#SaveMayowa is reportedly a scam. She was sick but beyond treatment, and her family stole money from Nigerians
These are the kinds of occurrences that make Nigerians unwilling to help Nigerians.
Just two days after it was reported that Nigerians have been kind in their donations to cancer patient, Mayowa Ahmed, for the surgery she needed for ovarian cancer, LIB has learned that Mayowa and her family scammed kind hearted Nigerians.
You see, Mayowa is really sick. She truly has ovarian cancer. She’s admitted at LUTH but she didn’t need money for surgery, because doctors had told Mayowa she was beyond treatment and no hospital in the world could treat her as she was extremely far gone. Mayowa had reached stage 4 and her doctors had already informed her family she wouldn’t survive it and had advised them to take her home. Her family instead used her situation to raise money from Nigerians. The doctors in LUTH have also denied giving her family a medical report advising her to seek treatment abroad.
Toyin Aimakhu, who was one of those who spearheaded the fundraising, has reportedly stormed LUTH with the police. Some people also went to the family’s home and the place is locked up.
#SaveMayowa raised over $100k on GoFundMe and millions of Naira.
Wayfaring Stranger
July 28, 16:07Awks.
July 28, 16:26cancer is some terrifying shit
July 28, 18:48But i knew that already. I simply googled stage 4 ovarian cancer. Nigerians should learn to use Google. Google is your friend.
July 28, 20:24You know what I saw after googling “stage IV ovarian cancer survival rate”? Google is your friend.
Canis VY Majoris
July 28, 21:56After seeing recent pictures of her, I knew the money wasn’t for any medical treatment. I figured maybe it was for a magical healing elixir from Shangri-La. So maybe it’s not entirely a scam, yet.
July 28, 20:36I know you’re not a journalist but if you’re going to publish a report like this you could at least perform due diligence first. Some key words “just 2 days after” “beyond treatment”.
1. You don’t call something after 2 days a scam.
2. Nothing is beyond treatment, even if there is a 0.00000001% chance of survival we will all take it no matter what.
P.S Everyone that donated did it for the ” hope of survival” of another human. I should know, just had a medical procedure.
July 29, 06:53Let me get this straight, having a medical procedure now makes you an expert on survival of patients with any medical condition?
You do know that going by your statement, their is more than 99.99% chance of death.
Somethings are beyond treatment. Stage IV of most cancers is terminal, meaning the person will most likely die of their illness if something else doesn’t get them first (i.e murder, freak accident or village witches). The 5yr survival rate for ovarian cancer is 17% and that in the best of hospitals. In Nigeria it would probably be less. The money, time and effort is not worth it especially with odds like you mention.
What she and her family need is to accept the fact that she is dying and go on to end of life care. I suspect they have been told this but in typical emotional “Not my portion” attitude, they won’t agree.
Canis VY Majoris
July 28, 21:49I wonder why it is the scam story not the preceding gofundme story that is posted here, or maybe I missed it. Yes?.
Marc Francis of Chelsea
July 29, 20:39It’s been proven that it’s not a scam. She’s going to Abu Dhabi instead of Atlanta because it’s closer. The family released a video statement.
July 29, 23:18Have ya’ll met nigerians,in this buhari era dah tins are up side down?,maybe dey tot of all d money dey spent on d lady already,n saw a cool way of gettin d money back………beht kam juo,how does this matter with d lgbt agenda.