So there won’t be a Lesbian series any longer

So there won’t be a Lesbian series any longer

And this is because of you lesbo-phobic KDians. On the day I updated the notice of new series, there were some disparaging comments about lesbians and lesbian sex and a generally unwelcome tone from some commenters. This reaction was wrong and the male privilege exhibited by the commenters was ridiculous. Following that post, the lady writer of the series emailed the below message to me.les1

I tried to talk her out of her hesitation and succeeded. Or at least I thought I did. But from the second mail below, it would seem that I have lost the opportunity to update for your readership the antics of the Lesbians in Lagos.les2

So yea, that’s that. I was incredibly sad that this happened. And I beseech our lesbian community (I know y’all are reading this), this forum is for the LGBT, never mind the male privilege of the gay men here. I’d really love the chance for Kito Diaries to tell your stories, because when it is said that we are here, queer and fab, that goes for all of us. 🙂

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  1. shuga chocolata
    January 21, 06:54 Reply

    *tears boxers and singlet*

    oh no 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  2. Dennis Macaulay
    January 21, 07:21 Reply

    I hope you people are happy now? All of you that “don’t want to read what they do in the sheets” I hope you are happy now?

    I am so pissed off right now, to think that gay men would bring their male privilege to a blog for GAY PEOPLE! It’s so sad really!

    All of you that contributed to this should hide your heads in shame!

  3. Max 2.0
    January 21, 07:22 Reply

    Ahaa, I knew they’d chicken out at the last minute. The second email is more understandable, but the first one, not so much.

    “lesbians are sort of infested or just sexually hungry” << Now this is the part I don't understand.

    • Max 2.0
      January 21, 08:30 Reply

      *@Dennis, unlooks**, @PP, I wonder where she got the impression that people think lesbians are infested and sexually hungry. Every story that gets put up here is always open to scrutiny and criticism, if you can’t take it, well hold your peace. People get clawed at daily for the posts they write here. I don’t know why (for the very few lesbians I’ve met) they think the whole world is against them. Its like walking on egg shells because every statement you make and even your body movement gets misinterpreted as being anti-lesbian.
      Noe let me state this clearly, I don’t like women (not lesbians). And when I say I don’t like them, I mean I don’t like them “sexually” in case the “I’m gay” part doesn’t stick. I wonder why you two (Dennis and PP) would think I’m against them in any way, you know me better than that.

      And this comment is not about justifying the hateful comments made by some people on that post (I could go back to that post and mention names here), this is about clearing the air.

      I don’t hate lesbians, I simply don’t want to have sex with a woman. I understand that some of you might confuse it with being lesbophobic or whatever, but that’s just the way it is. Like PP rightly said, this blog is LGBTQ, its just that some people hide and cower in the dark, while others speak up. There are more women than men in the world which means there should be more lesbians, I wonder why we only have about two or three lady commenters on a blog that gets thousands of visits daily.

      So I urge you all to come out and write your story. You can only get the visibility and recognition you want if you come out and speak up.

      • Dennis Macaulay
        January 21, 09:26 Reply

        Max honestly you should hide your head in shame! What has your sexuality got to do with what you said that day?

        You said that they should keep sex out of the journal because you don’t want to read about sex between two lesbians.

        Tell me how you are different from the homophobe out there? And here you are justifying your stance rather than just apologising and retracting!

        You surprise me sometimes!

        • Max 2.0
          January 21, 10:29 Reply

          @Dennis, I’m surprised you’d go to this extent to lie just to prove a baseless point. I didn’t say what you wrote above. For clarity purposes I’m going to look for my comment and copy/paste it here.

        • Max 2.0
          January 21, 10:33 Reply

          Here, found it:

          Max 2.0
          January 13, 2016
          “Even though I’m not a fan of p*ssy and don’t care about what two women do under the sheets, this would be a nice addition to the torrent of stories here which I can hardly keep up with these days..”

          • Max 2.0
            January 21, 10:33 Reply

            So next time @Dennis, get your facts right before pointing fingers…

          • posh6666
            January 21, 10:39 Reply

            When i tell you you are a very stupid and shallow person you dont believe me,meanwhile i’m the only one that can actually tell you how stupid as a person you are…..

            Read ur comment and read it well again if reverse was the case by a lesbian to you how will you take it? Your comment reeks of nothing but pure disgust and not welcoming in whatsoever manner…

            You are delusional and the voices in ur brain keep giving you the confidence that all you say and do is just right and perfect.

            • posh6666
              January 21, 10:43 Reply

              You are a coward max you say something when confronted you now try to back pedal because you are actually insecured and deep down there you care about the impression people have of you….If u wanna a bitch then darling fucking own it with no apologise whatsoever ur role model/mentor atleast i can give him credit for that is a real bitch and fucking owns it!

              • Max 2.0
                January 21, 11:19 Reply

                @Agbero666, I initially didn’t want to reply, but what d heck, I can never pass up a chance to tell a dim-witted psychologically unstable loose canon exactly what he is. Your toutish(alaye) vibe reeks to the high heavens and puts Nigerian educational system to shame. I wonder what kind of lawyer you are, the charge and bail type I guess, clad in a loose fitted rag waddling along the streets of Eko on foot looking for clients. If you need someone to trade insults with, you know where to go to- Oshodi, Ojuelegba underbridge, Thats where you’ll find the likes of you. What we know about you so far on this blog
                1- You’re a low life classless asshole
                2- You’re highly uneducated
                3- You come off as slightly insane and unstable
                4- You’re unsanitary (judging from the pics posted by Chizzy)
                5- You’re a loser, judging from your comments and the sheer lack of self esteem you exude here daily by hopping into every comment and making nonsensical replies.
                6- You’re incapable of making 100% readable comments because of lack of proper understanding of English language and the use of lexicons.

                So in a nutshell, you’re a total waste of oxygen and good balls, I only reply your silly comments as a way to amuse myself when I get bored at work. I do not think of you when I leave KD, I only remember your aweful existence when you post your migraine inducing comments. So do yourself a Favour and piss off.

