“I am in support of the antigay law.” Male Barbie Bobrisky declares in new interview
Male Barbie and bleaching expert Bobrisky granted an interview to TW Magazine publisher Adesuwa Onyenokwe. In the interview, the controversial personality claims he is not gay and that he is in support of the Nigerian same-sex marriage (prohibition) law.
He says: “We are in Nigeria, and there is this law in Nigeria which I am in support of that law because I see no reason why your mother will give birth to you and you will say you will not give birth in future. It is not possible now. If my mum and dad did not give birth to me, I wouldn’t be this Idris. I am not in support of gay marriage. I’m never in support of it. But we all live in Nigeria to survive. ”
Following his comments, there has been a furor kicked up on the social media, with reactions ranging from outrage and derision to indulgence.
Gay activist Bisi Alimi went on Instagram to slam the bleached personality for his insensitive comments during his interview.
If you can stomach Bobrisky’s nonsense, check on his interview below.
September 27, 05:39Interesting. Was this to cover himself?
Otherwise it’s telling that he thinks reproduction is the only function of marriage
Pink Panther
September 27, 05:46His ignorance and lack of intelligence on the whole LGBT issue is frankly not surprising.
September 27, 07:00God forbid I waste data on this joke of a human being. His ignorance stinks from afar..
September 27, 07:00You know, we try to love each other as best as we can like loving all the aspects of the rainbow.
But Bobrisky is so far off, he actually thinks he has fools for fans. I honestly wasn’t surprised when he said he wasn’t gay, but then he goes to publicly support the anti-gay law and speaks on reproduction being the only function of marriage and my head does a 180.
OK. I knew he was ignorant. But his kind of ignorance of the LGBT community and the world at large is just sad/painful to watch.
September 27, 11:07He has FANS?!!!!
September 27, 07:02This link is the whole 57 mins of total crap? Aint got no data to watch it nigbayen. And yes, I am gonna say this again and again. This is what u get when u don’t improve urself but depend on moneybags who pay for gratification. Mo n wi oooo??
September 27, 07:04it’s disappointing! coming from a guy with H,R,E and all other terrible English factors, I’m not surprised. He can’t even speak proper English. bleached out fool. to think he’s always talking about how good he fucks his bae; that is a man, on Snapchat…. retarded fuck.
Pink Panther
September 27, 07:08This ‘bae’ sef, does he give the bae a pronoun?
September 27, 07:19lol.. yes, he actually does!
Pink Panther
September 27, 08:40And the pronoun is what, that bae is a She?
September 27, 09:01And yall think this bae actually exist?? ???? bobrisky can lie for Africa
September 27, 11:25the bae is a man, has 2 private jets and stays in banana island
September 27, 12:44“Allegedly” nobody knows for sure.Cos i’m. Actually trying to imagine which Nigerian of such calibre will be dating such a blabber mouth who has no control/discretion in his dictionary
September 27, 07:34The first I saw him, I remember thinking, “what a sorry excuse for an attention whore”. This is obviously a very cheap attempt at cover up, question is though, “who the flying f does he think he’s fooling?”
Canis VY Majoris
September 27, 07:40*sigh* Idk why ya’ll even bother.
September 27, 07:43I’m surprised KDians are going easy on her (yes her, have you seen those painted lips ??)
September 27, 07:47I actually dismissed Bobrisky as an attention-seeker; his gist often appeared on sites I don’t visit (“PHOTO: Man caught on top of goat”).
Surprisingly, though, I liked the first half of the interview: I found Bobrisky warm and funny. It was Ms Onyenokwe’s manner I found distracting, agbaya-ish and rather inappropriate: all that groping of his body… Maybe she could have used that energy instead to condemn the antigay law? Sigh.
As for Bobrisky’s support of the law, I can’t even pretend to care for his opinions: he ended right back where my estimation of him began – in the pit of ignorance.
*rolls eyes down the runway*
September 27, 08:59I share your opinion, but the bigger problem is that said bobrisky allowed it.
September 27, 08:29What I even find annoying was the intrusive way in which adesuwa was poking around him like he was a lab specimen and he just allowed it, nobody will poke around my body and make me turn around like that in an intrusive manner and not get scalded.
Now let me continue the video
September 27, 09:06I was blown away when I saw the way Madam Adesuwa a well respected journalist,was mimicking the way he acts sissy like.
She demonstrated it so well it was embarrasing to watch.I mean I actually felt it was all shades of wrong aND that wet patch in her arm pit was disturbing!
September 27, 08:332. That lie about his 2 year old sister who just felt like going to America and flew there.
This backyard girl can’t even lie properly.
*sips coffee*
Pink Panther
September 27, 08:39Wait o, which one is the lie? *stirring tea*
September 27, 08:34I don’t care about him cos I don’t know who he is but that sweaty armpit of that woman conducting the interview is going to give me nightmare for days
Pink Panther
September 27, 08:38LMAO!!! I swear. Those dark patches were very distracting to me. Like seriously, they couldn’t get her fresh clothing?
September 27, 08:56I give up on this girl?!! Please
I am done
September 27, 09:00Lool this is coming from the mofo who was actually caught some yrs back when he was broke and black and wearing women clothes visiting beer parlours to lure drunk men to dingy hotel rooms for sexual favours in xchange for money….
