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Photo Of The Day LXII

LMAO!!! Like seriously, where do you think ya going?

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This is just way too much gorgeousness in one family

You know how you’re a one-man man, and you believe you can only ever be in an exclusive relationship with one person. But then you look, and lo and behold,

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Bests Of Online Hookups XVII

Grindr is such fun, isn’t it? 🙂


    • Ken George
      September 13, 05:23 Reply

      Sorry, as I was saying (before I was rudely interrupted by my malfunctioning keyboard), I think its actually
      bottoms that take pleasure in shaming each other. I have been in several social gathering where the topic
      of discussion revolves around who be “man” and who be “iya”. Its often quite disgusting and I quickly excuse myself.

      • Pink Panther
        September 13, 07:09 Reply

        Bottoms aren’t the only ones who shame bottoms.

  1. Johnny
    September 13, 06:43 Reply

    Gosh … who is shaming bottom? You got shamed because you allowed yourself to be shamed.

    • Jo
      September 13, 09:55 Reply

      Say what?

    • Black Dynasty
      September 14, 04:27 Reply

      This! You can’t be shamed if you don’t give them permission to shame you.

      I.e. you have to lack some confidence in your sexual preferences to feel any sort of way with someone being condescending about it.

  2. Gag
    September 13, 13:44 Reply

    In this same community service I have heard and seen some bottoms say they can’t date a fellow bottom, and there are not lesbians. While some tops have no problem dating one another.

  3. trystham
    September 13, 14:45 Reply

    I have actually seen some useless tops who are ‘just tops’. No iota of common sense at all. Just jocks swinging dicks looking for the next arse to slay

    • Lorde
      September 14, 21:20 Reply

      Tell me about it….. I have this Neanderthal on speedial when I just want a quick release…he can’t kiss for shit…. and goes into spasms echoed with whimperings when he cums…..he’s got a bomb-dick tho… I digress…. but the truth is….most of these tops can’t even go to buy a fucking condom..i asked one guy why he cant..he opened mouth to tell me ” why would I go and buy condom, what if someone I know sees me”…..ask around…its bottoms who buy and keep condoms and lube at home….if you see a condom in a tops house….most times they were left there by bottoms they’ve screwed…. talk about bottom shaming… can’t even man-up to buy a condom….mtscheww…..

  4. quinn
    September 13, 16:22 Reply

    life is sweet as a verse!

  5. Lorde
    September 14, 21:23 Reply

    The worst part is when a top calls a bottom who he has slept with an “ashawo”….cos he heard the guy had sex with someone else….meanwhile the oga top just skin-dived 2 lightskinned twinks like 2days ago in a remorseless threesome….that’s the height of it

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