                • posh6666
                  January 21, 12:25 Reply

                  Lmaooooooooooooooooo see note oh untop only me? 1st i’m a lawyer,then i’m uneducated,then charge and bail niggah pick one insult and stick to it abeg you are lame! I can see you are back to your old bitter self mood swing is a bitch.You will be fine eventually.

      • Wayfaring Stranger
        January 21, 10:27 Reply

        …. The next time you want to accuse someone of IH, Look at yourself first.

        • Max 2.0
          January 21, 10:31 Reply

          @Stranger, if you’re hurt by the fact that someone recognizes what you are- a self loathing homophobe, then by all means, bleed to death…

          • Marc Francis of Chelsea
            January 22, 02:39 Reply

            The point is that you made it about sex. It’s the same way straight people only see gay relationships as being about sex and nothing else. Your comment was insensitive. Accept, apologise and keep it moving.

    • Thatgaykid
      January 21, 10:53 Reply

      Lol, why are you acting like a straight man would?

      I never asked you to have sex with a woman, I never brought it up or asked for your opinion. It was supposed to be a series on stories ABOUT Lesbians not inviting you to jack off to them or shag them. Calm down and get over yourself. I did not chicken out. I am just not ready to allow the low lesbophobic comments of an uneducated gay man affect my writing, i know myself to respect myself and opt out of something that makes me feel insecure. Why are you so pressed about what does not affect you? Why are you acting like a straight man scared of gay people coming out to him? Why are you so pained that you get to realise LGBT has more than one letter forming the acronym?

      Relax, nobody is asking you to have sex with a woman. If a woman knew you were hiding to make spiteful comments, Lol, she would not want to fuck you either. Don’t take yourself so high, calm down, you are not the only person on this website and if I want to bring back the series, by the grace of the editor of this website, I will do it just to have your nuts in a twist.

      Thanks for the nice comments from others, I really appreciate it. Homophobia goes beyond straight people, and its clear if we want us to accept us, we have to start accepting ourselves first.

      Pardon any typos, typed this quite pissed off 🙂 xx

      • Delle
        January 21, 19:50 Reply

        The Shade of it All!!! Jeez *fanning self due to sudden perspiration*

      • Mitch
        January 21, 19:52 Reply

        Halle-fucking-lu! Max just got his misogynistic balls served to him on a platter of gold!

        *gropes blindly in the shade*

      • kacee
        January 21, 20:07 Reply

        Where can I lick u? hehehehehe MM, Delle boo boo i think i’m in love *blushing*

          • Pink Panther
            January 23, 04:15 Reply

            She’s a SHE, Brian. The commenter Kacee wants to lick is a She.

            • Brian Collins
              January 23, 16:49 Reply

              Oh my, I had no idea thatgaykid is a she. But, I may still want to lick her

  4. Sheldon Cooper
    January 21, 07:29 Reply

    I feel her pain. It’s easy to say develop a thick skin. We aren’t equally strong.

  5. Arya Stark
    January 21, 07:38 Reply

    Yea all Thanks to those annoying bitches that feel they are freaking good with words and lashing out on other people even though their words are meaningless and senseless. And that’s why I wee keep praying and fasting that the homosexuality is is not accepted in nigeria, Imagine if the discrimination is still going on within ourselves, tell me why shouldn’t others lash out on us eh??? I af vex well so lemme just run off before I start speaking in hausa here now!

    • Pink Panther
      January 21, 07:40 Reply

      How do you figure that two wrongs will make a right? How do you come here to talk about fasting and praying that homosexuality be not accepted in Nigeria? What kind of talk is that? I understand where you’re coming from, but it makes no sense to stab yourself in the eye simply because you want to prove a point.

    • Max 2.0
      January 21, 08:37 Reply

      @Stark, You’re a disgrace to the gaybourhood and unfit to use that monicker of yours… *spits on your face*

  6. Peak
    January 21, 07:51 Reply

    Ok I am quite pissed right now. I was seriously looking forward to this series.

    Dear writer, if you are reading this, I understand ur fears and reservations, but sometimes you’d never know until you try. “We” all might say one thing (negative) and say another once we get a taste of the piece. We have seen that play out here time and time again. Please do give it another thought. Some of us are genuinely curious about our sisters, some of us would like an understanding about their struggles and see life through their lense. Some of us would like to know how we are so alike and have “almost” the same struggle, yet different. We would want to know why there is this great divide between lesbians and gay men, even though we tout ourselves as brothers and sisters in the same struggle.

    Your piece was suppose to help with some of the above question, provide answers and probably pave the way for more female/lesiban writers or lesbian inspired stories.

    I beseech you to reconsider. A teaser, one episode or something after which you can truly gauge reception. Writing for KDians is no easy feat, but sometimes you need to have faith in urself and a little more in “us” (the readers and commenters). We can be a pack of vicious wolves, we can equally be loving puppies as well. So I beg you to reconsider.

    • Santa Diaba
      January 21, 09:56 Reply

      Thank you for this Peak. Your comments are always so well thought out, and you make salient points.

    • Peak
      January 21, 12:01 Reply

      **Takes a bow before Santa Diaba **

  7. iamcoy
    January 21, 08:02 Reply

    Ms. Writer while i totally get your point and understand where you are coming from, i want you to look at the big picture…
    There is that 12 year old girl now currently struggling with a lot she probably has considered ODing on paracetamol after of course the church option didn’t work and she has thoroughly antagonistic parents/guardians. She visits this blog daily but can’t relate cos its testosterone filled and she returns to d cover of her blanket, teary eyed and resigned….
    Do it for d 5 percenters who visit this blog on a daily and feel comfy commenting on caithyln and Ellen stories…
    When Bobby started his PERSONAL story, there were those who shot him down and said ‘i don’t see the point’ ‘are u promoting so and so’ ‘this is just bland’, but the young man was dogged and it didn’t take too long before testimonies rolled out.
    The summary is not everyone would find it fascinating, credit worthy, funny, stimulating and what not…. But there is a number that would get entertained, inspired, stimulated and so on…
    I implore you to please come through..
    Do it for the missing Chibok girls☺.
    God bless you

    • Peak
      January 21, 08:12 Reply

      Ok, I was going to scream “PUHRREEESSSSHHH” but you lost me with a burst of laugh at ” do it for the missing Chibok girls” hahahahah.