The pictures made me laugh like a fool.Nigga was stuffing his chest with sachet water as breast and wearing some funny looking wigs.
I mean all he talks about on his snap with his heavily made up face and painted lips is ‘bae’ and how to teach girls how to hook a man for life.He has over used that word bae so much I dont ever want to see it again.
September 27, 09:06You have no idea how that word makes me feel now, I am tempted to call my boyfriend bae and then bobrisky crosses my mind and I just call him village boy.
He said that was better ?????
September 27, 09:07I am in support of that law
because I see no reason why your
mother will give birth to you and
you will say you will not give
birth in future . It is not possible
now . If my mum and dad did not
give birth to me, I wouldn ’ t be
this Idris . I am not in support of
gay marriage . I’ m never in
support of it . But we all live in
Nigeria to survive . ”
the ignorance and stupidity in this statement is dizzying, my God
September 27, 09:08Then finally the way she was poking him,she made him look like a joke!Tho he’s actually a joke but she wasn’t suppose to make it look so obvious.
September 27, 09:10I’d make it look that obvious too.
He even liked it.
He didn’t object.
I don’t blame adesuwa.
Bobrisky liked every moment of it.
Mumu was even blushing.
September 27, 09:16Lool so true! He was living for every seconds of camera time he could get.
IDied when he started blushing and acting like a snake when she was poking him.Then that waving of the car keys was distracting as fuck! He took the word trying too hard to another level.
Lool wat a mess!I live for his snapchat updates tho,he’s like a major mood lifter for me especially his late night dance video updates.
September 27, 10:09unto which level, unto which arrangement wey adesuwa of all people decide to interview idris. we never see finish o. next abeg.
doe eyed monster
September 27, 11:05It just hurts to see us go two steps back. We were making small progress here and there and then this one with all the attention takes us back and that’s what the whole Nigeria would see.
September 27, 11:05Firstly, male bleached barbie!
He’s just foolish. I totally get it with not wanting to out yourself on TV and consequently endangering your life, but I do not understand why you should throw innocent souls into endless turmoil. For godssakes’ he wasn’t even asked what he thought of the law before making such highly infuriating and damning quip!
With his disjointed english, razz euphoria, unkempt grammatical retorts, ratchet outlook, stark illiteracy…the guy is just a bin of vices! When we talk of those without redemption, Idris should be the forerunner.
And that statement about his antics being all for his business? Pffts! Prolly thinks we are as stunningly stupid as he is to believe such brown crap.
Oh and Bisi Alimi’s response to the bleached hyena was just great!
I hope he reads this (that’s if his reading ability is not half as bad as his speaking though) – YOUR FOOLISHNESS CANNOT HAMPER OUR PROGRESS!
P.S: I capitalised this just incase your excess bleaching has affected your sight.
Pink Panther
September 27, 14:22LOL! Delle, you beesch!
September 27, 13:21Ama be blaming EVERY SINGLE ONE o y’all for making me watch this. What is it with ppl who have never experienced skin conditions and bleaching? And his knuckles…they were as stark as the nodes on sugarcanes. This dude is the reason why Igbos insults Yorubas and Kenyans insult Nigerians #scarred4Eternity
Pink Panther
September 27, 14:25?????
September 27, 13:42OMG!!! Bisialimi is BAE…..
dickson clement
September 27, 16:45I feel sorry for him and the way the interviewer treated him…
She objectified him, like he was a thing.
Something abnormal, the scorn in her voice which she did a good job to hide.
I pity all those he called out in this interview… Classmates , course advisor and all… *bitch if you call my name one more time!
September 27, 16:54Honestly it was so disgusting to watch.I can only imagine her opinion of him when she and her friends gather for drinks.The pathetic thing is,he was enjoying every minute of it.
dickson clement
September 27, 16:47I read a comment on IG , someone said that even Jesus Christ won’t recognise the guy with his level of bleach
Arabian Princess
September 27, 21:33bobrisky is a pathetic liar…in this article, http://www.that1960chick.com/2011/01/24/trannylicious-news-i-dress-like-a-lady-to-deceive-men/
he said he graduated from King’s College Lagos in 2010… that is a big lie cos I grad in 2010 and I know all the boys in my set by heart, not to talk more of the Queens… of which there were only three
dickson clement
September 27, 22:19Talk more of the queens of which there were only three
1) list them
2) were they anything close to this barbie
3) were you among these fab spice girls
September 27, 22:40Well the good part of this post is, finally it brought out hidden users who really don’t comment or share their views. (At least or in the best terms, hardly does any of the two)
September 27, 22:44What I even find annoying was that adesuwa granted this retard fool a space for an interview. For you so called bobrisky, you’re fortunate to be fucked by a guy and denied it. Well, you’re far from LGBT community bcos you are rude and classless.
How Do We Solve A Problem Like Bobrisky? | KitoDiaries
November 02, 05:39[…] in life, opinions, like every other thing in life, are subject to change. When Bobrisky did that cringe-worthy interview with Adesuwa where he infamously expressed support for Nigeria’s draconian antigay law, I was […]
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