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Photo Of The Day XLIX
Jerking off your sugar daddy like…
Photo: Cakes On The Menu
*drops breakfast tray* *runs away*
Man Crush Monday: Mehcad Brooks
Khaleesi got me all hot and bothered yesterday when he introduced me to his man crush, Mehcad Brooks. I’d seen the dude just one time on the TV screen when
May 28, 06:14*looking at you Keredim and all the crap u get on Grindr* 😀
May 28, 08:06*looking back at you Mandy*
Thankfully such Thugs exist and boy, are they good!!!!
Queen Blue Fox
May 28, 07:06I just kent! ???
Max 10
May 28, 07:44We all know who would make such a ridiculous request here.
Pink Panther
May 28, 07:57We do? Pray tell. 😀
May 28, 08:02Hmmm.
May 28, 10:27Mmmm….
May 28, 11:19You know what I’ve come to realize, is that the one’s that emphasise on being “ultra straight acting” don’t realise that they themselves aren’t that straight acting.
To be honest I can’t remember meeting a Top who is “ultra straight acting”, something always gives them away. The completely straight acting ones I have met have always been bottoms
Nigerian tops for the most part are just stupendously paranoid and self conscious. It’s such a sad way to live.
May 28, 12:34Chizzie you seem to have found yourself. I try so hard to get your trademark bitterness and spite but they are gone. To all angry bitches here, this reformed ‘ultra angry bitch on steroid’ is proof that you can get better if you try.
May 28, 14:31Its what happens when you become Born Again
May 28, 15:35Praaaaaiiisssssssseeeee da Ro(r)d!!!!!
May 29, 01:20Am I d only one imagining dis praiiiseee da Ro(r)d without the bracketed “r” and yassss looorddd I’m liking what I see…*twirls tea. With tea spoon”
Shuga chocolata
May 28, 19:10For real chizzie???????? Kent birivit, you didn’t come out on all claws to chew him off.
May 29, 00:05lmao! that face tho. B*tch please!