      • iamcoy
        January 21, 08:16 Reply

        You know each episode could end with ‘#BRINGBACKOURGIRLS Day 428’.. Or sumthing like that☺

    • Mandy
      January 21, 08:30 Reply

      Lol. Iamcoy, this your comment, totally on point. 😀

    • Baby
      January 21, 09:03 Reply

      God bless you iamcoy… You just spoke my mind.

      Pls writer, continue with your story…

      iamcoy, each time I see your comment I always have this weird feeling that I know you.. However, I like your comments..

      • iamcoy
        January 21, 11:13 Reply

        Baby yea its a small community so u may not be wrong. God bless you too

  8. sinnex
    January 21, 08:24 Reply


    Some people forget that L comes before G in LGBT.

    Anyway, for your sanity, I think you did the right thing. I know how you feel and I have been in the same place before. If you decide to change your mind, good, but don’t let anyone force you to do what you are weary about. I read the comments here when it was announced that there’s going to be a Lesbian themed series and I couldn’t help but bury my head in shame. These are the same people who would scream IH at any given opportunity and they would insult MGM and MBM, so, I wasn’t surprised when I read their comments.

    • Mandy
      January 21, 08:28 Reply

      The thing weak me that day.

  9. belculen
    January 21, 08:32 Reply

    i was really looking forward to the series. as i know nothing or less about the other side. PP pls do well to still press nd convince her to carry on.

  10. Absalom
    January 21, 08:49 Reply

    So are the culprits going to say they are sorry for causing this or not?

    And please next time, people should realise that past the age of 18, you’re no longer a baby; if you cannot think before you speak, then don’t speak at all. It’s not compulsory.

    Comments like the homophobic ones that led to this post should be deleted promptly and a warning issued. By leaving them be, the impression is created that such opinions are – maybe – okay.

    • Pink Panther
      January 21, 08:53 Reply

      When that is done, the dragons will pounce with the freedom-of-expression flames pouring from their snouts.

      • Absalom
        January 21, 09:01 Reply

        Freedom goes with responsibility. Always.

        • Teflondon
          January 21, 09:43 Reply

          Lets not encourage “Tailoring” of the comment section. shall we?in as much as i am trying to understand your view point. it is important for us to be as real as possible. life is all about the good, the bad and the posh. People say good things, people say bad and hurtful things, we learn from everything. when life throws lime at you, you make a f**king lemonade with it.

          We need to stop encouraging pretense! people need to learn that there are good people and there are bad people, life is not a bed of roses. we learn from every situation, Good or BAD!!

          • Absalom
            January 21, 10:26 Reply

            Nobody is “tailoring” anything. And it is not “pretence”. Insulting people, being crass and uncouth have NO place in this thorny-rose life you speak of.

            Telling a gay woman that you would rather not hear the details of her sex life is homophobic, you hear? Not every “opinion” should be contemplated not to talk of seeing the light of day.

            • Teflondon
              January 21, 10:47 Reply

              I am not supporting any form of hate speech to any set-group(s) but by telling us to delete or amend comments, you are telling us to showcase KD as a perfect place without haters. No place is perfect, no set-group(s) of people are perfect.
              let KD be seen for what it is. Good, bad and ugly. lets not fuel or fan an unreal perception to unsuspecting (future) readers.

  11. Hanniel
    January 21, 08:51 Reply

    The closest i’ve ever gotten to a lesbian was @ a friends and I barely know anything about them. I’d have just ignored this but i’ve aspire to know and possibly meet one. I’ve looked forward to reading about them here as i’ve read many interesting stories. If their is one thing I still don’t get about gay guys, it’s the “gay bickering.” I just hope u find the strength within you to write and get it posted here.

  12. ambivalentone
    January 21, 08:52 Reply

    That there, is the reason I can NEVER forgive some ppl on this blog. Submitting crappy input and whining when its not posted whilst not allowing other ppl send in theirs, downriding those who do with bad mouth. I had so looked forward to LOL. Thanks for nothing. Eish!!!

  13. Baby
    January 21, 09:09 Reply

    I was excited when I saw the post about the lesbians series.. I didn’t go through the comments section cos I thought everyone will be in support and excitement concerning it. I’m not quite happy about the new development… If you know you caused this, just apologize already…

    Ms Writer, just re-consider our pleas… You might give hope to someone..

  14. Jeova Sanctus Unus
    January 21, 09:39 Reply

    My dear Max, if you’re really OK with that comment then all hope on you is lost.

    In no part of that post were YOU (or anyone else) asked to have sex with a woman.

    The high road is for the higher people.

    • kacee
      January 21, 10:17 Reply

      This is why i love u JSU, you just know how to handle BIG MOUTH.

      • Max 2.0
        January 21, 10:36 Reply

        @Kacee, Your own case is a different one

        Learn to stop playing victim every time.. It doesn’t suit you.

        • kacee
          January 21, 12:08 Reply

          Me playing victim? is that all u can say? what case? u dont know anything about me Mr Man go and find and punch that person that annoyed you this morning bro. #bigmouthdrama

          • Max 2.0
            January 21, 12:12 Reply

            You know exactly what I’m saying. This is getting old. We’re in 2016. Live your life dear, no one is against you.


            • kacee
              January 21, 14:55 Reply

              What is getting old? warris this MAN saying. If you dont know what to say sharrap your mouth.

    • Max 2.0
      January 21, 10:41 Reply

      Well, I’ve posted my comment(the one I made that day) above, read it and if you don’t understand, then there’s really nothing I can do for you.

