Photo Of The Day V

Photo Of The Day V

gay away pillsYup, the world keeps getting more and more ridiculous by the day. But hey, if there’s any Kitodiariesian feeling a smidgen of internalized homophobia, well, here’s your chance to cure yourself. 😀

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  1. enigmous
    October 30, 04:13 Reply

    Seen…if you have been looking to come out and you don’t have the courage, this pill will do it for you. Stop gay my DICK

  2. Peak
    October 30, 04:35 Reply

    And it had to come in pink????????
    And doctor or who ever that is on the pack with a “I want that D” expression on his face?????? Yeah right

    Thanks pinky, but I will rather slit my wrist than give my coin to this joke or take this deadbeat pills

  3. daniel
    October 30, 05:28 Reply

    Peak u r mean…… How do u know an “I want the D expression”?

  4. JArch
    October 30, 05:28 Reply

    LORD give me the strength not to release my Madea alter ego this morning. Cos if I do, I’ll be doing a drive by with my lawyers-Smith and Wesson- on somebody’s turkey asss


  5. R.A
    October 30, 05:29 Reply

    Lol! Juss Imagen! I juss kent *rolls to Afghanistan*

    • R.A
      October 30, 05:31 Reply

      “The Meat Substitute” “Penis Favour” “Pennsylvania” ???? Ahnahn! Kilodeeeeh! So much penis going on! Lmaooooooooooo

      • Mr Bassey
        October 30, 07:05 Reply

        Gbam!!!!, I think say na only me see am. LMAO, this can’t be real.

  6. Dennis Macauley
    October 30, 06:04 Reply

    I know a few people here I can give a prescription for this drug!


    • JArch
      October 30, 06:35 Reply

      *shots fired*
      EMT on standby to convey those affected

    • chestnut
      October 30, 07:38 Reply

      Lol…call their names nah, dennis.

  7. JustJames
    October 30, 07:13 Reply

    Stop the craving for misbehaving? Okay.. Continu
    Meanwhile am I the only one wondering what the drug actually does?

    • king
      October 30, 07:33 Reply

      No your not….and who is to say it just might not work!!! hehehee….gimme some biko…eh pinky where is it sold biko!

      • pinkpanthertb
        October 31, 02:32 Reply

        ‘Who is to say it just might not work’? Seriously king? Jeezuz!

    • Samaurai
      October 30, 08:55 Reply

      You’re wondering????
      Don’t wonder anymore.

      When you take the pill, it gets dissolved in your stomach and from the small intestine it is absorbed into the blood stream from where it gets to the brain. When it gets to the brain, it acts on the hypothalamus and on the cerebrum to stop you from getting butterflies in your stomach or that knowing tug in your crotch when you see a handsome face or a beautiful pair of fuckable cakes or the sexy bulge. In fact, it stops you from reacting “in a funny manner” when in company of people of the same sex.

      A small portion of the drug latches onto the tissues of your d**k. So that even if the brain misfires, your d**k won’t respond to anything gay at all.

      James, are you still wondering how it works?
      So that I may refer you to a pharmacologist 😀

      • Micky
        October 30, 09:15 Reply

        Lmao!! Samaurai you are wicked for this!

      • king
        October 30, 09:28 Reply

        Ahahhahahaha oh boi one can only dream!!!

      • pinkpanthertb
        October 31, 02:36 Reply

        Hahahahahahahaaa!!! Your sarcasm is on point, Samaurai.

  8. Nonzy
    October 30, 07:26 Reply

    I would love to get one for pinky so he can stop the craving and focus on this stranger that really love him.LoL

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 31, 02:51 Reply

      Hehehehee. Abeg, Nonzy, who you? Is this some secret admirer ish happening right here? 🙂

  9. Peak
    October 30, 07:40 Reply

    LMFAO! Max mehn! I laughed so hard, died, went to hell still laffing and came back laffing!!!!
    *waiting for pinky to come after you*

    • Max
      October 30, 08:33 Reply

      Lol..I’m waiting too.. Armed with an anti-pink mace

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 31, 02:33 Reply

      Oh I’m here, Peak. And I’m sharpening the shade I’ll harpoon him with. *grim you-better-be-afraid expression*

  10. Immanuel
    October 30, 07:54 Reply

    The fact that I feel some people might actually be willing to buy this saddens me and speaks volumes of our country.

  11. Samaurai
    October 30, 08:44 Reply

    Biko, where is gad?
    He needs to see this. 😀

    • Max
      October 30, 08:59 Reply

      Abi…he needs a dose of this.. Together with anointing oil…

  12. Micky
    October 30, 09:13 Reply

    Can this world get anymore ridiculous? Wtf!

    • pinkpanthertb
      October 31, 02:38 Reply

      Oh yes it can, Micky. lol. It sure can get more ridiculous.

  13. boy2006
    October 30, 09:57 Reply

    Don’t think it’s actual thing, more satirical. I mean it has “Penis Flavoured” on the package.

  14. lluvmua
    October 30, 10:15 Reply

    Lol @ dennis why are u throwing shade this morning !!! ? #and for that drug hmmmmm smh the doctor should be d first to take d drug !!! Smh

  15. #TeamKizito
    October 30, 10:39 Reply

    No, thank you. I’m going to Synagogue. I have an appointment with TB Joshua.

  16. Lothario
    October 30, 12:06 Reply

    This is a hoax obviously…. Come on guys, where is your sense of humour? Look at the lab it was developed in, Back Door Commando….lmao!

  17. Khaleesi
    October 30, 16:26 Reply

    Lool… foolishness …@Max, you’re a crazy child… lol

  18. pinkpanthertb
    October 31, 02:18 Reply

    Hahahahahaaa!!! MAX! I’m going to get you for that. Oh i so will.

  19. Colossus
    October 31, 16:30 Reply

    Yeah its a hoax, used it in an SNL digital short. Laughed so hard the day i watched it

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