years, Dotun, and I had been turning him down every time. I just didn’t see it happening. We met on Facebook. He was attractive alright, a model even. But I found him rather slow upstairs. I am a stickler for wit and intelligent conversations, so I felt he’d have nothing to offer.

I graduated from the University and moved back to Calabar. He was still on my case, with hope that I’d move to Lagos and give him a good fucking. I laughed at his delusion. We still hadn’t met.

I was posted to Taraba for my NYSC. I started the service there, but my parents would have none of it. They had me moved without my consent to Lagos. Dotun was happy. He begged to meet me and I kept posting him.

A year and a half afterwards, I’d secured a job and moved to my own apartment. His persistence wore me the hell out, and so I invited him over. We talked, or rather, he talked and I listened. I was bored, but I did find him immensely attractive. Night had fallen, and there was no light. The room was hot, so I told him to take his clothes off. He did so; I could tell he was a little shy, which i found odd, because as a model, shouldn’t taking clothes off at the drop of a hat be part of the job description? His clothes came off, and he laid back on the bed and we were silent for about three minutes. The longest three minutes ever.

Then I asked him if he wanted me. He said yes, a slow, throaty yes. Then I started talking about cockroaches, how much my house was infested with them. He freaked out and started putting his clothes on. I rushed in like a panther and yanked his white briefs off his hands and held him still. His heart thumped heavily, and we were silent again.

He made to kiss me, but I evaded that and went in for his neck, biting it slowly, nibbling at his ears, and running my hands down his body. He has the smoothest skin I have ever felt. His body is the most toned, most beautiful body I have ever touched. My lips trailed down to his nipple and I sucked lightly on it, and he moaned, arching his body into the smooch as he laid back on the bed.

Gosh, he had the best responses. He writhed about, moaning, gasping and clutching at my back, nearly crying as I sucked his nipples more and more. Soon I was down on his dick, teasing it with my tongue and taking it into my mouth ever-so slowly. Bit by bit. At this point, he was becoming erratic with the pleasure; I had to hold his hands down tight to prevent his decapitation of my body with his roaming, grasping hands on my head.

At this point, he was begging me to let him touch me and kiss me, and suck my dick. But I wasn’t having any of that. When I was satisfied that he was hot and bothered, I turned him over, sheathed myself, and slid into him.

That was the sweetest sliding-into I had ever experienced. I laid on him and held him while I loved him slowly and passionately, and then faster and violently. He was beside himself with pleasure. I touched his face and tears were streaming down his eyes.

And I stopped, alarmed. “Am I hurting you?”

“No, no, please don’t stop…” he choked out. “Your dick is so good. I didn’t know you would be as good as this. Please…fuck me…”

I didn’t need to hear that twice. I was back at it, without any inhibitions this time. He seemed to like being held while being loved. So I held him and kissed the back of his neck whilst I pummeled him…lovingly. He was moaning so loudly I was afraid the neighbours would hear. As I approached my climax, he was panting in a near-scream, “Fuck me like your Bitch! Please fuck me!”

Boy, was I turned on!

I pummeled harder and came with an explosion, amidst deep groans and heavy breathing. We lay there, still connected at the hips for a minute. Then the lights came back on, and the whirr of the fan drew us apart and into the bathroom to clean up.

“Wow,” he breathed out. “You fucked me better than my boyfriend ever has.”

Hold up! What?!

Written by Chuks Bass

Previous Photo: About The Bottom's Ass
Next Photo: Peekaboo

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  1. Absalom
    October 28, 03:42 Reply

    All this loving for a guy you said was boring. 😛

  2. McGray
    October 28, 04:35 Reply

    U wouldnt have him kiss u or suck ur dick, and he wsnt intelligent okwa ya?? Yet, u still rode his hole like a hungry lion abi? Oya clap for urslf

    • xpressivejboy
      October 28, 05:41 Reply

      Thanks. I tho’t I was the only one who saw that; he’s a complete jack-ass.

    • chestnut
      October 28, 08:03 Reply

      Shuoo! Dis tin really pain una o! Wotapun nah?lol

  3. Brian Collins
    October 28, 05:06 Reply

    Laff have wanting to kill me die @ Hold up! What?!
    Dotun used my guy. but kai the dotun are dull saying something like that.
    I might have felt the way dotun felt sometime ago #First boyfriend. Did things to my body i cannot express with words.

  4. teajsy
    October 28, 05:09 Reply

    All di roro enjoyment for you alone and none for him.now dats not fair.

  5. JArch
    October 28, 05:27 Reply

    Chuck Bass? Gossip Girl??

    Explains alot lol- Prankster, egotistic but naive, lover who thinks he’s got it all figured out until the last minute when the bomb goes off right in his face and only then does he realise that he was a certified mugu from the onset

  6. xpressivejboy
    October 28, 05:35 Reply

    Hey Chuks Bass, truth be told, you’re boring in the ACT.

    Buh I love the ” Hold up! What?!” ending.

  7. daniel
    October 28, 06:24 Reply

    *tongue out* nefa yudge a book by it cofer. *in Ibibio accent*

  8. Constant
    October 28, 06:39 Reply

    Eyaaa.. Suchis Life…. Buh wait no kiss or anything… That’s a boring way to have sex….
    Hot sizzling Foreplay is my style..

    • chestnut
      October 28, 08:09 Reply

      Wait, did I not read dis story well? I thout I read some really amazing foreplay there…seems like everyone was totally satisfied at d end of d day.