      Lesbians don’t like men’s cock or men sexually and they constantly voice it out..we gay people don’t take offense, but when it comes to voicing out what everyone already knows (that we don’t like pussy either), they take offence. What d hell?? And I never said they shouldn’t add anything sexual and also didn’t say lesbians shouldn’t write their story.

      Your(PP, Dennis, JSu, Kacee etc) accusations are ridiculous and I DO NOT accept it!!.

      • kacee
        January 21, 18:38 Reply

        Accept my big fat balls instead.

  15. Tobby
    January 21, 09:40 Reply

    Wait, who doesn’t like Lesbian sex?.lol

      • Mandy
        January 21, 09:49 Reply

        You’re an idiot for making such an inane comment like that.

        • Teflondon
          January 21, 10:28 Reply

          Please don’t relent with your insults, trust me they are really hurting me and doing so much damage because you are a very important person in my life and your opinions matter to me.

    • kacee
      January 21, 09:59 Reply

      some lesbo-phobic fools

  16. Delle
    January 21, 09:41 Reply

    Christ! All these bad in one day?! I just knew this would happen. The spite and disgust from comments that day were so obvious. How on earth are we going to be a community if we keep shutting out a particular sect? These people are gay also, just with breasts and vagina. How does it make them any different? It’s really saddening straight guys are more supportive to lesbians than we, the brother sect. It’s not nice, not fair and terribly uncute!
    Someone actually said, ‘I don’t want to know what they do in bed’, really? But yet, we post, not just our sexcapades but raunchy and hardcore ones on a daily and I’ve never for once seen a snide comment from any girl here.
    I once posted something on facebook concerning the marginalisation lesbians face and all I got were ignorant comments. Things like, ‘I don’t even know any lesbian’, ‘they don’t want to mingle with us’ and what have you. Well, how would you know about lesbians when u spare no effort in pushing them away? It’s this simple, you only have knowledge of something you acknowledge.

    This is a very sad news to me (coupled with that Mbugua rubbish), I feel so torn. PP, if you can convince her (something I feel is so impossible, not with her present disposition), it would be really great. A story with female characters could be refreshing, I don’t know about you guys, but I definitely want, no, need a lesbian series up here in Kitodiaries.
    Thank you.

    • kacee
      January 21, 10:03 Reply

      Sorry Delle boo boo I know how happy u were.

      • Delle
        January 21, 11:34 Reply

        Is it that people come out and talk just to get noticed on this blog? Cos I can’t find anyone owning up to what he said few days back. Someone wrote this, ‘Not a fan of lesbians, so I’d pass’, where is he now?! If u can’t stand the heat, why do u even think of putting on the oven? We call homophobes pretentious and all but some here have hypocrisy and fake-ass lives flowing in their veins!
        So disgusting!

  17. Jamie
    January 21, 09:55 Reply

    I am so diasppointed right now; not only in the lespophobes of KD, but also in the lesbian who chickened out! Come on girl, everyone faces criticisms in this world, right? What we need is visibility, for people to get used to our presence… Now when I came here, I was always a bit reserved about porn (even though I was forced to find it, to wank, when I got horny), but on arrival, I sieved and sieved and sieved, till today, I don’t sieve when I find a post. I just read it as that one thing, and consume the story-line; at times I skip paragraphs when it gets to what I have no fancy for. And only recently did I figure out that only others flinch when sex is discussed…I am saved, ain’t I? Why won’t I, and many other people get to adjust to a lesbian series on KD? I really have been longing to feel the swag of lesbians, cos it’d help me to fully understand them. Whenever a new change is made, people react. I actually wanted to say something on that post about me not minding, but I spanked my senses back with the simple truth that I have a choice, and that choice is to grow up! So a notification about the first entry of our potential lesbian series will hopefully pop up one day, very soon in my inbox. Please…dearie…

    • ambivalentone
      January 21, 16:07 Reply

      “… but I spanked my senses back with the simple truth that I have a choice , and that choice is to grow up !…” Well done Jamie

  18. kacee
    January 21, 10:05 Reply

    The lesbo-phobic fucktards won’t come out now mtchewwwwwwww
    guess u are happy

    • KingBey
      January 24, 12:20 Reply

      Calm down o. E never reach to fight. Una blood dey always boil. Reason why I will always pass whenever I see a Lez. I’m allergic to unnecessary drama. Lol

  19. Mitch
    January 21, 10:07 Reply

    I knew this was gonna happen. Sometimes, I wonder what the hate, outrage and mistreatment we get as “different” people has taught us.

    Our strengths and our thick skins shouldn’t push us to forgetting that several members of OUR community don’t have the same. It’s annoying when we claim we are discriminated against and still discriminate against others WITHIN OR OUTSIDE OUR COMMUNITY. If there’s anything we ought to have learned as gay people, it is to tolerate and respect difference.

    So this is me calling out you male supremacists on this blog, who feel the world and this blog should revolve around you, who don’t want any repesentation of any other bloc within the comminity, who actively shoot people down simply because you want to turn the LGBT movement into being a gay movement on this blog. This is me saying Shame. Shame on all of you! You are the reason the Nigerian LGBT movement is what it is today, inconsequential and weak. You all need to either learn to tolerate diversity or carry your hating, bile-spewing selfs to LIB. At least you’ll meet like minded ego-maniacs there.

  20. tarter
    January 21, 10:15 Reply

    and the best way is too chicken out?seriously? write your series, i may not be interested in lesbians sex life but hell I’m curious about their world generally, the differences and similarities with the gays etc..madam come back here and write your experience.

  21. Khaleesi
    January 21, 10:16 Reply

    Oh God!!! i was actually looking forward to getting a teeny weeny peak into the world of lesbos, please please please PP, do whatever you can to bring her back biko!!

  22. Teflondon
    January 21, 10:18 Reply

    Without Exaggerating too much..
    This is a very sad day for KD, This right here is a reminder that perhaps we have failed. we have concentrated our efforts so much on irrelevant things that we neglected real issues. i think this is a challenge to KD and the admin because what happened today challenges the importance of the existence for KD all this while.
    This post today only shows that we haven’t made much progress as a community. And i dare say its a big shame.
    Even i (being the number 1 critic of most post on this blog) was excited about the commence of LOL.

