Media personality Denola Grey has something to say to those who say he acts like a woman

Media personality Denola Grey has something to say to those who say he acts like a woman

Media personality, Denola Grey, has just the response for people who say his mannerisms are feminine and intend remarks about his effeminacy as an insult to him.

According to him, these remarks used to get to him until he realized that taking it as an offense was a problem too, pointing out that such intended insult is further evidence of “heteronormative patriarchal ideals where women are seen as less-than, weaker or possessing qualities that men should not aspire to.”

Check out his tweets below.

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  1. Yazz Soltana
    September 16, 14:11 Reply

    What exactly is he famous for again ??
    I’ve never seen him in any programme or movie..
    But he is very handsome and he is well educated and polished .
    The type that cannot be faked…

    • Rehoboth
      September 17, 05:55 Reply

      Does it change anything? Why are you so hung up on his sexuality?

  2. Jwon
    September 27, 20:32 Reply

    He is definitely gay

  3. priscy
    October 13, 17:22 Reply

    Whatever he is shouldn’t be y’alls business. We love him for who he his, his manner of dressing is just superb, y’all got a problem with it? Go take a swim with some sharks. FREAKS!!!

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