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Gallery 35 Comments

Man Crush Monday: Wale Ojo

The first time I noticed Wale Ojo and his hunky self was on the movie, Phone Swap, where he co-starred with Nse Ikpe Etim. Dude was doing press-ups and then

From The Net 5 Comments

Bests Of Online Hookups X

LOL. the quirks of horny people though…

Gallery 29 Comments

Photo Of The Day XXIX

I mean, he became King of the Pride!


  1. Lord II
    January 26, 07:27 Reply

    Er….can I guess it’s maybe Pinky’s or Chizzie’s…you guys are fair as fine! Dayummm!

  2. Mercury
    January 26, 07:32 Reply

    Definitely not Pinky’s, so I’m going for Chizzie…..Nice one though, would be a sight to see you twerk it.

  3. #TeamKizito
    January 26, 07:52 Reply


    Looks like a diagram from a biology text book.
    It’s bigger than mine all right. But, I bet my dick is bigger than..

  4. Dennis Macauley
    January 26, 07:58 Reply

    Thats not Pink Panther’s butt! And dont ask how i know, I just know

  5. Masked Man
    January 26, 08:45 Reply

    Obala Jesus!
    All road leads to Chizzie.
    *Iips sealed*

  6. Mr Kassy
    January 26, 08:51 Reply

    A dildo/dick is in a good position to tell us whose ass is that(Maybe Dennis’s and Lord’s dicks hahahaha!).By the way DENNIS you v much explaining to do…how the hell are u certain that this ass is not pinky’s!!!?have u gone down pinky’s goldplated memory’s lane before???*sideeyeeeeeeeeee!*

  7. Mr Kassy
    January 26, 08:58 Reply

    If this ass is chizzie’s then he can spew/shower me with his poisonous vitrol as much as he wants.I bet the distraction from this ass alone wount even allow me notice the vitrols.Ooooooooooouuuuch!!! This is pure SEDUCTION pinky.*wagging my tongue in thirst*Can rim this ass for Breakfast/Brunch,Lunch,Dinner .

      • Oluwadamilare Okoro
        January 26, 09:23 Reply

        @Pinky why should he behave?

        So someone will say he is ‘bottom’ and another will say it’s ‘lesbianism’

        *sips coffee*

  8. Ueze
    January 26, 09:18 Reply

    New category on the blog?
    Lemme make a grande entrance.

    • Oluwadamilare Okoro
      January 26, 09:22 Reply

      @ueze as long as it’s cake. Chocolate icream cake… entrance is highly welcome.

  9. Peak
    January 26, 10:31 Reply

    I’m sorry but I Really! Really!! Really!!! need to ask for the sake of my sanity.
    PP dearest, abeg how come half of KD are swearing up and down (some even with their life) that the ass doesn’t belong to you. I know I can be super slow sometimes, but do u care to explain?

    • pinkpanthertb
      January 26, 11:59 Reply

      Hahahahahahahaa. I honestly have no idea. All these pipu that seem to think they know my ass more than me

    • Mercury
      January 26, 13:25 Reply

      That tin u wanna hear ehnnn, your ear go like bleed ooo.

  10. Chizzie
    January 26, 12:26 Reply

    well it’s definitely not thrystham’s, thats for sure.


    *doing cartwheels* 😀

    • trystham
      January 26, 15:53 Reply

      You were actually hanging on??? *scoffs* Just so you know, trystham is spelt “S”, “K”, “I”, “N”, “N”, “Y”

      • Kel
        January 26, 16:31 Reply

        You are well padded in the right places,trystham.
        Skinny ko,Leany ni

  11. Ace
    January 26, 12:48 Reply

    And it suddenly became clear why he spews so much vitrol.

  12. victor
    January 26, 15:03 Reply

    Chizzie’s got cakes. Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  13. Bane
    January 26, 15:22 Reply

    Not necessarily saying this particular dude aint got cakes or nah but I feel taking an ass pic with that angle is mightily misleading. ANYONE – cakes or no cakes – that takes a pic with that angle would appear with OMG-esque cakes. I’ve seen totally cakeless guys take pics from camera-under-the-butt-waist-pushed-out angles and u ma go fear think say enough cake dey!Take more with various angles and lets be the judge.

    Is it just me that is well aware of this ass pic scam?


    • Ace
      January 26, 17:14 Reply

      Hahahahaha the analysis is so on point!

    • A-non
      January 26, 22:21 Reply

      @Bane,this no analysis no get Part 2!

  14. Lord II
    January 26, 18:51 Reply

    So whose is it na! haba are u guys gonna keep us in suspense….chizzie it sure looks like urs coz ur not saying it ain’t and everyone seems to thinks it’s not Pinky’s Hmmmm somebody own up biko…!

  15. Brian Collins
    January 27, 03:21 Reply

    When i was just googling men with seriously massive cakes. I had not idea this was waiting for me at home.

  16. Lothario
    January 27, 07:10 Reply

    I know this ass……I have fucked this ass…….Oh shit! I probably shouldn’t have said that.

  17. keredim69
    January 27, 07:30 Reply

    It’s Kanye West claiming his arse is bigger than Kim Kardasian’s. He is competitively anal that way. (Pun intended)

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