    We need to get our priorities right… i’ll advise or rather challenge the Admin to be weary of Failed blog owners who are desperate and secretly hoping and working towards the failure of this blog; disguising as friends and trying to make this place a joke.

    • Pink Panther
      January 21, 12:31 Reply

      You know, I would applaud this if you actually exemplify the things you preach. But you don’t. The duplicitous mischiefmakers you just admonished the admin to look out for? You’re one of them. And I agree with you: when their mischief gets too toxic, they should be cut off.

      • Teflondon
        January 21, 13:13 Reply

        Just because we don’t agree on anything doesn’t mean i don’t want the progress of this blog.
        just watch out for your so-called “friends”

        kokoro to’n jefo, idi efo lo wa’
        a word they say is enough for the wise…

        but trust me between me and you admin… No Love lost!

        • Pink Panther
          January 21, 13:27 Reply

          Yea, the feeling is totally mutual.
          And I know my friends, thank you very much. You wouldn’t know the definition seeing how you’d gladly stake those you claim to befriend publicly on the blog.

    • Mandy
      January 21, 12:34 Reply

      He calls himself the number 1 critic of KD. LMAO. Aren’t critics supposed to have a passable command of the intellectual? Honey, quit trying to put on Chizzie’s fabulousness. It doesn’t fit you.

      What a joke!

      • Teflondon
        January 21, 13:07 Reply

        refer to my message above!

        have a great day.

      • keredim
        January 21, 15:44 Reply

        “….It doesn’t fit you….”

        Really Mandy, really?

        Does anything FIT him?

    • Keredim
      January 21, 15:57 Reply

      Hmmm KDadmin, I really don’t envy you…

      You have to be weary of “failed bloggers” who are out to wreck this blog and “backstabbing plagiarists” who see conspiracy everywhere, but mean you well.

      You are in a very precarious position…Ndo. ??

  23. Dennis Macaulay
    January 21, 10:24 Reply

    “Develop a thick skin”

    They say!

    It’s all fun and games until you are at the receiving end all the vitriol and you know that it’s not always a stroll in the park.

    We are built differently! My dear writer if you are reading this and you are not feeling up to it please do what is best for you!

  24. posh6666
    January 21, 10:25 Reply

    Oh what a shame i was actually so excited to have a glimpse into the world of the lesbians.Been really curious about their lifestyle for a while and really tried to befriend one back in uni but she was apparently being careful in a school setting in order not to blow her cover.

    Pls woman up and try and write even if its just one episode you will know that atleast you tried abeg…..

  25. kacee
    January 21, 10:39 Reply

    omg I can’t believe some 5 mouths dicks here are changing their mouths now, pity I actually thought some of you were man enough to admit u are happy they cancelled the series instead they are saying how sad they are. mtchewww. #confusedpretenders

  26. D-boy
    January 21, 10:44 Reply

    To be very honest, I was curious but not necessarily excited. Heck, there are a couple of posts I don’t read on here.

    Seeing as this a predominantly gay blog, I can imagine the disconnect with lesbian readers.

    On the upside this would have been an opportunity to connect and create a voice for lesbians.

  27. Vhar.
    January 21, 10:55 Reply

    Lesbians aren’t a “plot point” that you can trample on. Lesbians are real, actual kids, teenagers, growing up into adults, and there aren’t enough real life stories to reflect that. Growing up, I was told over and over and over by the lack of “gayness” in said books that I read that I did not exist. That I wasn’t important enough to tell stories about. That I was invisible.

    Now we have a platform to tell a story and we’re muffling the voices of Lesbians? That they’re a minority, and they don’t deserve the same societal/world rights as gays. Shey it’s not the same rights we’re advocating for ni?

    I don’t understand the cringing and fears some of us have towards bisexuals and lesbians… and whores. it’s a concept I honestly cannot grasp. To me, it’s not who you love or fuck… a man, a woman, what have you… it’s the fact that you love and you fuck. The intolerance of humanity will never change.

    Cucumbers and Bananas aren’t the only fruits! Apples, watermelons and oranges are nutritious too.

    Bring. Back. Our. Girls.

  28. Max 2.0
    January 21, 10:59 Reply

    So I was just curious to know this big BAD thing they said in the comment section, so for the benefit of everyone, I copied the entire thing… I’m actually disappointed, the lady chickened out because of two-ish comments that were negative towards lesbian sex. All other comments were positive. I’m disappointed that the holier than though cows on this blog chose to overlook that simple fact.
    Here are the comments

    39 responses

    King Mufasa
    January 13, 2016
    Yay. ???
    More grease pinky


    Pink Panther
    January 13, 2016
    Thanks. 🙂


    January 13, 2016
    King Mufasa what kind of grease are you referring to?

    KY,astroglide or vaseline



    January 13, 2016
    Groundnut oyel. ?


    January 13, 2016
    And that was how pinky blessed my day. Yass Lawd!!!!


    Pink Panther
    January 13, 2016


    January 13, 2016
    LOL: Lesbians on the Loose! Lol

    This should be very exciting…..lemme start sharpening my mouth. Kikikikikikiki 🙂


    Rev; Hot
    January 13, 2016
    LESBIANS IN LAGOS…. Now that sounds like something I would just looooooooooove!!!!! Oitnb, anyone?

    This year in KD is gonna ROCK!


    Dennis Macaulay
    January 13, 2016


    Brian Collins
    January 13, 2016
    Nice. Me I want a series too jor.


    January 13, 2016
    Sensei, please can I have your email? I need some pretty important information…or at least direction to that pretty important information. Thanks a lot


    January 13, 2016


    January 13, 2016
    Finally! I’ll get to know what doing the scissors mean.


    Ichie RedEyes
    January 13, 2016
    Whoop !


