Lessons Learned From ‘She Called Me Woman’ (Entry 3)
[Click here for LESSON 2]
From the chapter, ‘Love Is Not Wrong’, OF says:
“I believe in God, but not religion. I think it divides people, and I do not like that about religion. I also do not believe God is going to smite me for loving. Loving another person and that person loving me back – I do not see how that is a bad thing. If you kill somebody, steal from somebody or do something without a person’s consent, then that is wrong. But Love is not wrong.”
The ability of gay Christians to reconcile their faith and sexuality is something that baffles both gay and straight people alike. They tell you that the bible you tote and the religion you follow have been fashioned to oppress you, so how then can you claim to believe in something that doesn’t believe in you? I even saw awhile back on some blog article that the validity of the term “gay Christian” was being debated.
I was born Christian, so that is the religion I can speak to. And the ultimate chastisement given by Christ was one of love. Love thy neighbour as thyself. The entire ministry of Jesus Christ was predicated on love. He taught love. He healed with love. He reached out with love. Love even possessed his scolding. And if we are to say that the worship of God is a business between the believer and God, then why does it grieve us so much that a man can be gay and Christian, making the issue of his sexuality a private concern between him and his God? If we say God is love, and the gay person has come to the point in his life where he believes in the rightness of his kind of love, why do we (especially agnostic and atheist LGBT people) seek to wreck that peace he has found in his worship of his God?
OF says, “Love is not wrong.” Love for self, love for God, love for humanity – Love is not wrong.
Written by Pink Panther
July 21, 06:15Get Pinky a pulpit
July 22, 07:00Keep the sermon coming, Pinky! ??
July 23, 00:48Preach!
July 23, 01:17Thank you so much for this. I read some comments here and it’s like some agnostics don’t even have tolerance for religious people. “I’m gay. I’m atheist. I fit in, and that settles that.” Pathetic.
You don’t have to believe in Jesus. You don’t have to listen to what I have to say about God. You don’t have to like Christians. Just don’t slam people like me for being gay Christians.
Lessons Learned From ‘She Called Me Woman’ (Entry 14) – KitoDiaries
August 10, 06:04[…] much I have to say on this has already been said in Lesson 3. The ability for one to be believing and gay is a journey of self. The reconciliation is between […]