Sorry For The Break In Transmission, But We Are Back

Sorry For The Break In Transmission, But We Are Back

Still Here,

Still Queer,

Still Fab!


We apologize for the time we took off line, and the inconvenience and distress this absence of activity may have caused KDians. This was due to unforeseen circumstances, which we have fortunately resolved.

We appreciate the concerns of all those who reached out to know what was going on. Your support is immensely appreciated and what keeps us going.

Thank you.

Stay safe.

And be alive.

Next Halle Berry shuts down bigots who criticized her over her six-year-old son wearing her heels

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Previously on WHILE WE WERE YET KIDS: So they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well, try scorning a gay teenager, then you’d know how stinging his

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Jesus Healed A Gay Man

You don’t understand. Everyone says Homosexuals are this, homosexuals are that But Jesus Christ healed a Gay man in the Bible. And it wasn’t his homosexuality the good Lord healed


  1. Rudy
    April 11, 01:04 Reply

    Whew! Couldn’t wait any longer. Welcome Back KD ??

  2. Mandy
    April 11, 06:44 Reply

    Welcome back. We thought the Rona got you. Glad to see we still got you. ???

    • O.B
      April 11, 09:25 Reply

      Welcome back!!!
      I was genuinely worried when I noticed whole suspension thing…

  3. Brown
    April 11, 12:39 Reply

    Glad to see u r back. Was worried

  4. Houston Scholar
    April 11, 13:21 Reply

    Welcome back. I had plans to call in and check with PP this weekend. I am glad the website has been restored. Reading KD is part of my daily routine. Keep up the good work.

  5. Higwe
    April 11, 15:17 Reply

    Wondered why I didn’t get any notification for new posts ….thought you were just taking a break due to everything going on. I had absolutely no clue you were having issues with your account .

    Welcome back …. you’re certainly a cat with nine lives. Respect ?

  6. JC
    April 11, 17:03 Reply

    Welcome back!!!

  7. Joseph Black
    April 11, 21:58 Reply

    Phew! I was beginning to wonder what happened,I’m sorry for not checking on you guys,I’ll try better. ??. Please I wanted to know if I can write and get my stories posted, thanks

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