    Max 2.0
    January 13, 2016
    Even though I’m not a fan of p*ssy and don’t care about what two women do under the sheets, this would be a nice addition to the torrent of stories here which I can hardly keep up with these days..


    January 13, 2016
    Oh thank God. I was beginning to think I was the only one not able to keep up.


    January 13, 2016
    Oh dear me too…


    January 13, 2016
    Doing the scissors? Eeeewww I know you know what it is all about. There is nothing scissorsy or sharp about it. Just hope the series will not have sex scenes that are higher than PG rated
    Honestly what two women do in bed or standing or whenever the Konji spirit possesses them I really would not want to know


    January 13, 2016
    Why shouldn’t it have sex scenes? The stories of men that we’ve been reading up in here, they also have sex scenes.
    Well, I do want to know. It would make for a fascinating read.


    Dennis Macaulay
    January 13, 2016
    But everyday you expect the women to read about our trysts with men?

    It’s very funny how easily we can be discriminatory without even realising we are


    Wayfaring Stranger
    January 13, 2016
    It’s irritatingly exhausting. I don’t get how people can be so tactless.


    January 13, 2016
    DM, this is small.

    I expect one or two people (or a two in one person), in the spirit of “speaking their mind”, “being politically incorrect” and be seen as “non-conformist” & “maverick” to openly express unsolicited disdain for lesbians. ?


    Wayfaring Stranger
    January 13, 2016
    You’re relentlessly hilarious.


    January 13, 2016
    Beat me to it. Such comments should be filed under the ‘no post’ folder.


    January 13, 2016
    Last time I checked this is a LGBTQ+ community and not just secluded to one side of the Umbrella. I am sorry if we might disgust you, but remember, we don’t really care what you think. I have been reading amazing stories about menxmen on here and I always enjoy them, guess why? The stories are amazing, and I skip parts I don’t enjoy and stay silent.

    1- Lesbians are not your fetish and we are beyond the sex (to the person excited about sciossoring)

    2- Don’t be so rude, everyone has their own story to tell (to the person jumping at the mention of girls doing their own thing)

    3- Thanks to everyone being nice, I really hope the story can carry on and more people are not turned off by the idea. Keep up the great work KD, always loyal to read and share with the few people I know in the community 🙂


    January 13, 2016
    Shame on you,Kester….. shame!….and i’m saying this with feeling!


    Dennis Macaulay
    January 13, 2016
    At the end of the day gay men are still Men first before they are gay and like most men everything has to be about them. I never thought we would still bring male privilege to the gayborhood!

    You don’t care what two women do under the sheets, you don’t want to read about it. Yet everyday we share our escapades here and the women read as well without complaining about “dick” and without asking us not to tell them what we do underneath the sheets.

    Gay men are often transphobic, bi-phobic, lesbo-phobic, which is a shame really! Someone yesterday described Nigerian lesbians as an “igbo smoking lot”. See let’s scrap the term LGBTI and retain only the G component, because there is no need really.

    I am ashamed and disappointed at some of you, you have to rise above this!


    January 13, 2016
    I think you deserve an MTN hug right now for this comment!


    January 13, 2016
    I was going to take after Denis and start my own journal but my numerous gramatical errors won’t let me… *sigh*


    January 13, 2016
    About time.

    Kacee and Django, food is ready!


    January 13, 2016
    Excited for the blog, its truly growing… Somewhat!


    January 13, 2016


    January 13, 2016
    Not a fan of lesbians. So I will pass…. ???


    January 13, 2016
    This comment should be deleted…really!


    Dickson Clement
    January 13, 2016
    I’d really love to read this LOL series. I love listening and reading about people. Understanding human nature is something difficult and it’s only when we interact and hear about people that we could try to understand and know them. Knowledge itself can never be exhausted and we can never stop learning! I don’t know how the lesbians operate, I can’t tell who a lesbian is, so let us start reading.


    January 13, 2016
    If I say I’m happy about this development, I’m just shaming my emotions…I’m ECSTATIC! I can’t even explain how I feel. Thinking of it now, it could be one of my two sweet friends that has decided 2 take on this mantle…aaarrrggghhh!!! So happy! Thanks PP

    About my entries, lol PP…I thought they got spammed *smirks*


    January 13, 2016
    Anything transgender coming up?


    Pink Panther
    January 13, 2016
    Keeping my fingers crossed.


    January 14, 2016
    Sigh. Okay. Ano mu ya.


    • posh6666
      January 21, 11:05 Reply

      Lol you go fear trying to save face now…hahahhaa desperation doesnt look good on you boo give it up!

      • Max 2.0
        January 21, 11:23 Reply

        And that look of stupidity and uncouthness you wear weekly really suits you.. Keep it up.

    • Jeova Sanctus Unus
      January 21, 14:54 Reply

      Max, even though there wasn’t any need to mention your ‘uber-gayness’ on that post, what I (maybe others) couldn’t understand was your 1st comment under this post.

      Apparently, only Kester and Kingbey expressed disgust of LOL and their comments weren’t popular. If the writer has been around much, she’d notice fictions don’t get much comments (negative review are nonexistent).

      But…taking an extinct opinion over that of the majority is quite impressive of the LOL author.

  29. Masked Man
    January 21, 11:14 Reply

    Dear Lady Writer,

    there is so much power in the pen. Power that is stronger than guns and swords. Tap into such power, and write beautiful words. Tell your story, a story no one has heard. And give the haters reasons to rethink and be remorseful. You cannot back down because of a few unreceptive comments. You know why? Because such haters are not your target audience. Lend your voice to tell those little girls and young adults that there is nothing wrong with them, and they need not feel lost. And help us gay men, understand you all better. I for one know nothing about lesbians, so I was so looking forward to the series like none other.

    PIck up your pen and write, or better still, start typing away.

  30. bruno
    January 21, 11:15 Reply

    i would never have thought for the life of me that it would be gay people who don’t understand that hateful words are not acceptable in any form. and discrimination may be subtle or unintentional but still damaging.

    can you not see that you are becoming the monster you fight against???

    oh well… i would very much like to see the lesbian series.

    i hope the writer doesn’t give up and pass up on this chance to enlighten, entertain and educate a whole lot of people out there who need to here from you. a lot of young lesbians girls would also love to feel represented. do it for them. pretty please.

