Pastor Says That God Let Donald Trump Lose The Election Because He Was Pro-Gay

Pastor Says That God Let Donald Trump Lose The Election Because He Was Pro-Gay

Notoriously anti-LGBT minister Scott Lively is claiming Donald Trump did not win reelection as president because he lost God’s favor for being too pro-gay.

On Sunday’s edition of his Swamp Rangers online broadcast, Lively told co-host Richard May that Trump took the correct position (in Lively’s view) on every issue “except on the homosexual issue, which I think is his biggest mistake” and “the reason why he lost the election.”

“He defied God on a fundamental tenet of the Bible and never repented of it,” Lively said (the clip below was captured by Right Wing Watch). “If Donald Trump was – as I believe – God’s man in the White House for four years, why did God not preserve it? Because if God had given him favor, nothing that mankind could have done could have removed him from that office. And yet the one thing that he did during that time that would virtually guarantee God’s favor being removed was to put his own personal stamp of approval on behavior that God condemns in the harshest possible terms in the Bible, which is specifically male homosexuality.”

As evidence, Lively pointed to Trump’s appointment of gay man Richard Grenell as ambassador to Germany and then acting director of national intelligence. “Trump fully endorsed and backed and applauded Grenell,” who “was an outspoken advocate for the central doctrine of the progressive movement, which is queer theory,” Lively said.

It’s not clear that Grenell has ever advocated queer theory, something largely used in academia. And despite Lively’s claim, most national and international LGBTQ rights groups consider Trump to be the most anti-LGBTQ US president of all time.

Lively, the head of Scott Lively Ministries and a twice-failed candidate for Massachusetts governor, has a long record of virulently anti-LGBT rhetoric. This includes the assertion that gay men were in charge of Germany’s Nazi Party, that pedophilia is at the core of the LGBTQ+ movement, and that perpetrators of antigay violence in Russia are not heterosexual homophobes but “butch” gays who attack their more effeminate counterparts.

Sexual Minorities Uganda sued Lively for crimes against humanity in 2012, saying his repugnant statements had influenced the nation to pass a law providing for life prison sentences for Ugandans convicted of having gay sex under certain circumstances. The law has since been struck down by a Ugandan court. A U.S. District Court in Massachusetts dismissed the lawsuit because it did not have jurisdiction in the matter but condemned Lively’s anti-LGBTQ+ stances just the same.

Lively also wrote a post on his website about Trump’s alleged pro-gayness. “Trump — and his base — lost the election because we did not fight the dragon at center of the Marxist agenda, but allowed that snake inside our own camp: homosexual perversion,” Lively asserted in the Tuesday post.

He continued, saying that Ivanka Trump, the former president’s oldest daughter and a key adviser, “was seduced by the allure of ‘Queer Theory’ pop-culture propaganda in all of its insidious forms, becoming (apparently) the Eve in the garden of Trump’s own family, convincing him to eat the apple of pro-‘gay’ political correctness.”

This came, he said, despite Ivanka Trump being a convert to Orthodox Judaism, a branch of the faith that is definitely not affirming toward LGBTQ+ people.

Lively went on to condemn Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, President Joe Biden, the Lincoln Project (a group of current and former Republicans who opposed Donald Trump), and more, while ignoring Trump’s many anti-LGBTQ+ actions and never explaining why God would allow him to be defeated by someone who is truly supportive of LGBTQ+ equality.

“My advice to President Trump is to first apologize to God for defying His command and then, at minimum, pivot to a ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ philosophy [to Lively, this apparently means LGBTQ+ people shouldn’t come out], the only workable compromise between the secular society and the MAGA millions who rightfully insist that Christian family values and traditions MUST be protected for the survival of not just our nation, but humanity,” Lively concluded.

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  1. Leeman
    January 29, 07:12 Reply

    Ok. And He (God) turned the favour to Trump’s neighbour Joe Biden who’s Anti-gay.
    The joke writes itself

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