  9. Ruby
    October 28, 06:51 Reply

    What a Bummer!
    So you have a boyfriend and you still yearned some Pummeling on the side… *SMH*

  10. Xander
    October 28, 07:04 Reply

    I totally know this Dotun… #OkBye

    • king
      October 28, 12:52 Reply

      Don’t just run off like dat….comeeer jo! now spill luv tell us who he/she is bo!!

  11. Dennis Macauley
    October 28, 07:15 Reply

    I don’t see anything wrong here!

    Some people like the Christian Grey-esque

    • king
      October 28, 07:35 Reply

      Exactly D….i see that the so called power bottoms in d house are not so powerful anymore…..this made them sulk but us tops Hmmmm now I want to have sex…ok bye….so who do I call now….scrolling thru me fone!!

      • daniel
        October 28, 08:32 Reply

        Advert aired.. I hope Pinky is charging u for what u r selling on here..

        • king
          October 28, 08:38 Reply

          Haba! But is it my fault??? This Chuks decided to write this amazing tale and you want me to just precum in my pants…hmmm otio….diaris help ooo!

  12. king
    October 28, 07:31 Reply

    Now who you Chuks Bass is d devil oooooo! How could you do this to me this morning…first of all is this a true tale and if so wow!!! “He had tears”…..

  13. Legalkoboko
    October 28, 08:56 Reply

    Sexy story, brilliant ending!

    ” Hold up! What?!”

    Lol! Now in the end, who between the two proved to be slower upstairs?

    kpele oo.

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 28, 10:05 Reply

      Hahahahahaa. Legal, that shade was just not nice. Not nice at all.

    • Legalkoboko
      October 28, 13:56 Reply

      Sorry my darling Jboy. That line wasn’t for u.

      ok ok, how do I make It up to you?

  14. Samaurai
    October 28, 09:04 Reply

    The comments trailing this post ehhn!!
    You guys should just shoot this Chuks Bass guy dead already.

  15. Bobby
    October 28, 09:19 Reply

    Hhhhhmmmmmm…lovely story but…

  16. Max
    October 28, 10:37 Reply

    What an evil morning on KD.. Hi everyone… Just passing by***

  17. king
    October 28, 11:35 Reply

    The main problem with this house is that there are more bottoms here for any ones good! As soon as a raunchy lovely writeup (obviously by a top) like dis is penned and shared you guys dissect it and colour it IN SHADES!!!! Smh…when will we learn to accept the other while upholding our own side….ah Kitodiarians dooooo!

    • Chuck
      October 28, 15:14 Reply

      What does shade have to do with bottoms? Di those people criticizing the articles tell you they were critical because they were bottoms? You and gad are definitely worrisome – your beliefs are inconsistent, improperly thought out, and self serving drivel. The unexamined life is not worth living. It’s no wonder your opinions on others are laughable – you clearly don’t do any introspection. Mr. “Married Christian fucking boys”. Be consistent!

      • Khaleesi
        October 28, 15:50 Reply

        A big wet raspberry kiss for you Chuks!! Thr hypocrisy turns my stomach! One day they are on the pulpit hurling down reproduced crap passed down foe centuries from dubious origins … tomorrow they are all h(orn)gry for cakes … mtchwwww … #shakes out long silky hair and flips it in their faces***

    • Khaleesi
      October 28, 16:02 Reply

      Just to let you know @king, that comment is totally stupid, inane… its so asinine and fimally its so you!! ***sprays elizabeth arden perfume generously on neck and wrists and walks away on bright red ferragamo heels***

  18. Colossus
    October 28, 13:47 Reply

    I agree, that last statement was definitely the highlight of the story, totally worth the read. I don’t write so i won’t throw shade.
    Though it was kinda narcissistic, like you finally did the guy a favour after how many years of pleading but it was redeemed by “Hold up, what?”
    Like i said, no shade.

  19. Absalom
    October 28, 14:00 Reply

    Abeg the story was ok – as far as erotica goes. A bit of tortuous seduction and sadism. What’s not to like? I LOVE it. Biko, Chuks, write more (minus the calling someone dumb part) #JustSaying


    • king
      October 28, 14:13 Reply

      Ah! Finally…thanx much!!!! someone with some spirit!!!!!!

  20. JustJames
    October 28, 16:01 Reply

    I have no qualms with this story. Ending even made me laugh. I sometimes like to make my partner squirm and writhe in pleasure.. The sounds I get is enough of a reward for me. #okbye

  21. sommy
    October 28, 16:13 Reply

    okay is that chuck bass? ……like the gossip girls’ chuck bass?…sounds more like him .

  22. Immanuel
    October 28, 21:57 Reply

    Yeah umm it was pretty much a PITY fuck, so what’s ur bizness if he’s got a boy friend? All in all’ nice story, a lil image provoking. What am I gonna do with this 900 inch boner? #proud

    • Brian Collins
      October 29, 00:58 Reply

      Baby love, bend that thing into a nice curve and shove it up your 890″ deep hole.

  23. Lothario
    October 29, 05:31 Reply

    Lmao…..now that was a good ending!

  24. […] will remember him from such written pieces like That Weird Moment. When a friend of mine read his Just That One Time, he came to me sneering: ‘What is that Chuks Bass guy feeling like sef?’ Well, friend, are you […]

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