Pope Francis Speaks On Gay Marriage
Pope Francis – who has largely avoided directly speaking of controversies over LGBT rights despite heavy lobbying from conservative and liberal Catholics – made his most concrete reference to gay marriages that are now legal on American soil when he spoke Sunday morning to bishops gathered at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.
In the seminary’s chapel, the pope spoke of the “unprecedented changes” that are having “social, cultural and, unfortunately, now juridical effects on family bonds.” Until recently, the pope said the similarities “between the civil institution of marriage and the Christian sacrament were considerable and shared.”
But the pope – who did not say the word “gay” as he has before in his papacy, or use the word “homosexuality” as his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, preferred – told bishops the solution to responding to a society that no longer agrees with church doctrine is not to rehash the church’s views, but instead reach out to spread their faith through friendship.
“Gratitude and appreciation should prevail over concerns and complaints,” Francis said.
He later added that “a Christianity which does little in practice, while incessantly ‘explaining’ its teachings, is dangerously unbalanced. I would even say that it is stuck in a vicious circle.”
The pope likened the changes in families to the differences between supermarket chains and local stores.
“Business is no longer conducted on the basis of trust; others can no longer be trusted. There are no longer close personal relationships. Today’s culture seems to encourage people not to bond with anything or anyone, not to trust or let others trust in them.”
Francis railed against consumerism, connecting it to contemporary relationships.
“The most important thing today seems to be to follow the latest trend or activist. Consuming relationships, consuming friendships, consuming religions, consuming, consuming … Whatever the cost or consequences. A consumption which does not favor bonding, a consumption which has little to do with human relationships. Social bonds are a mere ‘means’ for the satisfaction of ‘my needs.’”
Francis, who has been hailed by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics and progressives for some of his remarks on gay people, such as his famed “Who am I to judge” response on gay priests, has also previously spoken out against gay marriage during his 2-and-a-half-year papacy. But while he’s criticized the “ideological colonization that tries to destroy the family,” for example, he’s also previously said the church is “obsessed” with speaking out against abortion, contraception and gay marriage.
The pope encouraged bishops to not give up on young people who often don’t hold the same values as the church on family and marriage.
“Are today’s young people hopelessly timid, weak, inconsistent? We must not fall into this trap,” he said.
The pope prefaced his address with remarks on the church’s ongoing sex-abuse crisis, after initially speaking about it earlier in his trip while in Washington, D.C., and being criticized by victim advocates on the issue.
“God weeps for the sexual abuse of children. These cannot be maintained in secret, and I commit to a careful oversight to ensure that youth are protected and all responsible will be held accountable,” he said.
Vatican officials had earlier refused to confirm if the pope would meet with abuse victims, but the pope announced on Sunday that he had met with victims earlier that morning.
Dennis Macaulay
September 29, 06:51Gay people should stop holding in to hope that the church will come around, because the Bible clearly spoke against homosexuality.
It’s almost as if Pope Francis is dancing around the subject, I mean he won’t even use the correct term! Is he being a politician?
By the way he likened Trans people to Nuclear technology so go figure!
Omg! I wasn’t supposed to use that word! Oh no! That’s the bottom hallmark! Who will fuck me now
September 29, 07:09Hahahahaaa, yeye pikin! ***eyes 12inch dildo carefully***
Dennis Macaulay
September 29, 07:1612 Inches? Now I see my uncles from the village sent you! Tufiagi!
**recites Psalm 91**
September 29, 07:45WOW. What did he say? He’s just everywher, nothing direct.
Dennis Macaulay
September 29, 07:56Typical political talk; say a lot without actually saying anything
September 29, 08:02He can’t really support it or decry it in front of millions. Tactfulness, diplomacy and a little politics is needed to navigate through the turbulent water of LGBT talk by anyone these days, especially one who is in his position. His hands are tied, he’s not a politician by duty and whatever side he takes, people are going to hate him for it.
I like the man, so I’m not gonna say any bad thing about him. He’s one of the few not so narrow minded Catholics I’ve seen.
September 29, 08:15This comment. On point!
September 29, 08:55Personally, I think his response was apt and non-judgmental. He is quite liberal and wise!
September 29, 17:22On point!
Tiercel de Claron
September 29, 17:53Sense
September 29, 09:26Actually I commend the Pope, its not an easy task to suck penis one day and make hypocritical remarks while keeping a straight face on another day. However does he do it at his age?
September 29, 09:58BITCH QUEEN! That was an epic trashing, Chizzie.
September 29, 11:02Ambiguity at its best
Richard Moore
September 29, 12:46“Pope Francis Speaks On Gay Marriage”
And I’ve not heard a word he said.
*sipping Twinnings English Tea*
September 29, 15:38No wonder I left the catholic church.
September 29, 21:59I dont know why these queens are complaining. What exactly did you expect from the pope?? Most of christendom hate and classify homosexuality as a “sin” and “abormination”, so irrespective of the Pope’s personal views, he obviously cannot endorse it.
I believe this is the best he can do at this time i.e to preach tolerance. Infact he is very brave for even raising the issue in the first place. Where are our beloved pentecostal pastors??? I didnt hear anyone of them say anything except spread hatred to homosexuals
September 29, 23:38U knw, I really dnt fink d pope shud get tangled in all of dese. He’s tried so much 2 be liberal he may jux end up being back-fired. Oh well, d pope is one person I appreciate nd jux bcos ‘we’ catholics happen 2 be d mst stuck-up hypocrites, dnt mean I aint proudly catholic. Cheers…muah!