  31. Delle
    January 21, 11:24 Reply

    Maybe (just maybe) one wasn’t trying to be insulting or trying to diss the lesbian folk, but saying ‘I don’t care about what;s done under their sheets’ is a tad derogatory and off-putting. Choice of worfs matter, no one is in anyone’s mind to know what they imply whenever something is written.

  32. Promise4all
    January 21, 12:34 Reply

    When I heard of the series coming out of its closet, all I could think of was vhar and her vhar-gency cooking up one of those native soups my mum cook only on rare saturdays and leave us begging her to do a remix of the soup next saturday, to,which she will say no, little did I know that the lesbophobes were praying for our vhargencies to change their minds. After nights of wanton eagerness to know how to pleasure my di-vhar-gent wife which I’ll pick for community’s sake, become a lesbian for her while she becomes the gay guy that will pound me to cloud 18. in the prescence of our L&G angels with our kids in boarding school preparing to write their version of while we were yet kids.

    our beautiful babes please write us that sweet recipé, if not for the sake of our Chibok girls, let it be for our guys that catwalq and those that sashay their hips only in their kitchen and bathroom.
    do it against terrorism (lesbophobes)
    do it for the chibok girls who would have turned babes now
    do it for the lesley babes hiding their short boxers from the comments section of KitoDiaries
    do it for us.
    We want to hear from your sagba epistles.

  33. michael
    January 21, 12:48 Reply

    BTW where is kester? Don’t you have something to say here? Abi the venom wey you vomit don come bite all of us now and you don’t want to talk abi?

  34. Peak
    January 21, 13:04 Reply

    I think it’s time we iron some ruffles out.

    First of all, I still don’t understand why “we” are using the term “Chicken(ed) out” to describe a delicate situation such as this. “We” practically scared someone away, and we think the brilliant way to point that fact out to them and encourage them to try again, is by calling them coward?! Have we not learned anything in the almost 2 years we have spent here about CHOICE OF WORDS? Max was the 1st to make that mistake, but I have seen 2-3 other comments using that term. I am sorry, but we really really need to learn to pick our words carefully. We crucify celebs and public figures here daily for using unflattering terms for delicate situations/subjects, yet we are chief launchers in that faculty.

    Secondly, we all need to understand that we are all built differently. Some of us are naturally designed to be cold-unfeeling bastards, some grew and developed it thanks to environment/society. Some of us are just not “born or designed” that way. So if you are thinking “grow a thick skin”, then u are dead wrong. We arent all the same Which is the more reason why we should be more careful about what we spew out. You don’t know who is reading, their current state of mind, what they are dealing with or how they will receive ur message.

    Thirdly, there is nothing wrong in apologising or using the word SORRY. A culture we really must learn to imbibe here on KD. Commenters here have a hard time taking responsibility for their actions. You stepped out of line, issue an apology or a retraction and keep it moving. It takes nothing from you and costs you nothing.

    Lastly @Max. Home boy, No matter how you plan on spinning this story, you know deep down that something isn’t completely right with ur comments. Last week’s comment was denigrating and somewhat derogatory. Like someone pointed above, if that kind of comment was reversed and came from someone else…lets say Django or Kacee, you would have pulled out ur knife and switched to attack mode. You might argue the “real/deep” intent of ur comment, but the general public saw it a particular way. Argue it all you want, but the truth of the matter is that ur comment was not well received by a good number of people. Lets just let the matter die instead of pouring over details that would yeild no positive outcome. The main concern right now is winning the writera trust and confidence back.

    I honestly thought Django was responsible for the upcoming series. Where is that Aunty sef, shouldn’t she be lending her voice to help win madam writer back? *walks of screaming DJANGOOOOOOOOO*

    • Pink Panther
      January 21, 13:30 Reply

      Hahahahahahahaa!!! If it were Django, she’d have come out swinging her hack-saw that very day of the intro post. I just luh that geh like kilode.

  35. Chizzie
    January 21, 13:31 Reply

    But this is a gay forum for gay people and by that I mean men, with most visitors and readers being men. It’s a gay men’s blog for the most part, and that’s just the honest truth. I think that’s how it ought to be. Not because I am lesbophohic, but because I am a gay man who prefers to read content involving other gay men.

    As much as we try to incorporate other branches of the LGBT into our discussions and what not… It just can’t always be the case. If a lesbian forum decided to start a gay series, I can bet the reaction will be the same.

    We mustn’t all Kumbaya guys. I for one think that the major problem is the author and the fact that she had given up so quickly. It would’ve been her job to convince us and orient us about lesbians while also entertaining us. But she gave up and thats sad.

    • Pink Panther
      January 21, 13:44 Reply

      No, Chizzie. It’s not a gay blog. It’s an LGBT blog that just happens to have a predominant gay men presence. Please do not define the status of the forum for me.

    • Peak
      January 21, 14:09 Reply

      @Chizzie while reading your comment, two words stood out to me (“I think”), made hit pause and saw reason not to correct you that this is an LGBTQ+ blog and not a gay blog like you ” think”.

      Since the gentleman who runs the blog has explicitly pointed out that it’s an “LGBT” blog, I hope our gay supremacist will allow it remain that way and stop pulling “I think” on “us”.

  36. JustJames
    January 21, 14:25 Reply

    Even if your intentions come from a place of good as long as it hurts someone it does you well to accept that feelings have been hurt and even apologise.

  37. keredim
    January 21, 14:47 Reply

    Ms Writer, bottomline is we on KD are a tough audience and you know this. If you don’t, then ask Mike Deamon. Most times we say it like it is with or without sugar coating it. Sometimes we are downright rude and hateful just because we can be and that is wrong.

