DEAR KD: I Am In Pain Over My Anal Warts

DEAR KD: I Am In Pain Over My Anal Warts

Good morning, fam.

I stay in Lagos and I am HIV positive. I found out about my status in April. However, this so happens to be the least of my worries now, as I am struggling with a chronic case of anal warts.

I have tried it all from podophylin to cryotherapy. Although there is progress, it is quite slow and extremely painful. The doctor at the centre where I receive cryotherapy advised me to go for the surgery, saying that I would need at least 15 to 20 cryotherapy sessions before all this is over. He claims that mine is probably the biggest he has seen and he is also not in a position to perform the surgery.

As I am typing this, I am in abject pain from my second cryotherapy session and I do not believe I can take 15 more of this. I’m really considering the option of having surgery to remove it all, but I don’t have the luxury of a doctor that I wouldn’t have to explain the whole “contacted by anal sex” thing to.

And so I am here, wondering if the House can help me with suggestions and ideas on how to proceed. Thank you in advance.

Submitted by Mister Em

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  1. Francis
    July 28, 06:16 Reply

    Have you asked your doctor if he has a trusted colleague he can refer you to? The guys at TIERs might know someone too.

    Also although the first thing that comes to mind with anal warts is anal sex, it’s not a prerequisite for anal warts as HPV is to blame and that one just requires simple direct contact to infect person.

    My point is if you look straight you could get away with claiming heterosexual sex as the source.

    Get well soon

  2. Law
    July 28, 06:30 Reply

    @francis ….. Pls dats not enough. Can u take his details and refer him to a doctor friend of urs in Lagos who can take it up.

    Get well Mister Em…. AND PLS start your HIV meds if you havent.
    Praying for you.

    • Francis
      July 28, 06:35 Reply

      I don’t have any doctor friends who are surgeons in Lagos.

      P.S: Nice tip on starting HIV meds. I’ve seen some patients who got a lot better after starting their meds while using the normal podophyllin and cryotherapy treatment.

  3. •*•sugarrrr*•*
    July 28, 06:38 Reply

    Oh dear,,, You gon be fine okkkkay! Everything is possible… And also, don’t give up! Be strong! Get well soon ?

  4. bruno
    July 28, 06:47 Reply

    quick check on google says you dont have to have anal sex to get anal warts. so… you should really consider seeing a surgeon and maintain that you got it through straight sex if you are asked. prepare your story and stick with it.

    be strong. these things happen. it will pass.

  5. Mandy
    July 28, 06:52 Reply

    Reach out to Olumide Makanjuola on Facebook. He’s TIERs and I’m sure he can refer you to a clinic that is discreet enough to attend to you.
    Get well soon, brother.

  6. Shuga chocolata
    July 28, 07:47 Reply

    Mister Em, more like Mr M. In the meeting.

    Ask for a discreet doctor, you may try the army referral clinic over at yabatech, I think I’ve heard about that, or at the m2m clinic at yaba also, where the NMA and research lab is, forgive me but my information isn’t concrete yet.
    I wish you best of luck, because you’d need plenty of it.

    And don’t forget to start your med, remember we’ve got your back.????

  7. Dickson Clement
    July 28, 07:52 Reply

    Quite sad but really no sane surgeon will be out to ask what’s the route of a wart… when u are immuno-compromised.
    The umbrella of being positive will cover all that question already.
    You can comfortably claim u woke up one morning and saw the wart.
    Dear! You should be concerned about getting the best possible surgical help you require and what a doctor scribbles into his consult folder does not matter at all.

  8. DarkSide
    July 28, 08:02 Reply

    You are in pain because of the cryosurgery. Ordinarily, Anal warts are not painful. Maybe you should allow the cryosurgery pain to heal, then take your antiretrovirals consistently for a while. Then take your time to get a doctor based on the recommendations above. Take it easy…

  9. Mike Daemon
    July 28, 14:19 Reply

    Hello M, call the official NoStrings hotline, we can do a referral ASAP, all shared Will be kept confidential. here: 0813 242 0473

  10. Xavier
    July 28, 14:55 Reply

    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I’m impressed we are a community that can help one another. It’s sad we don’t have any free deidcated sexual health clinics in this country. Thank you Mike Daemon

  11. Tobee
    July 28, 17:00 Reply

    I think you may also contact ICARH at Abuja, I don’t have any contacts; but I think they have a surgeon who comes at regular intervals. I also think starting antiretrovirals is also something to do.

    July 28, 23:31 Reply

    I noticed same thing last year December…it started growing but I finally took meds last month and it stopped growing… am using podophylin now which I used without precautions and it had effect around the region where I used the cream I later found out you have to wash it out after 1-4hours and then use cream like Vaseline or gel before applying it…
    I understand your plight, when I noticed mine I was very scared, I told my mum she wanted we going to the hospital but I rejected … Finding a Dr too was hell, Even the Dr’s that I was referred to (Our people) wasn’t interested in helping… I later took the bull by the horn and met someone else(he didn’t even ask) … coz I made him understand that I know all about it, he should just give me drug.

    • jess
      July 31, 18:22 Reply

      care to spill the tea on how you made him understand that you know?… a brother could do with tea you know….

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