Someone Is On Twitter Acting Like A Crusader Against Straight Men And Impersonating Kito Diaries As Well

Someone Is On Twitter Acting Like A Crusader Against Straight Men And Impersonating Kito Diaries As Well

The account handle is @naijacatfish and he claims to be on a mission to pay back straight guys for all the crimes they have visited upon the gay community – by posting their nude pictures online; although that is doubtful, considering the fact that he has tweeted that he pays for the nude pictures he gets. I wonder how it can be an “exposure” if the guys are the ones handing over their pictures willingly to be posted. (Someone has observed that he just may be using sex and nudity to court twitter fame, which I’m inclined to believe.)

Anyway, whatever his game is, it is obvious he crossed the line with someone and my attention was called to it. Tried deliberating with him, as is evident in the DM exchange below, but he seems to fancy himself some avenging god, righting the wrongs of the gay community.

And apparently smarting from my rebuke of him, he has decided to update his profile picture with Kito Diaries’ online display picture. Lol. How cute.

This post therefore – in case there are any members of the KDian community who would for one second think that such juvenile behaviour is endorsed or perpetuated by Kito Diaries – is intended to deny any association with @naijacatfish and his schemes. We do not believe in revenge porn or the violation of anyone’s privacy when their only crime is that they’re heterosexual. The “name and shame” campaign that Kito Diaries operates is specifically targeted at those, and only those, who have been verified as meaning harm to the community.

Previous Facebook now has a problem with you saying you're ‘top’ or ‘bottom’ among other things

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  1. Phydell
    December 07, 05:48 Reply

    This shit is crazy! Well I reported the account to twitter, hopefully they will take down the account….. BTW kito diaries, we know what u stand for, no fake person can deceive us or make us disbelieve in you… Huge fan here..

  2. Colossus
    December 07, 07:11 Reply

    Guy doesn’t even want to dialogue. Dude is scum

  3. Non-Conformist
    December 07, 08:23 Reply

    I reported the account, hopefully twitter will take it down.
    This is soooo not cool, every shade of wrong.

  4. trystham
    December 07, 08:25 Reply

    Frankly, I have no problem if they are straight, public homophobes and caught in VERY compromising gay situations. My own is – how do/would u protect the identity of the gay person who would be involved in setting the homophobe up? If he isn’t thinking that far ahead, he shud gaan siddon.

  5. Gabby
    December 07, 09:04 Reply

    Kitodiaries= mutant underground, naijacatfish=inner circle

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