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LOL! Mission accomplished.
Kryss S
November 19, 04:45*Lips sealed tightly shut!*
November 19, 04:53But this is no secret na…
November 19, 05:07And he doesn’t get it.
November 19, 07:42It kills you a little bit when this happens abi pinky???lol
November 19, 07:52It really does, Deola.
November 19, 05:55Hallelujah.
Reverend, pray for me. I think I’m becoming straight by the year. (You’ll just spoil TB Joshua’s business though.)
Dennis Macauley
November 19, 06:13LOL!
Shade of Africa and asia
November 19, 06:15#Shade……lmao!
Brian Collins
November 19, 06:22Chaii
November 19, 06:32COGIC
November 19, 06:35a classic counter-gay- cure testimony. Carry go Rev, carry go.
Masked Man
November 19, 06:42This wasn’t even neccesary. What’s all the hate and ridicule for. Hate will get us nothing.
Dennis Macauley
November 19, 06:55Relax hon! Don’t take it too serious
*hands you coffee*
November 19, 07:43There’s no hate here man, just a little teasing. So chill.
November 19, 08:34loooil. Rev Jide, did u do the southern baptist church tap dance thingy???. “Sisters join him n praise the lawd”
One of the comments on that video linj tge oda day got me. “would u wanna give ur daughter to this man?”. I so laughed when I pictured yhe pastor hmmming n aaahing.
November 19, 09:06Hmmm.
Masked Man
November 19, 09:36Lol! DM and Deola, am chilling and am not taking it too serious. I just hope we’ll sip coffee when we get teased too.
FKA Chizzie
November 19, 09:56im not a fan of this man…its one thing to be gay but its another to use one’s sexuality to blaspheme an entire religion. I dont know what bible he’s reading but the general consensus is that God doesn’t glory in men loving men, unfortunately . He’s extremely delusional…attention seeking and an unattractive gay man
November 19, 10:01Gay men have to be Christians, don’t they? And someone understanding has to bring the good news to them, no?
November 19, 12:05Pinky, what would you say is the defining feature of Christianity? I would argue that gay men cannot be Christians, because it is clearly banned by the Holy Book. If you have any precedent as to how a Christian is allowed to disregard the Bible please share it.
November 19, 13:09In other words, be gay and don’t bother with salvation, yes?
Mrs Macaulay
November 19, 13:14I disagree! I don’t see anything wrong with Jide’s faith! There are gay people who have been able to balance their sexuality with their christianity! There are gay people who love Gad, sorry God passionately and believe he is the KING of KINGS etc, and are still gay.
If a gay man stills wants to practice his christian faith, what is wrong with that? How is that blasphemous? Gene Robinson is he not a bishop? The bible is against fornication, but don’t Christians do it? The bible is against stealing? Lying? Need I say more?
****drops mic***
November 19, 13:43The shade that Mrs M is dropping ehn. The whole atmosphere just turned dark
Mrs Macaulay
November 19, 13:46Sweetheart what shade do you speak of?
It’s summer out here! Warm, bright and sunny!
Ain’t seeing no shade!
*sips sprite*
November 19, 15:15Mrs M, God loves Gad and Gad loves God.continue * plotting on the fastest and smartest way to make u a widow* did I say anything?
November 19, 18:36Mrs Macaulay, I’m sure those who fornicate acknowledge that its a sin. My issue is with legitimisation of homosexuality within the Christian tradition. Of course you can sin and be Christian. The issue is to acknowledge that its a sin. People who fornicate hide or rationalize it.
November 19, 19:35@chuck, following your line of reasoning, I guess the cries against homophobia and non-legalization of same sex marriage is vain and idiocy? Gays should just hide and be sinning
November 19, 20:00For once in a long time, I want to kiss gad for something well said. I don’t get Chuck’s blithe disregard for LGBT wanting to be right with God. Unless of course, you’re already not down with Christianity
November 19, 20:201. Same sex marriage is a legal issue. The state should not reflect the theology of a religion. So same sex marriage should not rely on Christian doctrine for approval.
2. Homophobia is also a legal issue.
3. @Pinky, I understand that the Christian faith does not approve of homosexuality. You can either be a Christian that knows being gay is wrong and continues to do it, or not be a Christian and think being gay is fine.
4. If you have any knowledge of a Christian tradition that endorses homosexuality please let me know.
5. @gad, you missed my line of reasoning. I would stick to critiquing the articulated argument rather than building assumptions that are unsupported by my claims.