    But Ms. Writer, this is a reflection of the real world. Some people will not like what you write simply because they do not like you and what you represent. Others will love you for the same reasons. You can choose to focus on the haters or you can choose to focus on the lovers. That’s is entirely up to you.

    I will not insult you by asking you to grow a “thick skin” because like some people have mentioned here, we are not all built with that ability (plus we are not lizards). But I would implore you, you have a voice, fucking use it. Stick it to the haters. And if not for you, like @IAMCOY said do it for that singular 12 year old girl who is confused and may find comfort in reading your words and knows that she is not alone. (That brought a tear to my eye)

    And if you must punish us by not posting your stories here, fine! We are not worthy of your presence. Find somewhere else to post it or create your own blog, but please use your voice!!

    I am not sure anyone really knows the origin of the “animosity” between Gays and Lesbians. There might be a number of reasons, but I get on well with the lesbians that I know and interact with. Maybe its because we respect each other as human beings and not as a sub class of sexual deviants.

    Finally, Ms Writer, remember “Haters are fans in denial”

    I had another look at the comments and yes a good number of them were hateful and misogynist. Things we wouldn’t tolerate if similar things were said to us jokingly by straight people.

    @Max, I think the reason people are angered by your comments on the day are firstly, you have a “Celebrity” status here and even though you speak with intelligence and you do make formidable arguments most times, when you slip up people will come after you (with tax) the way you go after them. It is that simple. On this occasion you did slip up royally.

    Secondly you have refused to own up to derogatory nature of your comment and you are trying to wriggle out of it, by twisting what you said and diverting away from the issue by insulting others.
    Yes, others made derogatory comments as well as you have highlighted and they have been called out. But they have kept quiet (at least as at the time of posting this) . They know right from wrong it would seem.

    Your comment on the day:
    “Even though I’m not a fan of p*ssy and don’t care about what two women do under the sheets…..”

    No matter how you try and spin that, like @Peak says, it looks bad when taken in the context of the post. The only other thing worse than that, is watching you trying to wriggle out of it. It is painful. You are trying to insult our collective intelligence the way Nigerian leaders try and explain away their abuse of office.

    I think you should apologise or just stop commenting on the issue. Please

  38. Mendex
    January 21, 15:15 Reply

    Even though this is my first comment on this blog, I feel obliged to say this, as no one has the guts to.
    To our dear writer, on behalf of all KDians (lesbophobes included), I issue an apology for the hurtful comments and also make a retraction of all such comments.
    Please do reconsider and start of the series.
    Thank you.

  39. michael
    January 21, 16:37 Reply

    Dear writer.. See me ehh am an only child and they expect me to marry someday and you know how creepy that is. One of my plans is to marry a lesbian. So, please help me understand their struggles so I don’t miss step.

  40. sensei
    January 22, 09:00 Reply

    *stirring cup of coffee very very slowly*

  41. Terra
    January 22, 10:05 Reply

    That was a proper category 5 shitstorm. I do hope the series comes back. I was really curious.

  42. Lorde
    January 22, 15:03 Reply

    Someone just recommended this site to me, he says it’ll help me with many doubts and fears I have about my sexuality, imagine my horror reading my first article and seeing what happens on 2go on a daily basis…if this is what you guys are all about, I must say I’m ashamed. I thought we look out for each other and hav each others backs, all I see here are words flying to and from people. Not cool at all

    • iamcoy
      January 22, 15:30 Reply

      Lorde take a deep breath… There is no homogeneity in the world.
      The person who recommended this blog to you sure loves you because its a tool capable of pulling you out of the big black hole.
      Pick the substance and leave the chaff.

    • Keredim
      January 22, 16:38 Reply

      “…if this is what you guys are all about, I must say I’m ashamed…..”

      Good. Exactly what KD needs right now… Another pontificator on the moral high horse?

      Welcome ????

      • sensei
        January 22, 17:49 Reply

        I honestly don’t blame him. It’s just unfortunate he strolled in to meet a bloodbath. Lol!

        • Keredim
          January 22, 18:03 Reply

          Well at least he knows what he is in for… Plus this is a reflection of the real world…

          Contrary to unpopular opinion, we are not always “kumbaya”????

  43. Brian Collins
    January 22, 22:03 Reply

    So when is Max going get banned from commenting on this blog? Or at least when is a post going to be written just to chastise and caution him? Cos some of his comments on this post today really got to that Chizzie level.

  44. Mike Daemon
    January 24, 13:43 Reply

    With these kinds of comments encouraged here, KD will remain just another website on the internet! But hold on, what does KD really stand for?

    January 25, 11:22 Reply

    I personally decided to be on the low, especially on this weblog, coz ive found out its a safe haven for some disgruntled, bitter-haters, rather living in denial and misery….(MAX: A case study).

    Pink Panther may have had good plans creating this site, to aid interaction, understanding and getting as well fully updated, their has been thought provoking articles written here dat made quite a compelling read. Some have come up to reprimand us to be more careful, especially in this enclave where homosexuality is still a criminal offence. The weblog has gathered itself, an increasing number of readers, some worthy intellectuals with great atticism and narrative brio, while some are here for popularity, obviously for the wrong reasons…..Its really appalling how some of us, just sit back, type in some cuss-words and publish them for their own delight while causing pain to others…
    Can we live above attacking each other already????
    can we for once stop bickering and unhealthy vituperations we spew at each other here??? Maturity demands that if you do not fancy any post, do ur self and Mb a favour, do not open them, instead of opening and spewing trash…..pls!!!!! can we employ the art of civility when submitting our comments…..
    Coming to the lesbian section, i personally have’nt had any open lesbian friend, atleast none has come out to me yet, so i was frantically yearning for the section…I do not hate lesbians, I do not like to hear a woman identifying herself as a lesboo, coz i know how much i luv cock, but i have cautioned myself internally and bliv we all caught up in the same web…I learnt how not to church people coz they did things differently………
    so pls to the lesbo poster, on behalf of KDians, i submit an unreserved apology to you, you ppl are a family, we need each other to grow, so on that basis i implore you to pls reconsider…thanks

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