Morning Humour

Morning Humour

kd 1aI recently saw the movie, Maleficent, and I was thoroughly delighted as I watched Angelina Jolie in action, trying to convince me that the iconic sorceress we’d all been told was evil, was truly not so evil after all. And I was completely sold.

A friend buzzed me on BBM to chat about the movie because he saw me raving on my pm. And here’s part of our chatversation below.kd 1b

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  1. king
    August 26, 03:54 Reply

    Ahhhh dat na true curse ojare…but don’t worry when d cursed bottom gets tired he will just use dat ” tool ” and ehm d available will suffice abi…

    • king
      August 26, 03:55 Reply

      Welcome back luv!! Missed u sorely yesterday.

  2. blue fox
    August 26, 06:58 Reply

    heu! this kind curse eh, Na corekt one Hahaha *can’t stop laughing, I just can’t *

  3. kendigin
    August 26, 07:34 Reply

    ive always wondered… it possible for two bottoms to fall in love?
    and if so wot happens to sex??

  4. Aproko Pikin
    August 26, 07:56 Reply

    @kendigin, love isn’t a function of sex or role playing. It two hearts been in sync with each other. They might been in love without sex or probably both can learn to be vers. Bottoms can fall in love with each other if they choose to IMO

  5. Lothario
    August 26, 10:45 Reply

    Lmao…..but I’ve seen a relationship with two bottoms, and they’re having the time of their lives.

  6. Khaleesi
    August 26, 12:48 Reply

    LMAO!! Sick!!! abeg, two bottoms in love? the sex will be messed up except one can very quickly learn to be versatile …

  7. Neon
    August 26, 13:06 Reply

    Jesu!!! *ducks*
    See curse abeg… LMFAO!
    Can’t imagine it. Although some dude I have on my wanna-be-my BF list is a serious Queen! He claims he’s a Top. But when I saw what was down under, I overlooked the Bottom tendencies.
    Naa… Not an outright Bottom. I pass. Although its rampant in the US. I tease some of my Bottom to Bottom pals, and I can’t stand them when they get mushy!

    • Regal Sweetheart
      August 27, 13:22 Reply

      “…claims he’s a Top. But when I saw what was down under, I overlooked the Bottom tendencies. Naa… Not an outright Bottom”

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