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Editor's Desk 6 Comments


Dear Former Friend I had actually blocked you here on Facebook but I had to unblock you just to tell you something. I have often wondered why judgmental homophobic people

Editor's Desk 10 Comments


Note: Spoilers for Heartstopper Season 2 ahead. I love you. Those are the words that most everyone who’s queer in Nigeria would agree is the most abused statement in the

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Have You Been Following MTV’s Latest Shuga Series ‘Down South’?

Originally published on as Set Yourself Free If you’ve been following MTV Shuga: Down South, you would have seen that the series is getting real deep. There’s so much


  1. king
    September 21, 05:24 Reply

    Well everybody needs prayer right! So it’s a good prayer and one that God himself can answer coz there’s nothing too hard for him to do….however, does Hims Singh need a change??? Coz there’s nothing impossible for God to do…..#outaheregonetochurch…Phew!!!!

  2. Obatala
    September 21, 05:44 Reply

    pinky this had me cracked up and laughing in four different dialects. This beats absurdity and borders on hilarity. But what did this Hims Singh see that he started hitting on a straight guy.

  3. Colossus
    September 21, 07:14 Reply

    Hahahahaha, the hilarity of it all. Who knew one word could elicit this powerful prayer, MFM style.

  4. gad
    September 21, 07:47 Reply

    “My people perish for lack of knwoledge” .this is a gross display of ignorance

  5. simba
    September 21, 08:08 Reply

    Heh guys chill.. I don’t see any wrong in tht.. the guy aint even homophobic. He dint really use condescending words or abusive words. He simply turn the whole thing into fun, seriously I won’t mind having such as a brother. NB Singh who send u.. na so u go deh put urself for trouble, abeg pack well,,look before u leap.

  6. daniel
    September 21, 08:22 Reply

    Lol.. Shit is still funny…..

  7. Lothario
    September 21, 08:36 Reply

    “Replenish his hunger for other men”? You went right ahead and asked God to change him, and make him a homosexual yet again. Lmao! These people…. *smh*

  8. Mart
    September 21, 12:20 Reply

    Hahahahaha. Case dismissed!!!

  9. Khaleesi
    September 21, 12:48 Reply

    Despite knowing that this speck if foolishness isnt worth the time I spent reading it, I still read it … with disgust and condescension … smh …

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