LeBron James Accidentally Flashes His Penis On Live Tv

LeBron James Accidentally Flashes His Penis On Live Tv

LeBronsDick1Holy wardrobe malfunction!

Getting ready to take the court for Game 4 of the NBA Finals recently, as LeBron James was adjusting his uniform, 18.5 million people got a flash of his junk if they looked quick. In case you didn’t … we slowed it down for you.

Hoping to add win number three against the Golden State Warriors in the NBA finals, the Cleveland Cavaliers were having their pregame huddle.

ABC moved their cameras in just as LeBron was tucking his jersey into his compression shorts and unwittingly flashed what would become his most famous basket of the night.

Since returning to Cleveland, in March, LeBron spotted a reporter trying to snap half-naked pictures of him in locker room according to USA Today. “That’s not cool, man,” James said. “I don’t miss anything.”

And the internet was abuzz a couple of years ago when LeBron shared this post work-out photo on his Instagram.lebron

Here’s an animated gif of what the world saw…output_NsGGAF (1)

And a freeze frame for posterity…1293237921808941157 (1)

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    • pinkpanthertb
      June 18, 04:39 Reply

      Lol. Careful sweetheart. He’s a black man and may have been making white women go black and not go back since 1800

      • JaneTheVirgin
        June 18, 04:46 Reply

        White women (and of course men) love some BBC, I’m sure they always end up hissing and leaving him in bed after showing them his 4.25 inches unriped carrot. Hian, *in hausa accent* Akoi body bah engine.

  1. KachiSicho
    June 18, 05:49 Reply

    Growers and Showers. Don’t run to conclusions until it’s engorged.

  2. Sinnex
    June 18, 06:04 Reply

    See how people are analysing someone’s Weeny…smh.

  3. Bobby
    June 18, 06:05 Reply

    Growers!…they are like opening a can of titus sardine and finding five big sardines insides.. ur joy is full. the butthole twitches in exictment. …may u all have urselfs a grower before this month ends. Amii

    • Dennis Macaulay
      June 18, 06:33 Reply

      Hian* Bobby? Is that you? Or is someone using your moniker?
      **crosses self**

  4. Khaleesi
    June 18, 06:42 Reply

    Fab physique. .. he might be a grower …

  5. Ruby
    June 18, 07:30 Reply

    Well we can sufficiently say this is now officially one of the most famous Penises in the world No???

  6. Teflondon
    June 18, 07:43 Reply

    He is definitely a grower.. Obviously! **roll eyes** cmon he just finished a tensed game and all sweaty. He’s dick most have shrinked and to be that size for a shrinked dick? My word!
    Have I seen and thrust on bigger ones? Def yeah! But to call this small would be wrong.
    “And a freeze for prosperity sake?”
    Lmao! PP the hottest parts of hell with Gay demons to fuck you daily awaits you.

  7. Ruby
    June 18, 07:45 Reply

    OAN or is it?????
    More than 90% of black men are growers.
    Yeah we may look unimpressive when flaccid but child you gon have an anaconda to contend with when fully erect.
    So don’t judge a book by its cover

  8. Ruby
    June 18, 08:15 Reply

    OAN or is it?????
    More than 90% of black men are growers.
    Yeah we may look unimpressive when flaccid but child you gon have an anaconda to contend with when fully erect.
    So don’t judge a book by its cover
    All the growers in the houz put yo hands up!!!!!

    • William
      April 17, 16:18 Reply

      Was a videographer for years in porn. Just as many white guys with big penis. See the thing is about porn is they get big black dicks and normal whites to sell more. White girls thinks it’s so taboo and awesome let me get a black penis just to find out the white ones weren’t much different. It’s all a way to make money. Lol it’s actually funny how fake almost everything was in the porn industry. But white dudes if you let the lies get to you your just a little punk @$$ bish anyways. Then again I’m a white guy with 8 inches and can see the truth and not be blind sided. And yeah he may be a grower you would be surprised with both all races how engorged one can get

  9. KryxxX
    June 18, 09:24 Reply

    Point of Correction Pinky!

    “Lebron James accidentally flashes his ‘ube’ on live TV!”.

    That’s a more suitable headline!

    And not just any ube oh! Not avocado but those small ube used in eating corn! All soft, smooth nd gone in one suck! #OkBye

  10. pete
    June 18, 13:49 Reply

    while I’m not holding brief for King James, have you thought of the effects of adrenaline on length of sexual organs?

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