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Photo: To Be Gay Or Happy
‘I am not gay as in (effeminate)…’ *sigh* All these clueless stereotypes of straight people though.
Cristiano Ronaldo in those underwear photos though… sigh
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Man Crush Monday: Darius Ferdynand
“I HAVE A MAN CRUSH!” Reverend Hot gushed to me. “Who is he?” I asked. “DARIUS FERDYNAND!” Who is he? You ask. Well, turns out he’s a porn star. And
May 17, 06:05*passes by*
May 17, 06:29Lmao. This has got to be deliberate. I mean, this guy had to know this would happen if he didn’t wear pants to Friday prayers, right?
Masked Man
May 17, 06:36Isn’t that supposed to be a shadow of someone behind him?????
Pink Panther
May 17, 07:22That’s your belief and you’re sticking to it?
May 17, 07:58Lol. I can’t stop staring….
Pink Panther
May 17, 08:09I know, right? Something beguiling about that silhouette, aswear
May 17, 08:25Whores. The both of you. *joins at staring*
May 17, 09:01Hi everyone *waves*. Well i think d dude is being spiritual,after all nakedness; sorry I mean cleanliness is next to godliness…That white cloth must be VERY clean to do that.
May 17, 09:27Hahaha Mallam most see this… Inalillahi… ?
May 17, 10:24When I saw this on facebook, I had to zoom and zoom. It’s so distracting!
Very edible to say the least. #okbye
May 17, 11:59Ehen??? Please what is d owner’s fb id? Perhaps there are better, clearer, less holy picturez
Dickson Clement
May 17, 11:28I had to take another look at the image when the shadow issue came up on the comment section. I must say, one image diverse interpretation.
May 17, 11:41its either a shadow or photo-shopped.. but truly! nice try.