“I’m now singing songs about another guy.” Sam Smith finally talks about boyfriend on Ellen

“I’m now singing songs about another guy.” Sam Smith finally talks about boyfriend on Ellen

Sam Smith has finally confirmed he’s in a relationship.

Ahead of the release of his new album, The Thrill of It All, the star revealed all on – where else? – Ellen’s sofa.

It is widely believed Sam is dating 13 Reasons Why actor Brandon Flynn, although neither has named the other as their boyfriend on record.

When Ellen asked the Pray singer: “You’re not single right now anymore, right?”, he replied, “No, I’m not. Which is crazy. It’s weird bringing out an album and not being single. Because when I brought out In The Lonely Hour, I was so lonely. But now I’m singing songs about another guy, I’m quite happy, so it’s quite weird.”

Sam made headlines over the weekend by revealing in a new interview that he feels “just as much woman as I man.”

He told The Sunday Times: “People don’t know this, but when I was 17, I remember becoming obsessed with Boy George and Marilyn. There was one moment in my life when I didn’t own a piece of male clothing, really.

“I would wear full make up every day at school – eyelashes, leggings, with Dr Martens and huge fur coats, for two and a half years.”

The star hinted at his gender-fluid identity earlier this year with a sweater bearing the slogan: Attitude of a Man, Essence of a Woman.

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  1. Mandy
    October 25, 07:44 Reply

    It’s nice to be in love. To enjoy new romance. Let’s see whether happiness will charge Sam’s new album like loneliness did with the last one.

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