Sir Ian McKellen Calls On All Closeted Actors To Throw Open Their Doors
“It all happened after coming out. I had no idea this silly thing was a weight on my shoulders. That’s my message to anyone in this town who thinks ‘I’ve got to stay in the closet to be successful in films.’ I didn’t. Do you want to be a famous movie star who has love scenes with ladies and in private be an unhappy gay? There’s no choice. Forget the career, dear. Go and do something else … A closet’s a really nasty place to live, you know? It’s dirty, it’s dusty, it’s full of skeletons. You don’t want it. Open that door — fling it wide and be yourself.”
— Sir Ian McKellen, who came out publicly in 1988, in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter
October 26, 05:08“Fling it wide and be yourself”. ??
Pink Panther
October 26, 05:16Will you be flinging yours wide open? 🙂
October 26, 09:06We’re still talking about closet doors right?
Pink Panther
October 26, 10:43Hahahahahahahahahaa!!! James, you rotten-minded tyke!
October 26, 09:09After you, your highness, after you. ?
Pink Panther
October 26, 10:42Hahahahahahahaaa!!! See your life?
October 26, 06:25Hmmm. Magneto.
October 26, 07:44Errrm…Nope. At least not yet
October 26, 07:49Who is going to show us the way?
October 26, 07:53who ll bell the cat? Even in Nigeria, who ll do that?
Pink Panther
October 26, 10:44All it takes is for one brave soul to do the honours… *looking at john* 😀
October 26, 07:57Advices should be complimented! Thanks for the advice, sir…
October 26, 09:34Huh?! Magneto? Like Magneto of the famous X-men franchise? Gay?
Hallelu! *in Shangela’s voice*
October 26, 09:41Seriously.. ^
Pink Panther
October 26, 10:41Uh, Delle, don’t tell me you’re just knowing this. Even Sir Ian McKellen would be offended at your LASTMA. lol
October 26, 10:56Ahn…my dear, ma binu o. I am just knowing for the very first time. I’d be better read next time. *winks and walks away confidently*
October 26, 11:30PREACH!!!!! The closet is a dank, damp, musty place where you slowly extinguish all the bright points in your life …its exhilarating to be out, but until then … ***affixes extra set of locks to closet doors behind massive granite walls encased in heavily fortified fortress with a 20-inch deep moat filled with amphibious dragons***
October 26, 12:17Wow! U really do like d comfort in ur own closet. Lol
October 26, 12:48Preach Gandalf!! Preach!!!!
October 26, 14:06Gandalf is Bae, all that white keeps giving me life. Somebody should come out already jare, make we know those of us still in the CLOSET